I'm totally new to this modding thing - how do you install these mods? Do I need some kind of mod manager or do I just copy over some files?
How long until nude mods? Figured those would be first.
Halp! Is it possible to get past the first zombie as Chris on normal without leaving with danger as your health level? Slice and run? Wow, the full analogue control as opposed to tank feels awesome.
now you can play as Rachael from RE Revelations
I hope RE:Zero is done this year or early next.
If they aren't doing another big release this year RE side. RE:Zero around Halloween would be a smart idea.
Besides that though playing this like everyone else really makes me wish for a new game in this style. Wouldn't even need to be 2D backgrounds (Even though they do add a lot). Dino Crisis showed that fixed angles and 3D environments work. Hell Dino Crisis still looks pretty good all things considered.
Did a bit of tweaking with reshade and sweet FX and added some subtle lens flare and film grain, not quite done with the tweaking yet but here is a video I made showing the comparison (my settings are the first 3 clips) http://youtu.be/5c7_unaE0kA (looks even better without YouTube compression) anybody who would like to try out my settings let me know.
Just booted this, and I can't decide whether to go 4:3 or widescreen. Been tinkering with it nonstop. What do you suggest?
Just booted this, and I can't decide whether to go 4:3 or widescreen. Been tinkering with it nonstop. What do you suggest?
Is it supposed to be this exploratory? Maybe I've gotten so used to 4 and 5 (been ages since I've played 2 and 3) that I'm kind of shocked at how little direction the game gives you. I'm not complaining, I love it. Just unexpected.
Yes. Clear out whatever ammo that is already in there and it's got no purpose.
holy shit I got weirldy nostalgic all of the sudden. Seeing Leon in fixed camera view reminds me of all the early previews of RE4 that suggested the game was a traditional RE game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGRZwypXMFg#t=69
Really? I haven't used the regular shotgun yet. The assault shotgun uses different ammo? I guess pretty soon the shotgun will be my regular weapon in order to use up the rounds.
holy shit I got weirldy nostalgic all of the sudden. Seeing Leon in fixed camera view reminds me of all the early previews of RE4 that suggested the game was a traditional RE game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGRZwypXMFg#t=69
Really? I haven't used the regular shotgun yet. The assault shotgun uses different ammo? I guess pretty soon the shotgun will be my regular weapon in order to use up the rounds.
How playable is this game with mouse and keyboard? Debating getting it on steam instead of ps4.
Which games that are PS4 and PS3 supports cross save?
PS3 and Vita yes
PS4 And Vita yes
PS4 and PS3?
How playable is this game with mouse and keyboard? Debating getting it on steam instead of ps4.
Can someone help me?
In the residence Ifilled all the bottles with water and now I see the formula on the wall. I know what to add to each one but I don't know how to remove the water from them so I can use them. Is there a sink or something I need to dump it down?
holy shit I got weirldy nostalgic all of the sudden. Seeing Leon in fixed camera view reminds me of all the early previews of RE4 that suggested the game was a traditional RE game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGRZwypXMFg#t=69
I just gotthe last mansion key (helmet).
How far am I from the end?
Had a neat little moment while playing, this evening. My father has been watching me play through the entire game, quite enthralled with it, and tonight we reachedthe Residence.
It was the area right outside of the little Billiards Bar, there's the hallway with the holes in the floor,Well, of course, the first time through I didn't even notice the box, resulting in a shock and gasp from both of us at the nasty surprise. But what really got us, was the second time around.where the tentacles reach out and grab you, and you can push the box over it.The over-confidence I had in the situation and the nonchalant manner in which I crossed over the gap only served to intensify the resulting shock, causing both of us to gasp out "BWAAAAHHHH" quite loudly, as the tentacle wrapped itself around Jill's neck.With the box neatly placed over the hole on the return visit, I thought I was all safe and shit. NOPE! SURPRISE, SURPRISE, THERE'S A SECOND HOLE!
Had to take a good few minutes to recollect, after that one. =)
That's why there's.ANOTHER box to the north where you first go before going past that other box and into the Residence's other area