Developer: Project Aces & Access Games
Composer: Go Shiina
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Price: $39.99
-Remake of Ace Combat 2.
-Touch Screen Targeting.
-New attack & evasive maneuver controls (similar to Sky Crawlers).
-Pilot fleets or real-world aircraft in a not so real world.
-Planes & parts to purchase with credits earned from gaining higher ranks.
-Branching mission paths.
-Free play mission mode and extra survival unlockable missions.
-Medals & A Ranks galore to earn!

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Ac3bf39w0
GAF Impressions:
I picked up Ace Combat today. I'm only a few missions in, but if you like classic Ace Combat, it seems like a much better game than Assault Horizon. Right from the beginning you get the awesome music, a cheesy story where you face down rival ace squadrons, and other things that make Ace Combat what it should be.
- It has 'maneuvers', but they aren't nearly as intrusive or shitty as in Assault Horizon. If you played Sky Crawlers on the Wii, you know how the offensive maneuvers work (only there are only two stages instead of three, and your lock-on is less effective and shorter in duration, since Ace Combat has missiles). If not, the short version is: As you fly close to a target that you've locked on to, a gauge charges up. When it charges up, either to the halfway point or to full, you can hit a button to enter a small animation that ends up with you behind the target, putting you in a better position to fire at them. So far, though, it's not like Assault Horizon, where you almost need to use it in order to hit any enemy stronger than a fodder pilot. You can play without it, and it's like any other Ace Combat game.
The defensive maneuvers are fairly simple: When a missile gets close enough to you, part of your HUD turns yellow, indicating whether you need to roll left or right. If you pull the analog pad to the proper direction and hit the maneuver button, you dodge the missile. There seem to be two variants: One where you just do a quick roll that lets the missile pass you by (the camera never changes and you otherwise don't change course or direction), and one where you actually end up behind the enemy and are more easily able to move into position for a counter-attack. I'm not sure what triggers which version.
- There are branching missions, although I'm not sure yet how extensive the branching is, or if you eventually need to complete them all.
- The plane customization is reasonably fleshed out, and not unfamiliar to anyone who's played earlier Ace Combat games. You buy planes and upgrades with Credits that you earn during missions; there are new planes to buy, each plane comes with one Special Weapon and can unlock two others, plus you can unlock upgrades to your Engine, Wings, Cockpit, and Armor, along with different paint schemes.
- Edge can be your wingman. (Also "Slash". Supposedly it's a remake of Ace Combat 2, but I don't remember anything about AC2 so I can't say how much of the mission or story content is actually different.)
So far, it's doing a pretty good job of washing the bad taste of Assault Horizon out of my mouth. It seems like it's going to at least be an 'average' Ace Combat game, which makes it 'pretty damn awesome' in the grand scale of things.
Picked up Ace Combat. Pretty good so far - the 3D is very subtle, but really pops in cockpit mode.
a response to this positive review...http://www.fanbolt.com/headline/12064/Ace_Combat:_Assault_Horizon_Legacy_Review:_Fun_Air_Combat_Action_On_The_3DS
I have Ace Combat and pretty much agree with all of what they said. I can't wait to import the Frankenstick and try it with that.