Not a mod, just a bot.

120-ish Steam keys, free for all. These are keys that have been sitting in ModBot for over a year and still marked as not taken. Most of all of these keys are probably taken or used, but you never know. Take as few or as many as you want. No need to apologize for taking more than one of the same game if one is already taken. These wins don't disqualify you from entering other ModBot giveaways. There is literally no reason not to take these if you see something you don't own. Please do not resell for a profit.
Some might be unmarked Origin keys or Desura keys. Some might not be keys at all. Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not reply to note that a key didn't work. We know the key didn't work. Or that the game isn't the game you thought it was. Maybe you'll enter for Medal of Honor and get Wolfenstein 2009. Maybe every key is Bad Rats. I have no idea and I don't care either. It's highly unlikely that Metal Gear Rising key is real
This is the fifth of maybe 20 of these giveaways over the next few weeks.
To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
25%coupon (GreenManGaming) --MB-728C3A97CC777198- Taken by stump sock
30%coupon (GreenManGaming) limited selection -- MB-AD1FC2111B56CC39
60 days Premium music FREE #2 --MB-D6B5FE6117E64077- Taken by BillGaitas
Ace Patrol Pacific Skies --MB-3519A3BF8A2198D8- Taken by Kagemusha
Adventures of Shuggy --MB-B91878413585BCFE- Taken by Volotaire
And Yet It Moves -- MB-8A8086D78FEF01D2
And Yet It Moves --MB-B00E9BB283F88B9C- Taken by darkchewie
Bastion --MB-7DC3628D007DE8CF- Taken by Mikurden
Bit Trip Runner 2 --MB-E6C33C99E2A32CE0- Taken by NightmareTrigger
Brothers --MB-8652467C1E8C9366- Taken by NightmareTrigger
Burnout Paradise --MB-9439B69743669572- Taken by Dsyndrome
Burnout Paradise --MB-82F4A7A855873743- Taken by Spirited
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow --MB-39ECEDF7DEE272D0- Taken by Stumpokapow
Cities in Motion 2 --MB-C5E6ABF8BCFFEA82- Taken by Spirited
Civilization 3 Complete --MB-4CEB4732ACC96D11- Taken by Kuroyume
CoD4 PS4 discount -- MB-CEBB19DF63B09057
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 --MB-56688373AE16764A- Taken by Archaix
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising --MB-4EE1362560CECE36- Taken by SSPssp
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 --MB-EC9332F42FD242E0- Taken by SSPssp
Crysis 2 Origin --MB-0F6DC8700C942693- Taken by ketditch
Dead Space --MB-6790916458C552AA- Taken by Spirited
Dead Space --MB-2ACF13DA50976BE7- Taken by Spirited
Dead Space --MB-CA53397CDD88B633- Taken by SSPssp
Dead Space --MB-4859B19ADA155C5D- Taken by Spirited
Dead Space --MB-7DA73EAC09EC9E0C- Taken by Spirited
Dead Space Origin Key -- MB-0D40C240A4EFED57
Dead Space Origin Key -- MB-166AF695CA7F0550
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Augmented Edition) --MB-B1E557EBCA4E6AF0- Taken by SSPssp
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (The Missing Link DLC) --MB-AD4CB8EF48422234- Taken by Kiru
Devil May Cry 4 --MB-23D83F23FCACCB37- Taken by Stumpokapow
Doc Clock The Toasted Sandwich of Time --MB-3D7A3F132B927FA9- Taken by Mikurden
Doc Clock Toasted Sandwich of Time --MB-CBF582EDBD3587E1- Taken by Kagemusha
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time --MB-B6570275748B1882- Taken by darkchewie
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time --MB-2B1023AFA62D352C- Taken by lindarasta
Doc Clock: Toasted Sandwich of Time --MB-B2B50A8FB7183B2F- Taken by Mikurden
Dust elysian tail --MB-CB50A4FF79AA761D- Taken by TetraxShards
Dwarfs!? --MB-BC55662B97B9EBE5- Taken by Mikurden
FEZ --MB-4296EA9DE6C35C92- Taken by Mikurden
Fractal: Make Blooms Not War --MB-6BA59C35547134EA- Taken by darkchewie
Garry's Mod --MB-4183DACF1369A29D- Taken by SSPssp
Gemini Rue --MB-FDAF8AC8C556EBBA- Taken by darkchewie
Giana sister --MB-87E66D839545D89C- Taken by morningbus
Greed Corp --MB-6464C2AF97E1BA3D- Taken by darkchewie
Guacalemee: Gold Edition! --MB-38E3CED8E767D9CF- Taken by SilentRacoon
Guacamelee --MB-C803F4514880E178- Taken by Arthea
Guardians of Graxia & Map Pack DLC --MB-E50A596612161DBE- Taken by SSPssp
HE Duality: Inception Part 1 DLC --MB-48AA7045D4AD1BA9- Taken by darkchewie
HE Duality: Inception Part 2 DLC --MB-94F66B0FF06C3D58- Taken by darkchewie
HE Duality: Inception Part 3 DLC --MB-9D0F599282738CF7- Taken by darkchewie
Hacker Evolution Duality --MB-4278DFAF34412EA9- Taken by Kuroyume
Hacker Evolution Duality Hardcore Package 1 --MB-5A353D74003CEA58- Taken by lindarasta
Hacker Evolution Duality: Inception Part 3 DLC --MB-09B385D4F651C4CC- Taken by fspm
Hacker Evolution Games --MB-92B0D3959F55F8ED- Taken by madjoki
Half Life 2 --MB-E74FE52A941C59BF- Taken by Archaix
Half Life 2 Episode 1 --MB-10C05AD15FE01888- Taken by Archaix
Killing Floor --MB-BA2592B623787373- Taken by TetraxShards
Killing Floor --MB-2F2E0C09B6790E25- Taken by Jenenser
Killing Floor --MB-1C843BA0A95F1BCB- Taken by Arthea
Laxius Force --MB-9F8F8193559278D2- Taken by SSPssp
Little Inferno --MB-C6F18A266B3D28EB- Taken by Mikurden
Long Live The Queen --MB-C459E3FA1EA6B846- Taken by darkchewie
Lume --MB-B5F10774CCF26D99- Taken by Kuroyume
Magicka --MB-45BAE0B87D99FCAB- Taken by Arthea
Magika Plus 2 DLC --MB-E29ED867FF189797- Taken by Arthea
Medal of Honor --MB-76837586F78EC274- Taken by Ozium
Medal of Honor --MB-0A5ED6478CCA4F9B- Taken by Jenenser
Medal of Honor --MB-55829C3D8FE17BB3- Taken by Nvzman
Medal of Honor Origin Key -- MB-D64DFEC1B5EBD545
Men of War: Red Tide --MB-8878A1D7402A0B5C- Taken by Mikurden
Millennium A New Hope --MB-D88328E0DD21510C- Taken by Annubis
Mirror's Edge --MB-FDF4C694E92D30B1- Taken by Mr. Doop
Mirror's Edge --MB-E8057E39A320128D- Taken by SilentRacoon
Mirror's Edge Origin Key --MB-8C1454D385539DAE- Taken by Corvo Jensen
Mystery Game #1 --MB-0600CB0A6D450DDD- Taken by RK128
Mystery Game #1 --MB-8167F08DA3B690E0- Taken by Spirited
Natural Selection 2 --MB-926FF8F6A13D3B85- Taken by darkchewie
Neighbours From Hell Compilation --MB-2D2238C40AFD0B1F- Taken by SSPssp
Nightsky --MB-FD1D20C2FAD0F9A6- Taken by EdmondD
Nuclear Dawn --MB-8A9A2F723D7B3A98- Taken by Kiru
Obulis #4 --MB-5F598BE5FB3F92E7- Taken by Mikurden
Orcs Must Die! 2 Complete --MB-63F7724E7A52DD08- Taken by XDDX
Pacific Storm Allies --MB-EE3550834C3F8787- Taken by SSPssp
Papa & Yo --MB-59DBD97147050C83- Taken by SSPssp
Papa and Yo --MB-51F2332ADC20B809- Taken by SSPssp
Papo & Yo --MB-0F4A8857E81B38D7- Taken by Mikurden
Plain Sight --MB-7E0CDEF2651732D4- Taken by Mikurden
PlayStation Home snowman furniture item #2 -- MB-C30FC3162D47A9AD
Populous Origin --MB-C81100692583B8E6- Taken by ketditch
Razor2: Hidden Skies --MB-999F36243FBF8271- Taken by Terra_Ex
Retro/Grade --MB-1A32E2E6914A7A6C- Taken by Mikurden
Revenge of the Titans --MB-171B2A67D34137DF- Taken by Mikurden
Rockerbirds --MB-BA9C6F8114322D8B- Taken by darkchewie
Sanctum: Collection --MB-A304E58E9DFDFA33- Taken by Kagemusha
Savant --MB-DAB3D196A9048252- Taken by Mikurden
Savant #2 --MB-2A7DFEC5983565FF- Taken by oipic
Scribblenauts Unlimited --MB-FCC909670F2B5108- Taken by SilentRacoon
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator --MB-FA7A8AC8F7825EE2- Taken by Kuroyume
Sid Meier's Civilization III --MB-5CA40496902514B9- Taken by Kagemusha
Sid Meiers Ace Patrol --MB-7533749DFADD5409- Taken by Kagemusha
Sid Meiers Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies --MB-F897EC22C4850FA3- Taken by Mikurden
SingStar voucher --MB-332324E1DCC96811- Taken by jshackles
Solar 2 --MB-918EBC3511F17A82- Taken by SilentRacoon
Sonic 2 -- MB-61172CDF4C4B5E71
Sonic 3D Blast -- MB-A3D1A4BEBA4F8A68
Space Trader Merchant Marine #6 --MB-3A629380E8C0DD6F- Taken by Kuroyume
Star Void --MB-52FD5137200BDCD5- Taken by oipic
Star Void --MB-BF69BE96642C0372- Taken by darkchewie
Still, It's Not Still --MB-56F7EFB55AAD98C8- Taken by SSPssp
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack --MB-4FDE22798E0BFEB7- Taken by ketditch
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack -- MB-98B3D3A2C48B5E4C
Thief 3 Green Man Gaming Discount Code -- MB-8340388541AC157B
Tiny Hawk --MB-78F50670CFC74F8C- Taken by Kagemusha
Tiny Hawk #2 --MB-7CD31323E7B3179E- Taken by darkchewie
To the Moon --MB-255A3B7A38C6588B- Taken by Mikurden
Toki Tori 2 Plus --MB-5FC44B6E26634C17- Taken by Spirited
Toki Tori 2 Plus --MB-5835144FC2C76E31- Taken by Mikurden
War of the Vikings Yogscast Helmet --MB-AB10BED57BAAE085- Taken by Darth Kupi
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space --MB-D8C8981309857AB5- Taken by Mikurden
Windosill --MB-FC0503F92F09466D- Taken by alr1ght
Worms Blast --MB-528BA361683824FA- Taken by Volotaire
Worms Crazy Golf --MB-F7B16EF4B4ADFD8C- Taken by oipic
Worms Pinball --MB-B023B8AEA07B69E0- Taken by Mikurden
Zeno CLash --MB-D69DA5527710862F- Taken by Mikurden
Zeno Clash --MB-46284C287E639BB6- Taken by Mikurden
Zeno Clash --MB-8CE9BD1DFC43D8C3- Taken by Spirited
1. Why does it say ModBot took a game? A quirk in the editing process related to the fact that this is a garbage dump giveawat, I assure you ModBot didn't take it.
2. My key didn't work? Yes, I know, that's what I said would happen
3. My key wasn't for the game it said it was? Yes, I know, that's what I said would happen
4. Can I take more than one game? Yes
5. Okay, but I feel nervous about taking more than one game? I don't care, take a bunch, don't take a bunch, whatever.
6. I entered for a game but I didn't get a message back but it's not showing as taken and now I am having an existential crisis? Wait a little while. ModBot can only process three giveaways every 45 seconds., jeez.