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A full Zelda: Ocarina of Time PC port is now complete and available online | VGC
Fan-made Zelda 64 PC version features HD graphics, modding support…

The unofficial PC port of Nintendo 64 classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been completed and widely released online, VGC can confirm.
The PC port includes many new features such as HD graphics, ultra-widescreen resolution, keyboard support, modding support, force feedback and gyroscope aiming.
And developer Harbour Masters claims it’s working on adding text to speech, 60fps visuals, twin-stick camera controls, HD models and audio, texture packs, and Linux and Mac support for future updates.
The fan-made PC version is powered by a piece of software called ‘Ship of Harkinian’. Ship of Harkinian was made available for download on its Discord server on Tuesday.
The software requires users to input their own legally-sourced N64 ROM for Ocarina of Time, after which it will extract the game’s assets and spit out a native PC version.