Ok, guys. Started 8:00am (opens that time = 12:00am in VA, USA) yesterday and finished the game at 7:45pm in the same day. Around 11 hours and 45 minutes (Iftar "Ramadhan", bathroom times, and other small breaks included, roughly 11 hours when skimmed), and explored most of the optional missions.
Difficulty isn't really hard, didn't restart at the ship after the 2 premature deaths, around 9 hours without getting back to the ship. Died in total around 5 times, you can spare yourself a life past some level so you don't lose progress, but once on each level using your permanent "currency", Ether.
I didn't sleep during that for like ~30 hours, but slept 13 hours after that, because I didn't simply die and start from the ship so I can sleep in peace. If anyone was hesitant about the difficulty I would rate it 7/10 vs Give Me God of War 10/10 and 9/10 Crushing in TLOU2.
I've enjoyed the game and I think there are still some secrets to check out, even though I've visited the house 3 times already and usually try to explore thoroughly. Just don't be afraid about dying, when you jump back again you can skip fast to the next level as it makes it shorter to you to get back, and when you reach the next level you get a weapon upgrade (not the weapon itself but something like ID level for your next weapon you open). You can even manage with 0 level guns as leveling isn't steep in the game.
In short:
- Amazing gunfight and fluidity, gameplay in general is perfect.
- Intriguing story, although still gives you 90% gameplay in general.
- Amazing explorations and re-exploration of older areas when you got the upgrades.
- Deaths aren't as punishing as you think, would actually add more to the story.
- Difficulty is decent.
- It has good replayability especially with the regenerated levels.
- Graphics art style look amazing, with atmospheric looks.
- Music is well-tailored for the game, adds more immersion.
- DualSense integrations is very good in general.
- 3D audio helps with the awareness and the feel of the game in general.
- Floaty jumps.
- No mid-run saves.
- The 2nd mode in L2 is a gimmick, although done right, as they should've used R1 for the alternative fire as R1 is actually EMPTY!
I would give it 8.5/10.
Now here are my "Pro" tips, might contain minor spoilers
(click on the links for the photos)
- Use a good headset like Pulse 3D or any good headset that's good in locality, you'll need it.
- Use Dash to get through laser barriers and most of the enemy attacks. Some bullets and lasers you can't do that and would end up getting hurt later on.
- Don't fucking gamble with your Ether: You can turn Ether to Obolites to buy a large medkit from that fabricator, knowing exactly what you want.
- Don't pick up Malignant stuff: It's not worth the negatives, some are doable some are pretty tough, unless you have malfunction fixer (if you have 2 malfunctions the next malignant you pick is broken/lost, so don't over do it).
- Spend 6 Ether on each level on the Reconstructors: This gives you a second chance on each level as you respawn again without losing anything. You can't spam it, only once on each biome.
- Collect Resin for maximum Integrity "Health".
- Don't be a fucking hero: If you think you're being overwhelmed with the goons, just run for your fucking life. Don't be shy to exploit some weaknesses sometimes as I use the doors to block the enemy and as a shield for the counter.
- Use the good Parasites: I've used one for autorepair at low health, and max integrity, and damage. Some raise malfunction probability but you should not pick malignant stuff to begin with. Some enemy attacks cause malfunctions though.
- Buy Augments: Those stack up and end up making you OP, like 10% protection, 25% max integrity, more damage caused, autorepair at low health "same as the parasite with no negatives", etc.
- You can stack as much consumables as you like from the same kind: If you have one large health medkit, you can stack another one over it. Same with other consumables as I've stacked once around 3 consumables in one slot.
- DON'T FUCKING GO TO THE GOLDEN GATE IF YOU DON'T HAVE TO: Those are wave-based and could end up fighting 3 bosses simultaneously. Rewards can be good, but tried one and wasn't that good as I was forced to do so in one mission. It looks like the same main mission door but yellow with a star above. Had my early second death there.
- Don't pick up a higher level weapon "just because": Check the stats, and understand what you need. To me, there is that machine gun I prefer "Hollowseeker", carbine "Tachyomatic Carbine" comes second, and the pistol "Modified Sidearm SD-M8" third. The rest are pure garbage to me in the long run.
- Permanent suit upgrades are crucial: Because you can reach areas you usually can't without them and could mean getting some health regain or better loot.
- In worst case scenario, go back to the SHIP to sleep and regain health* (only applicable in biome 1 and 4, and for once per run after the latest update): Don't be afraid to go all the way back to the ship before proceeding to fight a boss with low health. It might be within your radius or you might have to go through biomes to reach it, but it's better than being forced to with zero stats. There are different beds that you can sleep "green bed" and regain health and even upgrade max integrity, also don't be afraid to sleep on the "red bed" ones that take some health but gives a very rewarding loot.
- Explore all the blue gates as much as possible: You usually get the green/red beds there, the reconstructor "second chance" machine, and other rewarding/permanent upgrades.
- Lastly, don't be afraid to die: The game makes it so easy to get back to the level, and once you enter you get a weapon level pass "Proficiency" that matches the biome right away. You can manage even with 0 level guns because the leveling isn't steep in the game.
*- Melee attacks are devastating: You end your enemy really fast using melee, between one hit for smaller ones to 2-4 hits for mini bosses! You may as well use it smartly against the main bosses, but try always to keep your distance and maybe use it after dodging his melee attack.
*- Buy a figurine!: A friend of mine told me that it grants you a second life (never tried it myself). More about it:
*- Mapping your jump and dodge buttons to L1 and R1 instead could help you react faster (I kept them as default though), thanks to
*It seems mapping your controller causes crashes at the moment:
*- At the moment stick to the main suit in the meantime, some reports say that they make crashes and glitches that can break your run. I've ignored the 2 suits because they have 100% tint and had zero glitches and crashes.
I think that's about most of it. Hope this helps. The game isn't hard if you're good in gaming in general. I can say it's about medium difficulty. Goons can be harder than main bosses as well when you're overwhelmed or cornered. After beating the game you should still go after some story elements.
Feel free to ask. Would answer using spoiler if I think that would spoil something major.
Down are walkthroughs, if you don't want anything spoiled then skip.
Difficulty isn't really hard, didn't restart at the ship after the 2 premature deaths, around 9 hours without getting back to the ship. Died in total around 5 times, you can spare yourself a life past some level so you don't lose progress, but once on each level using your permanent "currency", Ether.
I didn't sleep during that for like ~30 hours, but slept 13 hours after that, because I didn't simply die and start from the ship so I can sleep in peace. If anyone was hesitant about the difficulty I would rate it 7/10 vs Give Me God of War 10/10 and 9/10 Crushing in TLOU2.
I've enjoyed the game and I think there are still some secrets to check out, even though I've visited the house 3 times already and usually try to explore thoroughly. Just don't be afraid about dying, when you jump back again you can skip fast to the next level as it makes it shorter to you to get back, and when you reach the next level you get a weapon upgrade (not the weapon itself but something like ID level for your next weapon you open). You can even manage with 0 level guns as leveling isn't steep in the game.
1st boss (one go)
2nd boss (one go)
3rd boss (2nd go because I came to him while being 30% on health with no health packs)
4th boss (one go)
5th boss (2nd go and nearly killed me in the end because had 2 malfunctions in both runs)
2nd boss (one go)
3rd boss (2nd go because I came to him while being 30% on health with no health packs)
4th boss (one go)
5th boss (2nd go and nearly killed me in the end because had 2 malfunctions in both runs)
In short:
- Amazing gunfight and fluidity, gameplay in general is perfect.
- Intriguing story, although still gives you 90% gameplay in general.
- Amazing explorations and re-exploration of older areas when you got the upgrades.
- Deaths aren't as punishing as you think, would actually add more to the story.
- Difficulty is decent.
- It has good replayability especially with the regenerated levels.
- Graphics art style look amazing, with atmospheric looks.
- Music is well-tailored for the game, adds more immersion.
- DualSense integrations is very good in general.
- 3D audio helps with the awareness and the feel of the game in general.
- Floaty jumps.
- No mid-run saves.
- The 2nd mode in L2 is a gimmick, although done right, as they should've used R1 for the alternative fire as R1 is actually EMPTY!
I would give it 8.5/10.
Now here are my "Pro" tips, might contain minor spoilers
- Use a good headset like Pulse 3D or any good headset that's good in locality, you'll need it.
- Use Dash to get through laser barriers and most of the enemy attacks. Some bullets and lasers you can't do that and would end up getting hurt later on.
- Don't fucking gamble with your Ether: You can turn Ether to Obolites to buy a large medkit from that fabricator, knowing exactly what you want.
- Don't pick up Malignant stuff: It's not worth the negatives, some are doable some are pretty tough, unless you have malfunction fixer (if you have 2 malfunctions the next malignant you pick is broken/lost, so don't over do it).
- Spend 6 Ether on each level on the Reconstructors: This gives you a second chance on each level as you respawn again without losing anything. You can't spam it, only once on each biome.
- Collect Resin for maximum Integrity "Health".
- Don't be a fucking hero: If you think you're being overwhelmed with the goons, just run for your fucking life. Don't be shy to exploit some weaknesses sometimes as I use the doors to block the enemy and as a shield for the counter.
- Use the good Parasites: I've used one for autorepair at low health, and max integrity, and damage. Some raise malfunction probability but you should not pick malignant stuff to begin with. Some enemy attacks cause malfunctions though.
- Buy Augments: Those stack up and end up making you OP, like 10% protection, 25% max integrity, more damage caused, autorepair at low health "same as the parasite with no negatives", etc.
- You can stack as much consumables as you like from the same kind: If you have one large health medkit, you can stack another one over it. Same with other consumables as I've stacked once around 3 consumables in one slot.
- DON'T FUCKING GO TO THE GOLDEN GATE IF YOU DON'T HAVE TO: Those are wave-based and could end up fighting 3 bosses simultaneously. Rewards can be good, but tried one and wasn't that good as I was forced to do so in one mission. It looks like the same main mission door but yellow with a star above. Had my early second death there.
- Don't pick up a higher level weapon "just because": Check the stats, and understand what you need. To me, there is that machine gun I prefer "Hollowseeker", carbine "Tachyomatic Carbine" comes second, and the pistol "Modified Sidearm SD-M8" third. The rest are pure garbage to me in the long run.
- Permanent suit upgrades are crucial: Because you can reach areas you usually can't without them and could mean getting some health regain or better loot.
- In worst case scenario, go back to the SHIP to sleep and regain health* (only applicable in biome 1 and 4, and for once per run after the latest update): Don't be afraid to go all the way back to the ship before proceeding to fight a boss with low health. It might be within your radius or you might have to go through biomes to reach it, but it's better than being forced to with zero stats. There are different beds that you can sleep "green bed" and regain health and even upgrade max integrity, also don't be afraid to sleep on the "red bed" ones that take some health but gives a very rewarding loot.
- Explore all the blue gates as much as possible: You usually get the green/red beds there, the reconstructor "second chance" machine, and other rewarding/permanent upgrades.
- Lastly, don't be afraid to die: The game makes it so easy to get back to the level, and once you enter you get a weapon level pass "Proficiency" that matches the biome right away. You can manage even with 0 level guns because the leveling isn't steep in the game.
*- Melee attacks are devastating: You end your enemy really fast using melee, between one hit for smaller ones to 2-4 hits for mini bosses! You may as well use it smartly against the main bosses, but try always to keep your distance and maybe use it after dodging his melee attack.
*- Buy a figurine!: A friend of mine told me that it grants you a second life (never tried it myself). More about it:
Finally getting the hang of this game, I am not much for arcade/rogue games tbh, but I am enjoying the challenge. I am on the 3rd biome at the moment, and the best thing that's worked for me, is to keep the little astronaut so that I can respawn, sometimes you can find an parasite that will accomplish the same thing too, and they stack! (Two lives in one run basically), and I carry a big thing of health. Dash is your friend, when in doubt, dash it out. Great set of tips that you provided!
*- Mapping your jump and dodge buttons to L1 and R1 instead could help you react faster (I kept them as default though), thanks to

*It seems mapping your controller causes crashes at the moment:
Using customized controls can also cause crashes. Stick to default all these are fixed. I had no crashes so far with the game. Once i rebinded my dash button i had 3 crashes. So i can confirm this is an issue. Beat the game again with default controls and suit. Keep this in mind people
*- At the moment stick to the main suit in the meantime, some reports say that they make crashes and glitches that can break your run. I've ignored the 2 suits because they have 100% tint and had zero glitches and crashes.
I think that's about most of it. Hope this helps. The game isn't hard if you're good in gaming in general. I can say it's about medium difficulty. Goons can be harder than main bosses as well when you're overwhelmed or cornered. After beating the game you should still go after some story elements.
Feel free to ask. Would answer using spoiler if I think that would spoil something major.
Down are walkthroughs, if you don't want anything spoiled then skip.
1st biome "thorough" walkthrough (Press [CC] for hints and details)
Returnal: 2nd biome "thorough" walkthrough (Press [CC] for hints and details) (Part 1/2)
Returnal: 2nd biome boss "Ixion" (Press [CC] for hints and details) (Part 2/2)
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