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Game Information:
Game Title: Age of Empires IV
- PC (Oct 28, 2021)
- Age of Empires IV - Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase - Gameplay Trailer
- Age of Empires IV - Gameplay Trailer
- Age Of Empires IV Gameplay Trailer - X019
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Review Agreggator
OpenCritic - 85 average - 84% recommended - 40 reviews
Metacritic - 84 average - 35 reviews
Critic Reviews
Atomix - Sebastian Quiroz - Spanish - 90 / 100
Age of Empires IV is a rare case of a game that provides a bright future by presenting a known past. By setting aside some of the elements that were introduced with the third installment, Relic has provided an experience that reinforces a solid foundation. The four campaigns, although few, are great kinds of history that are able to effectively tell the events that took place thousands of years ago. Documentary videos that provide additional information about these periods substantially elevate the presentation to a level not found today in other similar experiences.
AusGamers - Kosta Andreadis - 9.5 / 10
For a genre steeped in keyboard shortcuts, understanding tech trees, the importance of a build queue, and multi-tasking so you can turn that gold into gold-plated armour, Age of Empire IV's easy-to-learn interface and systems go the opposite route to what you'd expect when throwing the word ‘streamlined' into the mix.
CGMagazine - Hayes Madsen - 10 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is a bold and ambitious evolution of the series, and quite likely one of the best RTS games ever made.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 84 / 100
Will I be digging deep into Age of Empires IV? Absolutely.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Unscored
The acclaimed strategy series comes back with and open window to other eras, the ones with wars and conflicts and a nostalgic one, for a great old-school game with modernized sensibilities.
Explosion Network - Wil James - Unscored
Age of Empires IV turns back the hands of time in more ways than one. Whilst it would have been good for it to turn back enough time that I would be able to deliver a full review at this stage, I have played enough of the game to deliver this review in progress.
Game Informer - Daniel Tack - 8.3 / 10
Age of Empires IV successfully captures some of the magic of earlier titles in the franchise with clean, crisp gameplay and varied playstyles.
GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is an exemplary return of the great series to its roots and an excellent basis for future additions.
GameSpew - Robert Gammon - 8 / 10
There’s a lot to love about Age of Empires IV. It’s clear the developers have listened to the community in creating a game that feels both fresh yet faithful to the franchise. It has tried to combine the best elements of all previous games in the series and, largely, it has succeeded in doing so. Its small pool of factions may be a problem for some, and its camera issues need addressing, but in the grand scheme of things, this is an excellent entry into the RTS space. Is Age of Empires IV the best Age of Empires game to date? For me, it doesn’t quite knock Age of Empires II Definitive Edition off the top spot, but regardless, this modern entry has undoubtedly been well worth the wait.
GameWatcher - Matthew Ralphson - 7.5 / 10
Running a cavalry charge around the enemy defenses to burn their Wonder to the ground while the clock ticked down to defeat. No horses survived, but victory was mine.
Gameblog - French - 8 / 10
Age of Empires IV is clearly a very good strategy game, which should not disappoint fans of the franchise. With its graphical renewal, the focus on History and its very good artistic direction, we have in our hands a good entry of Age of Empires. However, we may regret that the game is a bit too academic and without any real risk. But still, Age of Empires IV is a very good game.
Gamerheadquarters - Jason Stettner - 10 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is the true successor that we’ve been waiting ever so long for. It’s a perfect continuation that builds upon what made this series so special, while also making it accessible for new players.
Gamersky - 阿塔诺 - Chinese - 8.9 / 10
The gameplay of Age of Empires 4 is classic enough, some improvements to the original game also make the feeling more comfortable. Age of Empires 4 returns to the classics of the series may touch many players.
GamesBeat - Dean Takahashi - Unscored
Like I said. It’s been so long since I’ve played an Age of Empires game that I needed the extra tutorial help, the engaging historical videos, and the narration that kept me playing through the single-player campaign. I think this game is accessible and easy to learn, but it’s also got a lot of depth for real-time strategy veterans. I hope it does well because I want to see more RTS games hit the market. But this one could keep fans busy for a long time, as far as I can tell right now.
GamesRadar+ - Rachel Weber - 5 / 5 stars
A triumphant return for the strategy series, and well worth the wait.
GamingTrend - Ron Burke - 95 / 100
Age of Empires helped define an entire genre, and under the steady hand of RTS masters Relic Entertainment, it may once again wear that crown -- Age of Empires IV is that good.
Generación Xbox - Laura Trujillo - Spanish - 9.5 / 10
Age of Empires IV has come at the best time and in the best possible way. A classic but at the same time fresh RTS, tailor-made for the needs of today's gamers. It continues to awaken that aroma of nostalgia but without neglecting the new content and new ways of playing that the most fans of the saga wanted to see.
Hardcore Gamer - Cory Wells - 4 / 5
While there are technical issues, Age of Empires IV truly feels like a successful modern take on a classic favorite.
Hobby Consolas - Alberto Lloret - Spanish - 89 / 100
Age of Empires IV makes a safe bet by appealing to the classic gameplay of the series, with the right novelties, but without risking. If you are a fan "of those of a lifetime", you will enjoy it very much, but if you expected a deeper evolution, here you will not find it.
IGN - Leana Hafer - 8 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is an enjoyable RTS throwback that often plays it too safe, but excels when it doesn't.
IGN Italy - Stefano Castagnola - Italian - 8.6 / 10
Age of Empires IV won't shake the videogame world as much as its famed predecessors once did, but it's still a quality production from Relic Entertainment and a worthy addition to a legendary series of strategy games.
IGN Spain - David Oña - Spanish - 9 / 10
A few months ago, Humankind was presented as a candidate to become the benchmark of turn-based strategy for the next few years. Now, with a similar love for the story, but with a different tone, Age of Empires IV arrives to reposition the franchise in the Olympus of RTS. A title that knows how to pick up and update the essence of the saga, and that is the basis of a resurgence that seems to have a long life ahead of it. If you like the genre, clear your diaries.
PC Gamer - Robert Zak - 77 / 100
A worthy new entry in the legendary series that's equal parts progressive and dated.
PC Invasion - Damon Apelt - 8.5 / 10
Age of Empires IV is fun, well executed slice of real-time strategy that doesn't quite bring anything new to the table.
PCGamesN - Ian Boudreau - 8 / 10
Polishing a classic formula without revolutionising it, this is a robust package that includes something for just about every kind of RTS player, from beginners to grizzled veterans.
Polygon - Austen Goslin - Unscored
Age of Empires 4 revives the series’ brilliance
RedTieGuy - Basil Frank - 8.5 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is one of the most enjoyable real-time strategy games I've played in a long time.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Sin Vega - Unscored
It could still be friendlier to newcomers, but Age Of Empires 4 is an assured step in a genre whose comeback is long overdue.
SECTOR.sk - Branislav Koh�t - Slovak - 7.5 / 10
Solid RTS with historical lessons and curiosity. But not as good as predecessors from past.
Screen Rant - Maria Meluso - 3 / 5 stars
Age of Empires 4 is a modern, faithful addition.
SomosXbox - Susana Puche - Spanish - 8.4 / 10
Age of Empires IV es el punto de partida perfecto para continuar la saga si se sigue el mismo modus operandi, un juego muy completo con horas y horas de entretenimiento y un festín tanto para los aficionados de la historia como de la estrategia. Se ve de lejos el gran trabajo que han hecho sus creadores cuidando cada detalle.
Spaziogames - Marino Puntorieri - Italian - 8.2 / 10
Age of Empires IV feels like an intriguing evolution from Age of Empires II and shows the right balance between a deep and layered gameplay and
Stevivor - Stuart Gollan - 8 / 10
The strategic polish of two decades is on display in Age of Empires 4, both in the history of this series and the pedigree of the developer. Relic has wrapped an interesting if slightly flawed single player experience around what is a superb strategy game.
TechRaptor - Austin Suther - 9.5 / 10
Exciting civilizations, incredible attention to detail, and engrossing story campaigns makes for a game where it's impossible to not have a good time.
The Games Machine - Marco Bortoluzzi - Italian - 8.7 / 10
Despite some relatively minor issues, especially in the graphical compartment, Age of Empires IV is an excellent new chapter in the history of one of the most beloved RTS sagas. Relic Entertainment and World's Edge kept true to the roots of the series while at the same time not forgetting to innovate the formula in interesting and creative ways.
TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - 8 / 10
Age of Empires 4 is a deeply enjoyable return for the series. It puts history front and centre, and opts to refresh its gameplay instead of reinvent it. That may not be enough for some. Then again, when you've got a series that's remained the base template for RTS games for more than twenty years, who can blame them?
VG247 - Josh Broadwell - 4 / 5 stars
There’s no need to change what works already, though a few additional gameplay flourishes could have helped AoE 4 feel more fresh and exciting. The campaigns are robust, but the missing content stands out in its absence. That’s especially true considering Age of Empires 4 is a full-priced release, though being on Game Pass makes it a more appealing prospect. What’s here is still more than enough to be getting on with, but lIke any good strategist, World’s Edge is planning ahead for the long game.
VGC - Jordan Middler - 4 / 5 stars
Age of Empires 4 is a brilliant sequel to an RTS classic that plays it safe while streamlining some of the series' more tedious mechanics.
Wccftech - Chris Wray - 9 / 10
Age of Empires IV is, in almost every way, a true sequel to Age of Empires II. It plays great and has a few new features that add more tactical elements to combat and how you develop your faction.
Windows Central - Cale Hunt - 5 / 5 stars
Age of Empires 4 builds greatly on the series' reputation that began in 1997. If you're a fan of RTS games, world history, or both, this should be an easy recommendation. With dozens of hours of campaign play, eight unique civilizations, hours of live docu-style video segments, and a ton of maps for skirmishes, there's no shortage of well-polished content to enjoy. Get it on its own or enjoy it through a subscription to Xbox Game Pass for PC.
Worth Playing - Tony "OUberLord" Mitera - 7.9 / 10
It's that safety in embracing the past that represents Age of Empires 4's most obvious flaw. In many ways, it plays and feels like the game is simply Age of Empires 2 with a very well applied fresh coat of paint. Love letter or no, between the rough issues with the campaign and the reuse of the multiplayer, it feels more like a remaster of an older game than of a new entry into the series. It is not easy to please fans of the long-running franchise while also attempting to attract new ones to it, and Age of Empires 4 finds itself in a strange no-man's land between those two goals.
XboxEra - Pieter Jasper - 8.5 / 10
it’s not revolutionizing the genre or setting a new standard in design. It has taken the best aspects of various games, creating a well-rounded package, with love and care of the stories being told and the civilizations and historical sagas being represented. Is it going to instigate new dawn for the classical real-time strategy game? Very doubtful. Is it going to be an amazing experience for fans of the genre? Absolutely.