UPDATE - cj_iwakura started a petition for the dub, several VAs have signed it, it seems to be getting traction.
Aksys has since commented that an English dub is possible, but ArcSys might need some extra convincing, so they've likely taken notice.
From the other thread...
EDIT - cj_iwakurs started a petition for the dub, several VAs have signed it, it seems to be getting teaction.
Aksys has since commented that an English dub is possible, but ArcSys might need some extra convincing, so they've likely taken notice.
Oh well, just so that it doesn't go to waste, here's the new thread first post that I had put together.
Title: Petition to Add English Dub / Voiceovers to BlazBlue: Central Fiction
As you may know, the latest entry in the BlazBlue series, "BlazBlue: Central Fiction" is scheduled to release in the US on November 19th, 2016 (for both PS4 and PS3). However, unlike the previous 3 games in the series, the final game in the current story is currently scheduled to release without english dubs / voiceovers. That means that the entire lengthy story mode as well as the interactions of the character during fights would be completely in Japanese (with English subtitles during story mode).
The first BlazBlue game, "BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger" released in 2009 and for the past 7 years fans of the franchise have grown accustomed to having their characters voiced by some of the best voice actors in the business. Now you can imagine that after 7 years and 3 games later, it could really drain the experience to have the voices changed.
Aksys Games posted on twitter:
"Basically boiled down to- game now w/ no dub. Game 6-8 months later w/ dub. We made a tough decision, but stick by it."
They later also posted:
"2. An English dub is possible, but sometimes devs need extra convincing. Petitions, fan pages, etc all help. Fan communities"
cj_iwakura has started a petition to get Aksys's attention and it has started to gain traction as well as gaining the attention of several of the voice actors themselves. As the purpose of the original thread discussing this has changed, we felt this was worth a new thread instead of having to keep bumping the old one with the link to the petition as people continue to sign.
So far we have over 2200 signatures and plan to see how high we can go!
From the other thread...
Most of us assumed as much, but Aksys confirmed it.![]()
If that means arc system games are released earlier in the west for me its a good trade.
Shame about no dub dlc plans
EDIT - cj_iwakurs started a petition for the dub, several VAs have signed it, it seems to be getting teaction.