Publishers: Aksys Games (NA)
Developer: Arc System Works
Rating: T for Teen (ESRB).
Platform: PlayStation 3 and Vita
Release Date for PS3: March 25, 2014 (NA), April 1, 2014 (digital)
Release Date for Vita: April 24, 2014 (JP), June 24, 2014 (NA)
Editions: Regular (6980 JPY), Limited Box (9800 JPY) and cover. NA Limited Edition details (it comes with a Nendoroid Petite of Rachel!!!).
NA Launch Bonus: Yuuki Terumi DLC code just like with Japan.
Official Site (North American)
Official Site (Japanese)
Vita version out now! Kokonoe and Terumi have to be purchased separately. Also, no JP track for the story it seems.
Chronophantasma is the third entry in the Blazblue series, a fast-paced 2-D anime fighting game from Arc System Works, the developers of the Guilty Gear and Persona 4: The Ultimate series.
With 7 new playable characters, updates to the returning cast, and several mechanics changes, Chronophantasma offers a gameplay experience much different from the first two titles making it a good entry point for players looking to pick up the series.
- A Story Mode consisting of three main storylines culminating to a true end replaces individual storylines.
- 7 new characters and all returning characters from previous games bring the roster to 26 characters.
- Color palettes can now be previewed in character select.
- A new online lobby where players control chibi avatars with free movement. Within lobbies are virtual arcades allowing players to pick challengers at occupied machines or to wait for one in a vacant machine.
- Player match rooms have been updraded with an increased room size of 8, text chat, and room types including training and replay viewing rooms.
- The Glossary mode has been added which includes both BlazBlue and fighting game terminology such as "okizeme" and "mashing."
- Teach Me More! Miss Litchi mode has been updated with scenarios recapping the events prior to Chronophantasma.
- Gold Break Bursts and Guard Primers have been removed. Overdrive and Crush trigger take their places.
- Overdrive provides increased attack power and character-specific benefits with duration being based on current HP. The timer is also paused during Overdrive. Performed with A+B+C+D.
- Crush Trigger allows players to break the opponent's guard by using 25% heat. Can be barrier blocked, but Crush Triggers can also be delayed. Performed using 5A+B.
- Bursts now regenerate instead of being a preset number per match.
- Hitstop has been lessened and combos are intended to be shorter/faster.
- Just holding A can be used to tech.

Full Roster
QisTopTier said:
cj_iwakura said:Be Ready For The Rebel Against Time
Chrono Phantasma has three story modes:
Chrono Phantasma, the main story.
By the end of Continuum Shift, Jin and Noel have left the NOL, and Makoto has abandoned Sector 7. They have joined Ragna the Bloodedge, Rachel, Jubei, and a host of others to travel to Ikaruga and find a way to stop Hazama and Relius, and the seemingly omnipotent Imperator; Saya.
Meanwhile, Tsubaki and Litchi, mislead by Yuuki Terumi, have joined The Imperator to eliminate any who oppose the Librarium.
Arakune has been taken by the NOL, and Litchi has been convinced this is the only way to save her wayward beloved.
Tsubaki, swearing off all ties to her former friends, has completely given in to the will of the Imperator, and will cut down any traitors in her way.
Allegiances are changing everywhere. Those who should be dead are appearing unscathed, and new adversaries forge new alliances behind the scenes and at center stage.
Is anyone's loyalty certain?
With the advent of the Chrono Phantasma, only Time will tell.
Six Heroes, revolving around the trials that plague the group that formed to stop the Black Beast many years ago. Hakumen, Valkenhayn, Jubei, Nine, Terumi, and Bloodedge.
Will their union be enough to endure the trials of the Black Beast, or will the machinations of a traitor tear their fragile formation apart?
Sector Seven, focusing on the rebel group that seeks to destroy the Librarium. Kokonoe, S7's mad scientist extraordinaire, has been content to watch from the sidelines.
However, with Terumi's plan shifting into high gear, she's no longer willing to sit back and observe. She has to take action.
Except another member of Sector Seven, the vicious wanderer known as Azrael, seeks to destroy both her and Tager. Why?

Arcade Opening
TGS Trailer 2013
Jourdal2012's YT channel with a lot of footage of BBCP matches
Import Notes
- Gameplay is import friendly, though you might not get much out of the story without being able to read Japanese.
- Kokonoe and (most likely) Terumi are DLC characters so a JPN PSN account will be needed to acquire them.
- Online pass is unknown at the moment.
- Game can be imported from the usual places like AmiAmi, CDJapan, Play-Asia, etc.
Fugu Fygu Litchi
Hao Chi hao-chi Definitely Litchi
Qistoptier Qistoptier Mu or Makoto?
Prototype-03 Prototype-03 Rachel
RoeBear Roe-Bear Clover family
FluxWaveZ FluxWaveZ Mu [citation needed]
CJ_Iwakura CJ_Iwakura Tsubaki
Rhapsody Rhapzody_ Rachel
SolarKnight SolarKnightR Mu
VanillaCakeIsBurning Mondos123 Guessing Noel
Master Milk Platinum_Milk Platinum Platinum
ApolloJoh ApolloJoe400 Litchi, also plays Ragna
Keasar Keasar Tager
Kincaido Kincaido Izayoi and Jin
3Kaze T2_Kaze Relius
Ken nya_08 Bullet
Karsius Onem1c Hakumen/Izayoi
Lyte Edge lyteedge2 Tager
Dremark Dremark Carl
Naite Nthenorm Azrael
Toddhunter Toddhunter Valkenhyn
Kumubou RottenSashimi Jin
FSLink amodestproposal ?
oneprostheticarm oneprostheticarm Hakumen
Many thanks to Fugu for creating this list, and cj_iwakura for providing a story section!
Credits to the BlazBlue Wiki and Dustloop Wiki for a lot of the information. Also to BlazBlueGAF for helping out with the OT!