
Genre: FPS/ RPG (Loot Fest)
Platforms: Steam (PC/Mac/Linux), Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Release Date: October 14, 2014 in NA/ 16th in AUS/ 17th in EU
Developer: 2K Australia/ Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
PC System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP3
Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
Memory: 2048 MB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 13 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compliant
What is it?
It's Borderlands! Everything you loved about the previous entries in the Borderlands franchise returns: 4-player coop, humorous writing, fast paced shooting, GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!
The Pre-Sequel brings some new mechanics to the mix as well. New chryo, laser, and beam weapons mean even more diverse loot than before. The game also introduces some new gravity and oxygen mechanics, allowing players to perform double jumps and butt slams from above.

Taking place between the events of Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel tells the story of Handsome Jack's rise to power. Hyperion's orbital base on
Elpis (Pandora's moon) has been taken over by group of Dahl Corporation soldiers calling themselves the Lost Legion. Not-yet-handsome Jack has recruited four vault hunters (you) to assist him in taking back the base for Hyperion and preventing any further damage to Elpis or the planet below.

Nisha is a gunslinger with a sadistic side. She specializes in pistols and can deal large amounts of damage to multiple enemies in a short time with her action skill and lightning whip special ability.
Action Skill: Showdown. Nisha gains the ability to automatically target enemies and has her damage, accuracy, reload, and firing speeds enhanced for a short duration. The player can switch between targets at any time during Showdown.
Melee: Whip
Role: DPS
Nisha's Skill Tree
Video Overview

Wilhelm is a Hyperion engineer turned mercenary vault-hunter. He is a robotics expert and can augment himself with bionic enhancements, granting him additional abilities.
Action Skill: Wolf and Saint. Wilhelm summons two combat drones to assist him in battle. Wolf, his offensive drone, will zoom around attacking nearby enemies while Saint, his defensive drone, stays close at hand and heals Wilhelm.
Melee: Robot Fist
Role: Pet Class
Wilhelm's Skill Tree
Video Overview

Once a Crimson Lance assassin, Athena is now a gladiator and gun for hire. She also servers as the Pre-Sequel's narrator.
Action Skill: Kinetic Aspis. Athena can pull out her Aspis shield, absorbing incoming damage up to a limit based on her current level. She can then throw the shield at an enemy, dealing back the absorbed damage. Yes, this skill can also be upgraded to bounce like Captain America's shield.
Melee: Gladiator's Sword
Role: Tank
Athena's Skill Tree
Video Overview

It's Claptrap!
Action Skill: VaultHunter.exe. Claptrap's programming automatically analyzes the current situation and selects one of multiple "Action Packages" to run. These action packages can be wildly different, and more are unlocked as you progress through Claptrap's skill tree. Effects of action packages can include (but are not limited to): dual wielding, becoming a pirate ship, spawning a laser disco ball, and making everyone in your party incredibly bouncy.
Melee: Claptrap's flipper-hand-things.
Role: Support/ Everything
Claptrap's Skill Tree
Video Overview

Sir Hammerlock and Mr. Torgue welcome you to Elpis.
4-player coop demonstration.
Hour+ let's play video.

As with both previous entries in the series, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel has extensive additional content planned for DLC. A season pass can be purchased now and will grant access to four future content expansions. These kind of expansions have been pretty meaty in past games and may even include new character classes this time around. The season pass is $29.99 USD.
This is my first OT, so sorry if it's a little sloppy. Thanks to Serpens007 for help with the thread! Enjoy!