How can one company simultaneously make games that are as fun to play as Destiny, and yet at the same time do everything in their power to piss everyone off, especially their fanbase?
Now, obviously, the normal thing to do would be to just ignore whatever stuff they put out. If their games are shit, then don't play them, right?
Well, no.
The reason why I care so much is specifically that Destiny has such great gameplay, stunning visual design, and engaging lore/story. But it's really hard to stay engaged if the developer suddenly decides to delete the story content that I paid for in the first year of their game's life cycle, and conjures up this ass-backward explanation that it has to be put in some imaginary "content vault" because of feature creep that they themselves have caused due to poor planning and mismanagement. That was basically when I gave up on this game and I only managed to grab some of the recent expansions when they went on deep sale. But even so, I never played Forsaken. I simply missed out on it when Bungie blacked me on that first year's content and I abandoned the game for a few years. So yeah, that part of the story is completely lost on me now, and the way I heard, it's supposed to be one of the best in D2's timeline. On the other hand, I don't really regret not buying that expansion because THAT WAS EVENTUALLY DELETED TOO.
Class act, Bungie.
I can also barely remember what happened after The Red War with the Curse of The Osiris and Warmind expansions. So what, am I supposed to go to youtube and fucking sit on my ass watching someone else play through those campaigns just to catch up and figure out what the hell is going on in the story that I can actually play right now? I mean, I get that it's an MMO shooter and most players probably couldn't care less about this stuff but Jesus Christ, if there ever was an example of why intricate storytelling in live service and MMO games are a terrible idea, then you can look no further than Destiny 2.
Now, Beyond Light has come out recently and that was a complete disaster from what I heard. Yikes. Good thing I didn't buy that one even though I was tempted. And what's gonna happen when The Final Shape comes out? Are they finally going to restore the content that I paid for all those years ago, and will I be able to finally play through Forsaken? Hell if I know. But seriously, how difficult is it to make an MMO game that lets you play all of its content that was released in the past from the beginning? Basically, every MMO under the sun is somehow capable of accomplishing this impossible feat, but apparently, this is something that's beyond Bungie's capabilities.
Oh, and Marathon is some PvP extraction shooter? Fuck off. Fuck right off, Bungie. Marathon was a single-player series of boomer shooters and essentially a precursor to Halo, so slapping its name on yet another money-grubbing live service game is just a new low for them.
Now, obviously, the normal thing to do would be to just ignore whatever stuff they put out. If their games are shit, then don't play them, right?
Well, no.
The reason why I care so much is specifically that Destiny has such great gameplay, stunning visual design, and engaging lore/story. But it's really hard to stay engaged if the developer suddenly decides to delete the story content that I paid for in the first year of their game's life cycle, and conjures up this ass-backward explanation that it has to be put in some imaginary "content vault" because of feature creep that they themselves have caused due to poor planning and mismanagement. That was basically when I gave up on this game and I only managed to grab some of the recent expansions when they went on deep sale. But even so, I never played Forsaken. I simply missed out on it when Bungie blacked me on that first year's content and I abandoned the game for a few years. So yeah, that part of the story is completely lost on me now, and the way I heard, it's supposed to be one of the best in D2's timeline. On the other hand, I don't really regret not buying that expansion because THAT WAS EVENTUALLY DELETED TOO.

Class act, Bungie.
I can also barely remember what happened after The Red War with the Curse of The Osiris and Warmind expansions. So what, am I supposed to go to youtube and fucking sit on my ass watching someone else play through those campaigns just to catch up and figure out what the hell is going on in the story that I can actually play right now? I mean, I get that it's an MMO shooter and most players probably couldn't care less about this stuff but Jesus Christ, if there ever was an example of why intricate storytelling in live service and MMO games are a terrible idea, then you can look no further than Destiny 2.
Now, Beyond Light has come out recently and that was a complete disaster from what I heard. Yikes. Good thing I didn't buy that one even though I was tempted. And what's gonna happen when The Final Shape comes out? Are they finally going to restore the content that I paid for all those years ago, and will I be able to finally play through Forsaken? Hell if I know. But seriously, how difficult is it to make an MMO game that lets you play all of its content that was released in the past from the beginning? Basically, every MMO under the sun is somehow capable of accomplishing this impossible feat, but apparently, this is something that's beyond Bungie's capabilities.
Oh, and Marathon is some PvP extraction shooter? Fuck off. Fuck right off, Bungie. Marathon was a single-player series of boomer shooters and essentially a precursor to Halo, so slapping its name on yet another money-grubbing live service game is just a new low for them.
