
Welcome to the Neogaf Import [OT] for City Shrouded in Shadow!!
Release information
Release date - October 19, 2017 Japan
System - PlayStation 4
Price - 8200 Yen plus tax - download/physical version
Japanese rating - Cero C
Genre - Science Fiction Survival Action Adventure
What is City Shrouded in Shadow?
City Shrouded in Shadow is a new game from developer Granzella, a company formed by the talent responsible for the acclimated cult classic game series "Disaster Report." While this game is not related to that series (in which the long awaited, originally cancelled but once again revived Disaster Report 4 is still being prepped for a future release), it can be looked at as a spiritual successor to that series with similar themes and situations.
In this game, you must survive and escape from a city that is being attacked and defended by many monsters, robots, and characters from many classic Japanese anime, tv series, and movie franchises. You will come face to face with battles involving such famous characters as Godzilla, Mothra, and Gamera, as well as many of the heroes and villains from many of the Ultraman series, the recent Evangelion films, and even Patalabor. But you will not be playing the role of these characters as you usually do in most games involving them. Instead you will be playing the role of a normal citizen that is stuck in the middle of the events involving these great creatures. You will have to survive and make choices that will effect not only yourself but those you meet through actions and dialogue choices. You will be facing many challenges both related to the battles you witness, but also other events that occur within the story. Whether its escaping from an attack by Godzilla, or a run in with the Yakuza, you will face many challenges in the game.
As the games subtitle says, This is not the story of some hero, this is your story."
Your character
You will be able to choose to play as a male or female character in the game. The male characters name is Ken Misaki and the female characters name is Miharu Matsubara.
You will also have a companion heroine character named Yuki Kouno that you will be able to choose how they are related to you.
Along with these main characters you will meet up with journalists trying to get the scoop regarding the events of the game, other people in need of help, as well as having to deal with yakuza gang members.
Your characters will also have a large number of outfits that that they will be able to wear that will help them on their journey as well as alter the events of the story itself. Everything ranging from police uniforms, to classic outfits from the many anime series in the game, to even a uniform from the restaurant Go Go Curry which has a collaboration with the game.
The Shadows!
Below is a listing of all the monsters, kaiju, heroes, villains, robots, and more that have been officially unveiled by the developers as appearing in the game. I will only be listing those here that have been announced before release. While there's no certainly that there will be any others in the game, If there are any extra or secret characters or appearances, it would be best to keep those a surprise for those playing the game.
Ultraman Series
Ultraman - original
Fake Ultraman
Alien Zarab
Ultraman Tiga
Kyrieloid II
Ultraman Zero
Ultraman Belial
Ultraman Taro
Godzilla Series
King Ghidorah
Multipurpose Fighting System 3 - Mechagodzilla - Kiryu
Evangelion Series
Evangelion Unit-01
Evangelion Unit-00
Evangelion Unit-02
The fourth angel Sachiel
The fifth angel Shamshel
Gamera Series
Soldier Legion
Patlabor series
AV-98 Ingram
AV-98 Ingram unit 2
Type-5g/1c Grau-Bear
J-9 Griffin
M-5 Abraham
Opening Movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IT6VLapkDA
First trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_N72EBYRpE
Second trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK67Qu3e8VE
Commercial 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x36iNFGKEMk
Commercial 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMPQHwDcVik
Gameplay demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnKKzhyrCy4
The gameplay demo contains spoilers from near the beginning of the game.
Here are a few screenshots of the game to give a taste of what you will see.
The official website for City Shrouded in Shadow http://knst.bn-ent.net
This site contains a great deal of information regarding the game. Lots of screenshots and details about the gameplay as well as all the extras, such as dlc and such thats is being made available for it. I highly recommend checking it out as its a great resource.
Famitsu - 8, 7, 8, 8 - To give a little more info other than just the numbers (since Famitsu reviews are considered highly suspicious by many), the reviewers praised the amount of choices in the game, and liked the inclusion of all the famous characters in the game. They did however complain about the load times and camera issues.
I will add more reviews if they appear from other Japanese gaming magazines or websites. If anyone wants to add their own review to the game I can add a link to your post of it later on. Im sure myself and others will be able to provide some nice detailed reviews very shortly.
- Will this game be released in English? In Asia? In the West?
Time to get the constantly most asked question to this game in every thread so far out of the way.
As of this moment only the Japanese release has been announced with no news about any possible localization or release outside of Japan. As this is a title with numerous Japanese tv, anime , and movie licenses, it will come to no surprise that a release may be difficult to make happen due to rights issues. The Ultraman series particularly has some major rights issues tied up in court battles between multiple companies that could effect this game getting a release outside of Japan. While there have been improvements regarding the releases of games with large numbers of Japanese licenses in recent years, it's always best to not expect it to happen and be pleasantly surprised if it does.
It should be noted that Bandai Namco, the publishers of the game, have lately been releasing many games previously thought to have had zero chance at having an English translation, with English versions for the Asian market. Many people are hoping this will once again happen with this release and while it may be possible, this is just pure speculation at the present time.
So as of this moment we only have the Japanese only release. If anything changes however, the info will be updated into the OT.
- What level of Japanese will be required to play this game?
While the actions parts of the game should be straight forward and not too much of a huge hassle to play for non Japanese speaking gamers, the game does present the player with many situations where they must choose a way to respond to other characters. All the dialogue in these scenes and all the scenes of the game are in Japanese and in many previews, some of these scenes offer a large number of dialogue choices with word being that they can cause some big differences in the story between players. So it's safe to assume a good level of Japanese will be necessary to completely enjoy the game.
- Wasn't this game supposed to come out on PS Vita?
Originally it was announced as a vita game along with the PS4, but that version was canceled earlier this year.
- Is there a special edition of the game?
Bandai's Lalabit store has a special edition of the game available which includes a T-shirt, badge, and exclusive dlc costumes, particularly costumes from the PSVR game Summer Lesson. However as far as I know they only ship this version to those living in Japan.
There also is a large amount of costume dlc available both for preorders at certain stores around Japan, and through Japanese gaming magazines like Dengeki Playstation. Plus there's a special collaboration with Sony that gives access to a special scene in the game involving Sony characters Toro and Kuro available only with the downloadable version of the game.
Final notes and thanks!
This is my first attempt at making a Neogaf OT, which is something I never thought I would try to attempt. I hope you enjoy this thread and the work I went into it. I'm not the best at making fancy graphics and I wish I couldve done better, but I hope that the amount of info I have included in this OT will make people excited, and we can have a nice fun discussion about the game since I know there's a sizable interest in it here. This is a game Ive been looking forward to for a long while and I wanted to do what I could to make a nice thread for everyone to discuss it.
Special thanks to all those that have posted updates on the game these past many months on the forum. Your posts have been so helpful in creating this OT. And as always lets keep spoilers tagged and try to keep the begging for an English version down a bit. We all want to see that happen, and hopefully there will be one so that more people can join those of us in playing this game. To everyone who visits this thread, please enjoy the fun!