
Quick question for you-
Back in the 90s which gaming company was synonymous with games based on cartoon licenses?
If Capcom was the first thing to come to mind, then I don't blame you but back in the day good old Konami wanted a piece of that licensed video game pie.
And among Konami's acquired licenses were the world's most fearsome fighting team; heroes in a half shell and they're green!

Konami made about a dozen games based on the 80s cartoon and later Archie Comic TMNT series.
HG101 touched upon the TMNT games in one of their articles
Let's go a bit over the games Konami made shall we and relive some of those awesome childhood memories
OK maybe not the BEST game to start talking about, but let's get it out of the way
I have no memories of ever playing it, I just know it had a BS water section, but it had cheats that let you skip stages or something apparently.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released in 1989 in US and Japan
Now we get to the good stuff. TMNT Aracade was released between 1989-1990, and sports some of the most fluid and colorful animations an arcade game could have from that era. I am still mindblown at the visual quality fidelity of this game.
The game got a release on the NES as TMNT 2 in 1990

Which was a good conversion all things considered. In addition it added some stuff not in the Arcade release and featured Pizza Hut product placement.
From then on Konami's TMNT games focused on being more of beat'em-ups than the first game they developed, for the most part at least
In 1991 2 TMNT games were made
First let's talk about Turtles in Time, the arcade ver. of the game kept that trademark fluid Konami arcade game animation and was a straight, colorful and simple beat'em-up.
However most people remember it's SNES ver. which was released in 1992
The SNES ver. added stuff that weren't in the Arcade ver. such as extra bosses and used the Mode 7 for the Neon Riders stage for example.
In Dec. 1991, The Manhattan Project was released in Japan for the Famicom, with the Eng. release being in 1992. This was titled as the 3rd TMNT game after the NES game.
When Turtles in Time was ported in 1992 to the SNES, it was titled as the 4th game.
I think I played this particular game at a neighbour's house back in the day.
In Early 1991, Konami published a TMNT game for DOS systems

This is my first time hearing about it, anyone got any impressions of it?
Konami developed 3 TMNT games for the Nintendo Gameboy in 1990, 91 and 93-

I never had a gameboy but I assume the games were well received for what they were?
In 1992, Konami released the first SEGA Genesis/MD TMNT game: Hyperstone Heist!
Some rate the game lower than the SNES and arcade games, but this was among the handful of games I owned as a kid and really loved it, and would love to replay it again someday, so I'm not bothered by how it's viewed.
Dat JP cover doe.
Now we come to a cult classic, the 1993 fighting game TMNT Tournament Fighters
You'd think with me being a big FG buff I'd have tried this game out at least once.
I never really did, i didn't even know it was on the Genesis/MD.
Generally speaking the SNES ver. of the game is the best ver. and the game is so well regarded that it is worthy of being in FG tournaments, though heaven knows when we'd see it at EVO
Interestingly enough the game was released to 3 systems: NES, with Leo on the cover, SNES with Donnie on the cover and the Genesis/MD with Raph on the cover. Though for all I can see it's Leo on both SNES and NES covers @_@
From what I've read online that was the last known TMNT games that Konami ever developed at the time. They wouldn't get the chance to make any new games under the TMNT license until the 2003 revival. I sadly didn't get any of these games, but would like to hear impressions on them.

In late 2003, Konami developed and released a game based on the 2003 series to the GBA, PS2, Xbox, GC and PC.
In 2004 and 2005, Konami released 2 fighting games for GC, PS2, GBA, XBox and Windows-

I hadn't known about either and am interested in knowing which ver. of these games is good.
The last TMNT game Konami developed and published was TMNT Mutant Nightmare, also based on the 2003 series. This game was released in 2005, and interestingly enough the game didn't get a PC release or ver., but was released on the NDS, PS2, Xbox and Gamecube

Apparently the game had unlockable Turtles in Time but was editted slightly.
Konami eventually lost the TMNT license, and it was taken up by Ubisoft who held the license until 2011. Among their notable titles were
The GBA TMNT game, considered the best game based on the movie, compared to the half dozen versions of the game Ubi released on most systems at the time, including the NDS, 360 and PC. The games were released in 2007.

I'd like to hear impressions on which other ver. is worth getting though.
One debatable and divisive game they is the remake of the Arcade ver. of Turtles in Time, released in 2009 under the title TMNT: Turtles in Time ReShelled

Those more familiar with the SNES ver. of the game didn't like the game much and I am of the assumption that the 3D graphics and changed music was not well received either.
Personally I like the game: It's TMNT, I beat enemies up, it's simple to get into and they use the classic 80s cartoon/comic designs.
It's among the most played games on my PS3, AND i RATHer like the boss theme and overall soundtrack.
Among the last few games Ubisoft developed was TMNT Smash-up, a Smash Bros.-like game featuring various TMNT characters. The game released on the Nintendo Wii and PS2 in 2009.

From what I'm reading it was well received so I'll prob. try it out some day.
There was one last TMNT game Ubi made for the NDS but apparently the less talked about it the better
So that's a quick write up of the TMNT games made and released since the 90s. What are you favourite games, your memorable moments playing the games, and what impressions would you like to discuss or bring up?
In closing I leave you with a few more cover arts
and the music theme that started it all