
Genre: Adventure RPG
Developer: Picroma?/Wollay
Release Date: Cube World is available now in Alpha phase as of 2nd July 2013!
Price: For the Alpha a discounted price of $20/€15. Future updates are free as per Wollay!
Supported Platforms: PC (Mac and consoles planned at a later date) (Console version might be PS4 only, thanks to salromano for the info!)
Where to buy/Store: Register at and then buy it at
LAN Mode: Yes!
XBOX 360 Controller for Windows support: Yes! (Reported issues at character creation, plug it in afterwards! CURRENTLY NOT WORKING!!!)
Official Site:

Minimum System Requirements:
Windows XP SP2
Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3 OR AMD Athlon 64 X2
NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000 (256 MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0)
Internet Connection (for updates and online multiplayer)
Here is also a link to the official tech-demo, if you can run this you can run the game.

About Cube World
I'm Wollay, the creator of Cube World. I started this game in June 2011 as a hobby project. My inspirations were Minecraft, Zelda, Secret of Mana, Monster Hunter, Diablo, World of Warcraft and many more.
My aim was to create an infinite, colorful, procedurally generated world, full of adventures, monsters, and mysteries. The result is Cube World, a voxel-based role-playing game.
The alpha will be available for a lower price than the beta version and the final version. We're planning to release updates regularly. Updates are free.
Even more about Cube World
The full feature-list would probably go far beyond the scope of a OT so I will just summarize the key points and for the full feature details including planned features please head to the official Cube World website here.
Endless, Randomly Generated Worlds
The world of Cube World is procedurally and randomly generated which means that the world is theoretically infinite as players can't reach any borders and every visible landmass is also reachable. However even with this random nature the player still has a degree of influence as you can specify a level seed number which will always generate the same world so it's possible to share worlds with friends or simply recreate them anew. The Alpha also features different themed landscapes such as:
- Grasslands
- Snowlands
- Deserts
- Jungles
- Lava Lands
- Oceans
Players can move in various ways through Cube World, be it by climbing, swimming, sailing or even hang-gliding down from mountains! The world is also full of dungeons of different theme-sets and every ingame-day in Cube World new missions and quests will spawn that reward the player with new items and currency to upgrade equiptment.
Classes & Infinite Character Progression
Being an RPG there will also be different classes you can start your character with different classes:
- Warrior gameplay is focused on charged attacks: they can build up MP with normal attacks and charge up powerful special attacks.
- Rangers use ranged charged attacks, which work similar like warrior attacks, but using ranged weapons.
- Mages cast spells with varying cast times. Normal attacks are usually faster, while special attacks have longer cast times and consume MP.
- Rogue gameplay is fast-paced and special attacks are instant. That way they can concentrate on evasion and move freely during combat.
Each class can also further develop into one of two specializations:
- Warrior specializations:
Berserker: Attack speed is increased with each hit. Can charge attacks more quickly.
Guardian: Can block attacks with all weapons and has increased health. Can become immune against stun attacks.
- Ranger specializations:
Sniper: Has camouflage and aim abilities. Attack speed is increased with each hit.
Scout: Special attacks have a chance to become instantly chargeable. Can sprint.
- Mage specializations:
Fire: Special attacks have a chance to become instantly chargeable. Can cast fire explosions.
Water: Attack speed is increased with each hit. Has healing spells.
[*]Rogue specializations:
Assassin: Special attacks increase stealth. Has improved stealth abilities.
Ninja: Dodges during special attacks. Can throw shurikens.
There also isn't a level-cap in Cube World which means there is also a infinite amount of progress a player can make which also affects skill-trees and strength of monster. However despite the infinite level power is not as the corresponding power is scaled from 1-100 so the more the player progresses the flatter the power increase is.
Action-Based Combat
Combat in Cube World works much like in Skyrim, Minecraft and TERA Online, every attack, even melee based attacks, need to be manually aimed and all attacks can also be dodged. There is also a combo-system to chain attacks and overcome armor-based resistance.
The following races are playable: Elves, Humans, Goblins, Lizardmen, Dwarves, Orcs, Frogmen, Undeads. There are separate models for male and female characters. They also have different voices and there are no class-race restrictions.
Characters are customizable during character creation by choosing a combination of face, hair and hair color. Lizardmen have scales instead of hair and Frogmen have different eyes.
Most animals and some monsters in Cube World can be tamed. In order to tame a pet, you need to feed it with it's favorite food. The challenge is to find out which food a pet likes and to obtain the food.
Cube World is full of monsters: there are slimes, zombies, ogres, skeletons, vampires, werewolves, and many more. Boss monsters are also featured and usually guard rare items.
Items, Crafting & Customization
Items can be obtained from enemies, treasure chests, missions, vendors. Apart from that, items are also craftable. The crafting categories are:
- Weapon crafting: Each class can craft weapons available to that class. For instance, warriors can craft axes, swords, maces, and shields.
- Armor crafting: Each class can craft armor available to that class. For instance, warriors can craft iron gloves, iron boots, and more.
- Jewel crafting: All classes can craft rings and amulets. Rings and amulets have secondary stats useful for all classes.
- Cooking: Players can craft food for cheap out-of-combat healing and buffs.
- Alchemy: Players can craft healing potions and other useful potions.
Cube World features 2-4 player coop over dedicated servers and LAN Multiplayer. PvP and MMO-like servers might be added in the future.

Videos (Click on the images to view the videos):
Explorers Trailer:

Multiplayer Trailer:


F.A.Q. by eorl, thanks!
I figured it would probably be best to make a short FAQ for those struggling with some of the concepts that Cube World offers in its vast world. Let me know if I miss anything or needs updating.
What are the controls?
Pressing F1 in-game will open up the control layout, which is pretty straightforward. Currently you can not remap keys, and the Xbox controller does work, however you have to start a game first and the plug the controller in for it to be recognised.
What do you do? I'm lost!
The world of Cube World is procedurally and randomly generated, so on the basic level it just never ends. A map is available that will display what you have discovered, but it will also highlight several handy icons.
When first jumping into a new world, it is always best to find the closest city. This is marked on your map with a small village sign. At the city, you'll find a number of vendors including a potion vendor for making health potions, your class trainer for assigning skill points and quests. These quests will be marked on NPCs with little green dialogue marks above their head. Quests in Cube World are random and never "end", in that their will always be quests in your world similar to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
My game lags!
Cube World isn't the most intensive title available on PC, but it will need some good tech inside your PC or laptop. You can find the recommended specs on the first post of this OT, which should give you an idea on what you'll need. Do note that this is an alpha client, so it will be varying in optimisation.
Where can I find pets? How do I tame them?
Almost all of the animals in Cube World are tameable. The trick is to finding their favourite food in order to win them over and help you out. Once you've found some pet food, simply navigate to the pet tab in your bag (press B and find the little cat icon tab) and right-click the food. You'll place it in your hands and if the food is right, begin taming the animal.
Hostile creatures will not attack you if you are taming them, and if you would like to rename your animal you can type /namepet yourpetnamehere. You can rename your pet as many times as you like, however at this moment a name can only be one word long. To mount an animal you will need the appropriate skill point to do so.
What is crafting?
Crafting in Cube World requires many ingredients, just like your usual RPG. You will need to find the base ingredients, or if you are lucky a vendor will sell more high-tier ingredients. If you find an ingredient in the wilderness, simply attack the item to "destroy" it and you'll be able to pick it up.
Pressing C will bring up your crafting dialogue where you'll be able to browse a number of weapons, armour, food and miscellaneous items. Some recipes required a crafting table or spinning wheel, these are found in the crafting district of a city.
How do I join a multiplayer/host one?
Making or joining a multiplayer is actually fairly easy. Simply open up your install directory (where Cube World was installed) and you will find a Server.exe file. Run this (you may have to run as administrator for some) and a new world will be created. The ports to forward for people on online networks to connect is 12345. If you do not know how to portforward, a fairly easy guide over here can help.
When running a multiplayer server, you can not choose a world sadly. It seems to be randomly generated at this moment, however I presume further progress will be made. The current playable limit on players is four, however you can connect more than four though their health bars will not be shown. All your character stats will be brought over including all items and pets.
What are these swords on the map?
Glad you asked! These are world bosses, and can either be very, very difficult or fairly easy depending on your level. When you enter the region you'll gain a notification saying that the world boss needs to be killed, which you can find at the swords. They will also be marked individually on your map and can be spotted easily by their size. Killing them will reward you a large amount of XP and some very rare items.
What NPC coloured names do what?
I don't actually know the full list on this one, so if anyone else could answer that would be much appreciated. I do know that the colour Red is very difficult and most likely very high level.
Some tips:
Particularly useful for warriors and rogues - You can equip a two handed weapon and a one handed weapon to improve your damage output. Simply equip your 2 hander normally, then middle mouse button click on a 1 hander.
+4 dungeons/areas are bugged at the moment, or atleast appear to be. If you find one in the wild, go back to town and reset the quests until one appears there. Then go and farm it. This only seems to happen with +4 areas; they lose the +4 tag (which makes monsters significantly beefier and do more damage, and bosses become nearly impossible to kill), but retain their loot profiles(will also scale to your level if your above the base level of the area). Which means lots of shinies, and you should be able to solo the boss.
For instance, in 26879 there is a castle with +4 orcs around level 25 (Power level between 48 and 55). It's just west(i think?) of the starting town. As long as you're near or above the power level, you'll be able to get a quest there and go and easily solo it while acquiring powerful equipment. It seems to scale with your level pretty much every time, as I leveled my warrior there from 50 to 101 in a little over an hour, every time I killed the boss and leveled up and came back, the loot would be a little higher power level(close or at whatever my max was at the time).
Just a few hints, oh and don't neglect your sailing. With 15-20 points it is by far the fastest method of transportation (atleast in an ocean biome). Almost as fast as the ranger glider exploit.
Oh, and the rangers crossbow m2 special can be spammed with no charging for good damage (roughly 125% of your normal white damage), and it affects a large area. It will attack as fast as you can click (makes me wish i had a hardware macro).

Video-Tutorials by Arekkz
I just finished putting together and uploading a few tutorials, figured they might be helpful to those of you just starting out
Install guide (where to go because it's hidden on the site!):
Getting Started (what to do, where to go, etc.):
How to change class (because it isn't blindingly obvious!):
Crafting Guide:
How to Skip Night Time:
Multiplayer setup guide:
Taming Pets:
Weapon Customization:
Character Attributes (power explained):
Pets Overview:
Special Items (Boats and Hang Gliders):
Using Bombs:
Landscapes and Biomes:
Platinum Coins:
Rogue Hang Gliding Exploit/Tip:

Random related things
And thanks to Mognet for helping with the OT!