Writes a lot, says very little
So i paid to beta test this game Day 1
Pretty much.
Not just Day 1. If you played the game any time between December 2020 (Launch) and September 2023 (Update 2.0; Most issues fixed and lots of missing features added), then you basically played an unfinished version of the game. It's nice that we are finally getting a version of the game that somewhat resembles the E3 2019 demo, but after 3 years...
I have nothing against these features being added, shit I spent years arguing that not only where they stripped from the game, but the concepts made sense to actually be in the actual game. So basically, people paid for some early access, GaaS type thing, its pretty fucking scummy and folks need to stop giving this fucking company a pass.
I don't even know of any other major AAA title out here adding Ai YEARS after release as if that is just a normal fucking thing or something, only to act as if they are doing you a fucking favor continuing development of a game you paid full price for years ago.
Are we all suppose to fucking forget a 100 hour playthrough and what? Play another 100 hours for the supposed "final" thing or something?
Maybe they should focus on making a the game complete day 1, not 3 years later.
I'm not even against it taking 3 years, I'm against them not being honest and transparent about these fucking issues and basically lying to people about an obvious early access.
So their trailers are claims of what they wish they could do.
Rockstar's trailers are evidence of what you are getting day 1.

So I hope it really does come out complete 7 years from know, but the fucking fact that the company even announced a sequel this fucking early shows, they haven't learned anything because it wasn't a mistake and it wasn't an accident.
We'll see them release that sequel broken, missing tons of features and a bunch of yellow screen fake ass apologizes, then a series of early access GaaS patches to continue working on the game, years after you paid full price.
I just don't know how many really trust this fucking company day 1 for a release, I mean...Jesus we are out here on a thread years later about an issue many made seem like a "launch patch" would correct. =)
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