Unconfirmed Member

- Developer: Chara-Ani & Pyramid
- Publisher: Kadokawa (JP) / Degica (NA & EU)
- Release Dates and Platforms:
- North America (digital-only):
- Nov. 30th, 2015: Vita ($40)
- Dec. 2nd, 2015: PS4 ($60)
- Dec. 3rd, 2015: PC ($50 with launch discount of 20% off, valid until Dec. 10th)
- Europe (digital-only):
- Dec. 3rd, 2015: PC ($50 with launch discount of 20% off, valid until Dec. 10th)
- Dec. 8th, 2015: Vita & PS4
- Japan (digital + retail)
- Jan. 14th, 2016: PC & PS4: (¥6,800)
- Jan. 14th, 2016: Vita [digital (¥4,800) retail standard (¥5,800), and limited edition (¥9.800)]
- North America (digital-only):
- Official Websites: Japan | International

1904 D.C. (Darius Calendar)
When a Belser virus rent the hyperspace network to tatters, every craft in the human space fleet with a network link was stripped of all communications capabilities. The ensuing chaos saw the entire fleet devastated in the blink of an eye.
The Silver Hawk fighters were the only craft from Planet Darius to escape the massacre. Equipped with Burst technology, these two cutting-edge craft were entrusted to humanoid AI terminal Ti2 and test pilot Riga Pratica.
Flying the Silver Hawk Burst fighters alone into enemy territory without network support, the two heroes braved overwhelming odds to secure victory and liberation for Darius.
It is now 1910 D.C., and repairs on the hyperspace network have begun to reconnect the pockets of humanity scattered across the vast reaches of space. Combat data transmitted from Darius soon sees Burst-equipped Silver Hawk fighters constructed in every inhabited galaxy.
The stage is set for mankind’s grand counteroffensive. A team of heroes takes wing, flying into battle and the
pages of history.
AC, EX, and Chronicle Modes:

CS Mode:


Shot Levels:
- The initial shot equipment, which fires missiles. It can dissipate certain types of enemy fire.
- A laser that cuts through enemies. It can also dissipate certain types of enemy fire.
- Fires a wave that cuts through enemies and obstacles.
Bomb Levels:
- The initial bomb equipment, which can fire bombs downwards from the front of the ship.
- Fires two bombs upwards and downwards, from the front of the ship.
- Fires four bombs upwards and downwards, from both the front and the back of the ship.
ARM Levels:
- Boosts the ship's durability. Initially, the durability is boosted by 3, then by 1 with each additional item acquired.
- Boosts the ship's durability. Initially, the durability is boosted by 3, then by 1 with each additional item acquired.
- Boosts the ship's durability by 3 and protects it from collisions with the environment.
- Legend: Well-balanced and easy to use
- Next: Its bombs follow the target and its Burst points at the ship when detached
- Formula: Short-ranged but very powerful shots
- Origin: Can't burst but has remarkable powerful shots and bombs
- 2nd: Can't burst but has powerful shots and its laser shoots through obstacles
- Gaiden: Instead of a Burst, it shoots a Black Hole Bomb, it is a powerful attack that sucks up enemies and bullets.
- Assault: Instead of a regular Burst, this ship features a "Spark Burst". When pressed once,the Spark Burst continues moving forward as it destroys enemies and bullets. It disappears once the Burst Gauge runs out. If the Burst is pressed again during a Spark Burst, a devastating Spark Finish in unleashed.
- Genesis: Instead of a regular Burst, this ship features an "α Burst Beam". When playing with 2 more players, hold down the Burst Button to prepare for a Burst. When you release the Burst Button, you will fire an α Burst Beam until the Burst Gauge runs out. By hitting an enemy's Burst Beam with your α Burst Beam, you can easily activate a Burst Counter. The longer you counter an enemy's Burst Beam, the more powerful the α Burst Beam becomes.
Burst Mechanic:

Holding the Burst button uses some of the Burst Gauge in order to fire the Burst beam, the Silver Hawk Burst's most powerful weapon. The gauge can be recharged by attacking enemies, connecting with lasers and dissipating enemy bullets.

Press the Burst Button twice quickly, or press the Fixed Burst Button to lock the Burst Part that fires the beam. In addition to destroying enemies, it can dissipate almost all enemy bullets. It uses less Burst Gauge energy than the normal Burst Beam, and can last for a longer amount of time. Hold down the Shot Button during a Fixed Burst to lock its direction.
When you release the Shot Button, the Burst Beam's nozzle will rotate. The direction of the beam is affected by the positioning of the Burst Part in relation to your ship. For LEGEND and FORMULA, it will be the reverse of your ship's direction. For NEXT, it will be the same direction your ship is facing.
If you hold down the Shot Button again after changing direction, you can lock the direction of the beam. If you press the Burst Button again or run out of Burst Gauge, the Fixed Burst will deactivate.

If you activate your Burst at the same time as an Enemy's Burst while in the path of their beam, you will fire a powerful Counter Beam. You can also activate Counter Beams from other directions with the correct timing. Firing your Burst just as the enemy Burst hits your ship is key.
Game Modes
AC Original + EX:
The original 2010 arcade game, runs at 32:9 so it may look very tiny on the Vita or small TV/monitors. A must play with 2 side-by-side monitors, bonus points for mirror set-up. EX is similar to AC but with 12 extra super-hard stages. Recommended for those who have mastered AC.
Chronicle Mode:
In this mode you can choose individual missions consisting of rearranged levels and bosses with various possible set parameters. This is where the online part comes into play: players can choose one of 64 different cabinets, all players who have selected the same cabinet will unlock things as a group as they progress in this mode. Think of the Souls games but you only see bloodstains, and these bloodstains unlock levels.
CS Mode:
As far as I know, this is just like Chronicle Mode but with extra exclusive bosses and different screen resolution (best for single-monitor set-ups and the Vita screen). In both Chronicle and CS modes you may encounter stages based on previous Darius games!
Event Mode:
Event Mode allowed players on the arcade version to download seasonal maps and fight special encounters. Degica has posted on the Steam forums that they're not sure yet if this will be used in the PC/console versions.
Will post as they come
- 1st Trailer, 2nd Trailer
- Original Soundtrack: Dariusburst on iTunes, Chronicle Saviours pre-order at AmiAmi
Credits to Toshin for sharing with me the Dariusburst Another Chronicle English User’s Guide (from where I stole a lot of info) and the Official English website (from where I stole pretty much all the info).