Thought it was a good idea to start a new official thread now that the game has gone free to play. Here's a link to Nightz and Yencid's original thread. Also wanted to thank them for letting me steal their images.

There's 2 factions in the game, Heroes and Villains, and 3 mentors per faction (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman // Joker, Lex Luthor, Circe). You'll get missions from all 3 mentors of your faction no matter who you choose as your character mentor during character create, but at certain intervals (lv 4, 15, and 30) you'll get a mentor specific mission that is tied to your mentor. If you want to play the other 2 mentor missions for your faction you'll have to group up with someone who has them as their mentor.
While the game has 2 factions, most of the content is very hero centric. The content from lv 1 to 30 for both factions is mostly different, but the end game content is 95% the same on both sides. The lack of unique end game villain content and the popularity of Batman/Superman is a big reason there's such a huge faction imbalance at the moment. Generally heroes are able to group up faster for PvE instances due to the sheer number of heroes running around in the Watchtower while villains get instant queues for PvP due to the terrible hero to villain ratio. The dev's have been talking about cross faction PvP queuing to make it easier for heroes to PvP, but there's no firm date on when that might appear so keep that in mind during character create if you plan to mostly PvP.

There's 6 free powers in the game and 4 roles (Damage, Tank, Controller, & Healer) spread out between them. The Damage role is the starting role for all power sets and is the only role available to all the power sets. Tank, Controller, and Healer roles are tied to specific powers and are unlocked once you reach lv 10. Tanks basically retain aggro, Controllers recharge the group's power bar and do crowd control/debuffs, while Healers keep the group alive.

Fire and Ice are the two tank power sets. Fire gets a health buff when they spam their powers while Ice gets a defense buff. Generally it's a lot easier to play as a Ice tank than it is to play as a Fire tank.

Mental and Gadgets are the 2 free controller power sets. I have a serious bias against Gadgets and find it be the most boring power set in the entire game. I prefer Mental cause unlike Gadgets its power trees don't feel like they gave up midway through.

Nature and Sorcery are the 2 healer power sets. Nature has a shapeshifting power tree that allows them to shapeshift into various animals while Sorcery has a summoning tree that allows them to summon pets (warning: all the pets suck). Generally Nature is more power hungry but their heals are more likely to be critical heals while Sorcery has a lower power usage and relies mostly on slower AOE heals over time. Both sets are fantastic at damage as well, Nature for single target damage and Sorcery for AOE damage.

Fight for the Light ($10) adds the 7th power set to the game, Light (Controller role), and 3 end game instances. Light powers are the only power set in the game that behave like a weapon and allow you to perform power combos.
Useful Commands
/say - Say something to anyone in your local area
/s - Same as /say
/groupsay - Say something to members of your group
/group - Same as /groupsay
/g - Same as /groupsay
/party - Same as /groupsay
/p - Same as /groupsay
/tell [name] - Send a private message to another person (use quotes around names with a space)
/t - Same as /tell
/reply - Send a private message to the last person that sent you a private message
/r - Same as /reply
/shout - Shout a message to everyone in the same region (like say but broader)
/invite [name] - Invite another person to join a group with you (no quotes needed)
/leave - Leave your current group
/kick [name] - Kick the specified person from your group (no quotes needed; must be leader)
/promote [name] - Promote the specified person to be the group leader (no quotes needed; must be leader)
Useful Links
PC Client Download (Also available on Steam)
Servers Status page (usually inaccurate)
F2P Restrictions | F2P FAQ
PC Game Guide | PS3 Game Guide
PC Official Forums | PS3 Official Forums
DCUO Loot Database
Ultimate DCUO Character Planner PC Program
MMORPG-Life Investigation/Briefing/Collection list // Map of Gotham // Map of Metropolis
Instructions on joining NA PC NeoGAF in game chat channel
GAF DCUO Player Database
Submission Form
N.A. Submission Form | Euro Submission Form
N.A. Database | Euro Database
PC Minimum
Windows XP 32 bit
P4 3.0 GHz or AMD equivalent
NVIDIA 7800+ or ATI 1950+ Video Card
1 GB of RAM
30 GB of Free Hard Drive Space
PC Recommended
Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
3.0 GHZ CPU Dual Core Processor
NVIDIA 8800GTX+ or ATI 3800 series+ Video Card
30 GB of Free Hard Drive Space
18 GB of Free Hard Drive Space