The Mythocast - DestinyGAF's Own Occasionally-released Podcast

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In this section, I just wanted to give some shout-outs to members of the community that I've personally experienced going well above and beyond the call of duty as a member of a gaming community.
Whether it be helping newbies, stimulating discussion in our threads, or just being awesome, I thank you all for your service.
By no means is this list even close to exhaustive or representative of everyone that makes DGAF what it is.
Truly, we could fill an entire thread with the heroic tales of warmth and guidance our members have spawned.
This is just a small sampling of a few players I've seen regular contributions from first-hand over the last 365 days.

Also, below is a link to information about the Weekly Newbie Raids open to all. For now, we rotate between VoG, CE, and PoE35... but King's Fall is coming ASAP!
This section is also where information on any future community assistance events will go.

A small selection of reminiscences from the first year of Destiny... remember, you can always click on the little arrow by the username to see the full post.
I thought Destiny was cool. I got bored with Destiny. I stopped being bored with Destiny. I think Destiny is cool.
It's been a fun year guys. Crazy to think it has been that long. Still remember my first VOG raid. My mic and headset were being weird and we were at the confulx phase with fanatics spawning. I hadn't heard any of the instruction on this so when I saw the green goop I ran straight into it thinking "Wow this is really cool...oh ritual of negation..wonder what that means." *Dead*. Funny coincidence that year one was book ended for me when praetorian foil dropped. One of the best moments.
I can't believe it has been a year with this game, I remember not even going to DGAF until the week of the HM Crota release.
I completed my first raid with people from the Bungie forums and still friends with one of them to this day, we stuck together for 17 hours and defeated Atheon for the first time, it was glorious.
The loot cave was awesome, spending 6 hours a day sometimes shooting at a damn cave with the guys from Bungie forums.
Then, Crota's End. We all left because we were pissed off about the level difference that they pull with the raid and they left the game and went back to FF XIV or Everquest. So in January I forgot I actually had a account with NeoGAF and found the Destiny OTs by coincidence, because at that point I was really thinking about dropping the game and never come back but I stuck through with you guys/gals through the dark days of Crota and the Trials of Hand Cannons bullshit.
And now that I only play with you guys, I can't wait for Year 2 of this game. Year 1 was stupid fun and I'd imagine Year 2 will be as well
tl;dr: I almost gave up on Destiny in January but found the DestinyGAF thread.
Thank you guys.![]()
You know, I left Destiny very disappointed and angry with the game when it was first released. I was pretty much done with it forever, and said to myself "man...that game could've been great".
Then when Taken King was announced, I thought "man...maybe I should check out Destiny and see if it's changed". I picked up the DLC, started playing again, and found very quickly that I was having a lot of fun. It seems a lot of other people I know came back around the same time, so I had plenty of people to do raids and PoE with.
I have to say, coming back to Destiny has been a really pleasant experience. GAF especially has been really cool to play with.
Looking forward to some TTK with all of you!
Last minute year 1 memories:
- playing the beta and being hooked almost immediately despite the frustration of it being my first console/controller FPS
- loot cave!
- the first purple engram I saw drop "in the wild"
- lurking in the first 6 DGAF OTs and finally posting:
So naive!
- missing the boat on Kor's "raid virgins" run, biting the bullet, and starting my own beginning my illustrious career of raid organization
- Hawkian's VoG newbie raid still one of my favorite experiences in the game so far. Thanks so much for all you do, Hawk!
- My first proper CE run, with a gruff-but-helpful Grave at the helm. I'm not sure if I was more afraid of the Abyss or the fireteam leader. =)
- Struggling through a Phogoth nightfall underleveled, but persistent, pot-shotting him to death through the 2 doorways over the course of about 45 minutes.
- first CE HM kill with Router_Go_Vroom (whose GAF name I can never remember) and proudly rocking glowhoo for 2 weeks after even though all I did was shoot rockets a few times.
- Verde getting 2 damn Fatebringers in one drop
- random Suros from Crucible
- Unstable carrying me to Mercury
- Last week's RNG apology to me, granting me both Hawkmoon and Crux
- pushing GRIP off stuff
- making fun of GRIP, in general
- Raiding almost every damn week my raid team
At first I was lazy and complained about the lack of matchmaking across Raids and Nightfalls. But once I gave in and started looking for help in the OTs, my love of Destiny increased dozens of times over.
Really looking forward to experiencing all of Year 2 with you, DGAF!
My first 20 was my Warlock. Time passed and it became my Titan. My first exotic was Suros. And of course loot cave. Who will ever forgot spending hours at a time shooting into a damn cave hoping for at least a blue. Then towards the end of October I burnt myself out. It wasn't until Christmas break that found out about Destiny Gaf. First person I met here was ReignofSparrows. DGAF community is easily the reason why I still play this game. Shalashaska161 invited me to my first raid, Crota, and with his group carried me through my first raid. It made Destiny fun again for me. My favorite memory with DGAF is when I got my first Gjallarhorn from the VoG chest. I think I left everyone deaf in that party chat. I think I broke. Lol(Sorry to everyone that day, but I'm not sorry for being happy).
And some delivered via haiku...Here is my favorite personal story from DGAF Year 1:
It was December 7th, and I couldn't get enough of the Vault of Glass. The grind of a thousand public events for Vanguard marks could not stop me. I finally hit a light level high enough to fully contribute to a normal raid, but my real life buddies were not keeping up. And so when Ghaleon asked way back in OT11 if anyone was up for a raid, I jumped at the opportunity. He already had Dax and "another" lined up so he needed three.
He seemed pretty cool in his interactions on GAF and so I joined. Little did I know that "another" ended up being not one, but two Bungie employees!
Next, as a sendoff to our beloved Year 1 Gear, the results of LTWood12's Exotic item survey:Vanilla:
I just need the boots!
I'm Forever 29
RNG hates me
Who wants to run sword?
Kill the gatekeeper right now
Where did the sword go?
Crota is moving
I wish I had a chalice
Crap that is a wipe
Why no 6 man raid?
Carry me to Mercury
Burning Shrine for days
Thorn can fuck itself
Everything needs to be nerfed
Blink don't kill my vibe
Everything was nerfed
Necrochasm is the truth
I miss Dinklebot
"If you could only keep one exotic armor and weapon, which would you choose?"
And finally, a handful of memories in GIF form...
Nighthawk vs. Crota
Atheon vs. Arc Blade
One in a million.
Gjallarhorn is the solution to all problems
A fine duel. Good show!

- Sign Up List for Xbox Players!
- Bungie's Twitter and Bungie's website, Weekly Updates released every Thursday. BungieHelp, Bungie's technical support Twitter.
- www.destinystatus.com is a great resource to see all of your characters' information at a glance.
- www.destinytracker.com has tons of detailed PvE and PvP statistics on your Guardians.
- A very useful database of in-game items including detailed armor and weapon information.
- Xur's weekly location and inventory. A Tower resident from 5 am EST Friday through 5 am EST Sunday.
- www.destinylfg.net and www.reddit.com/r/fireteams for finding groups outside DGAF. DGAF's the100.io groups for forming advance groups with GAF members.
- All Ghost hunting locations, and all Gold Chest locations.
- Public Event timings and locations
- Tower Ghost for Destiny for easy inventory management between all your characters. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Android and iOS.
- Join NeoGAF Destiny Clans here! PM me to have your clan added to the list.
- List of DestinyGAF Twitch streams

[/URL]All of our original progression guides are obsolete as of the release of the The Taken King.
New guides will be posted as the intricacies of the new system come to Light. You can still read Building with Exotics for general theorycrafting and choosing your exotic combinations.
Congratulations and thank you to all those who survived the Year 1 leveling process!

- Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4
Important correction on the second tip of Volume 3:
The XP amounts are right, but bounty XP is not split between your equipped items, it applies equally to all of them. Equip everything you want to give XP to before turning in bounties. - Patrol Missions Explained (quickie image guide)
- Basic PvP Tips
- The Last Word PvP Advice from Master Zoba (as of 2.0, Soft Ballistics is recommended over Aggressive)
- Trials of Osiris tips from Hawkian.
- Weapon Reforging tips from Reddit courtesy of reneruiz
- Vault of Glass Flawless Raid Tips
- Crota's End Flawless Raid is recommended for trophy hunters.
- Class Selection Advice (Dax Memorial Edition): Hunter is totally the best class.

- Unlock all Achievements, then PM Lnkn52 to be added to the list! Send a PM here.

In honor of The Last Word's most famous user 'round these parts, I wanted to give the last word to Zoba. See you all starside!
Zoba said:There's nothing quite like being part of a community in its infancy, especially one as intrinsic as an MMO. New games in old franchises carry a lot of baggage, which makes it inaccessible to new fans and tiring to veterans alike. But when the slate is blank and the pen goes down, you can only go forward. Suffice it to say, I'm [once again] optimistic about the future of Destiny.