GAF Reviews
-I beat it on an Ipad 4 100% stealth and really liked it. I'm a sucker for the universe and I had already read the book that the game kinda wraps itself around so I enjoyed it on a story level.
-The gameplay was fine for me because I am 100% stealth for like in DX games and will never stray from that. The AI is pretty forgiving which can be helpful with the touch controls.
-Visually, apart from some less than stellar character models, the game looks incredible. The retina display really brings some of the environments to life. Performance felt like it was consistently over 30 fps and it definitely hit 60 in some areas.
-The only thing that pissed me off was missing the side quests achievement. I played super thoroughly so I don't know how I didn't do them all.
I played through the game a couple of days ago on my ipad 4. The first person controls are excellent for an iOS game. Great invisible twin sticks, interactive buttons and a smart tap to cover system allows a stealth stalking experience that is similar to what you got in Human Revolution. First person shooting controls are a mess ofc, but that is not how I play this type of game. Precision aiming is not necessary in a slow, deliberate stealth game with satisfying instant takedowns.
I think some reviews have criticised the hub world unfairly. You get a slightly smaller hub compared with Detroit or Hengsha, but it is still plenty of locked doors and secrets to keep you interested. Even some fun optional stealth challenges such as knocking out the gangster guard detail in the slums. I think the hub may feel smaller due to being divided in a couple of separate "areas" for hardware reasons, but that was not an issue for me.
A great feature as an obsessive stealth gamer is the opportunity to explore all the mission areas and solve their challenges before you start the actual "missions". I was reminded of how great it felt to infiltrate and stack up bodies in Derelict Row before you had any reason to be there in Human Revolution. Good stuff.
The user interface is fantastic, including the awesome note/e-mail reading experience that fits perfectly on an ipad.
Overall on of the best games I have played on my ipad. It successfully translates the experience of the GOTY 2011 to the ipad. I was disappointed when they offered this instead of news of a real deus ex sequel, but in the end I enjoyed the game much more than I imagined I would. The worst thing you can say about it is that it is derivative of HR and does not improve much about the original game.
Great game. I thought it captured the DE:HR feel really well, and I'm looking forward to the next episode.
I put a few hours into this last week while traveling.
I came into the game as a huge DX:HR fan, but as someone who has extremely limited experience (or interest) in mobile gaming.
The controls are far less than ideal (although the ability to completely customize the HUD is nice) and the game is pretty buggy -- it crashed on my iPhone 4S relatively frequently. The game itself definitely feels less 'epic' than HR in a variety of ways.
That said, it does a pretty amazing job of cramming the DX:HR experience into a mobile title. And even with the problems I listed above, I'm looking forward to next week's work trip to dig back in again. I found it a great way to kill hours in the air. Well worth the $8 or whatever it was.
I played it some more on the plane yesterday. Honestly, despite its various limitations and shortcomings, I would definitely recommend it to people who enjoyed DX:HR.
Finished this today. Firstly, it is the best mobile version of a big-boy game that I've played (Rayman is fantastic but it cheats a bit by making it a pseudo-runner). It pretty much IS the Deus Ex:HR experience (and I'm as big of an HR fan as you'll find), though it is greatly simplified with brain-dead AI, much smaller rooms, much more obvious alternate paths, and much less complex combat puzzles. I finished the game without killing anyone with little effort and I barely used any of the tools at my disposal (plus I had 10,000 yen with my only purchases being a few EMP grenades). Also weird is that it kicks you into new game plus despite it clearly just being part one of a multi-part adventure. And that Gamecenter achievements don't track properly when you're offline (I played most of it on a plane). Anyway, it's highly recommended, it looks good, it plays as well as it can on mobile, and it's a solid length. Plus to micro transactions are even remotely needed! P.S. The nods to Milton (Office Space) and Final Fantasy 27 reclaiming its GOTY spot (after the series was given BACK to Japanese developers) were appreciated![]()