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Deus Ex: The Fall (PC) |OT| iNever Asked For This

Card Boy


Developer: Eidos-Montréal and N-Fusion
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform: Steam
Price: $9.99 (includes Deus Ex 1 for a limited time)
Genre: FPS RPG
When: 18/03/2014
Where: Steam Store


Deus Ex: The Fall is set in 2027– a golden era for science, technology and human augmentation, but also a time of great social divide and global conspiracy. Powerful corporations have seized control from governments and command the drug supply needed by augmented humans to survive. In this chaos Ben Saxon, a former British SAS Mercenary who underwent physical augmentation, is desperate for the truth behind the drug conspiracy. Betrayed by his private military employers, the Tyrants, not only is his own life at risk but for all augmented humans, time is running out…


  • Play the way you want- high-impact action or stealth
  • Original, immersive storyline
  • Numerous side quests
  • Fully explorable environments
  • Social and hacking skills
  • High impact action and combat
  • Unique visual design

  • Full Mouse & Keyboard control scheme
  • Microsoft Controller support
  • 28 Steam achievements
  • Steam Trading Cards and Badges
  • Adjusted Artificial Intelligence
  • Revised game tutorial
  • Removal of auto-target options
  • Revised aiming reticule
  • Removal of in-game purchase options, with rebalanced game economy
  • Revised cover options - now matches Deus Ex: Human Revolution (HOLD or Toggle)
  • Resolution, Anti-Aliaising and Vertical Sync options

PC Launch Trailer
TotalBiscuit WTF is video (or Let's NOT Play Deus Ex: The Fall)


EDIT: Title fixed, no need for this comment anymore.

As to the game, not sure how interested I am. Also, they out yellowed HR. Which is odd, given how much they toned the orange/yellow tint in the HR Director's Cut.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I actually did ask for this since my mobile has nowhere near the processing power to play The Fall.


Neo Member
I wonder if they always planned to bring it out on PC or if it was a result of the MASSIVE fan backlash when the game was first released as a mobile game.


I'm not sure if I asked for this and will probably wait for a Steam sale. DE: HR was one of my favourite games of the past generation.


I may have never asked for this, but it will be an ok game to tide me over until current gen Deus Ex debuts. Just remember not to expect the original DE or Human Revolution, it was made for mobile and as such set the bar at an appropriate level.

I can almost bet that despite his disappointment with HR, Derrick is probably picking this one up haha, even though he hates the platform it was developed for.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'd probably buy this now if it weren't region-locked in Eastern Europe. Only Squeenix would lock down a $10 game that is itself late to the platform.
Whos idea was it that DE:HR needed a Prequel. This is almost as bad as giving a CoD game a prequel.

I'm fine with an HR prequel, but the fact that it was an iOS game that's now being ported to PC...eh, not too keen on that.

I guess I'll wait to see if the reviews for the PC version are decent. I love HR, so if it's fun I may give it a shot.
Whos idea was it that DE:HR needed a Prequel. This is almost as bad as giving a CoD game a prequel.

It already had a prequel in the form of a book, Deus Ex: Icarus Effect. The book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I believe The Fall is a sequel to Icarus Effect with the main character being Ben Saxon, the same as the book. As someone who loved the book and doesn't like playing games on my phone, I'm really looking forward to this and hoping it ties up some of the loose ends.

Actually I just realized the woman in those screenshots is Anna Kelso, the other protagonist from the book. Getting kind of excited for this now...


Wait, did Jean Reno actually lend his likeness to this game, or is it just coincidence than the player character looks exactly like him?


It already had a prequel in the form of a book, Deus Ex: Icarus Effect. The book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I believe The Fall is a sequel to Icarus Effect with the main character being Ben Saxon, the same as the book. As someone who loved the book and doesn't like playing games on my phone, I'm really looking forward to this and hoping it ties up some of the loose ends.

Yep, I really liked the book actually. Certainly better than a lot of other game novels on the market. Saxon was neat and his backstory with the Tyrants was interesting. Adam "Safety Dance" Jensen still could probably take him on easily though haha.


I have it on Android and love it. I imagine it would be much better on PC. The autotargeting systems on the mobile version are nice, but it's really annoying if you're just trying to stun gun a dude face to face and you can't walk and turn to fire quick enough and die because of it.
I wasn't a huge fan of the book, but I liked how it finally gave some background on the Tyrants. The info on them was sorely missing in HR. ("Who are these guys again?") It was decent, for a video game tie in.

In fact, it may have been interesting if we had played Anna Kelso in this game instead of Ben Saxon.


I asked for it, I didnt wanna buy it on my phone lol
and I didnt know they changed the date to the 18th, I better preorder and get that bonus Deus ex game
So is this... like, an actual game? Like a bite-size Human Revolution? I have to admit that once I heard this was a phone game I didn't give it another thought, but I could totally go for something like The Missing Link again.
So is this... like, an actual game? Like a bite-size Human Revolution? I have to admit that once I heard this was a phone game I didn't give it another thought, but I could totally go for something like The Missing Link again.

It's not as good as The Missing Link from what I've heard...but I didn't play the mobile version, so I really don't know.


Is it using the same engine as HR? Or is it some mobile version of that engine, which they added AA to and some extra bells and whistles?


I bought both Human Revolution and the Director's Cut - both had to be patched several times before they would run on my PC properly (which has no problems with almost all other games). The Director's Cut still isn't playable without community fixes which is why I'll never buy a Deus-Ex product again. Burned, twice with the same game.... Pity, I thought the game rocked but fuck them.


Screens look pretty nice for a mobile to pc port. Really liked HR, one of my favourites last gen, but I'm not too sure about this. Still, my good for nothing won't run this. Might give it a try in the future, then.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
I read Icarus Effect in preparation for The Fall, and I really enjoyed it. Combine that with the revised release date, and I'm pumped.

I hope Ben Saxon and Anna Kelso are as interesting in this game as they were in the book.


Will buy but not in Steam again due to this again:


Steam store is pretty much dead to me at this point. Good going, Gabe.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Are you from Russia?

His profile says as much.

what the hell? thats cray...

It's something of a necessary evil due to Steam's region-specific pricing and games in Eastern Europe generally being ~40% cheaper than elsewhere, although Valve recently introduced a new gifting/trading flag that can and has been used in lieu of onlyallowrunincountries (in such cases gift copies that international users receive from South American and Eastern European users are region-locked at the activation level; there are no runtime restrictions).
Will buy but not in Steam again due to this again:


Steam store is pretty much dead to me at this point. Good going, Gabe.
Do you travel often between those countries and other countries? Otherwise I can't see it being a real problem, especially knowing all the problems with credit card theft and online keyshops


His profile says as much.

It's something of a necessary evil due to Steam's region-specific pricing and games in Eastern Europe generally being ~40% cheaper than elsewhere, although Valve recently introduced a new gifting/trading flag that can and has been used in lieu of onlyallowrunincountries (in such cases gift copies that international users receive from South American and Eastern European users are region-locked at the activation level; there are no runtime restrictions).

Ooof that's lame, these region lockings need to stop.
Will buy this for the hell of it. There's not enough cyberpunk out there. I will play every last cyberpunk game until I puke from going too far back into the DOS era.


So is this... like, an actual game? Like a bite-size Human Revolution? I have to admit that once I heard this was a phone game I didn't give it another thought, but I could totally go for something like The Missing Link again.

The game is not as good as The Missing Link (which was better designed than large portions of the main game), but the Deus Ex Human Revolution hooks are there. Stealth and instant takedowns were translated perfectly to touch screen controls. Anything with weapons and aiming was awful. Exploration was a bit gimped due to no jump button and smaller areas, but there were enough loot and gated passageways around to entertain you. I would single out the hotel map as a really successful deus ex human revolution style stealth/exploration experience. Story and conversations worked, but were nothing to write home about compared with the main game.

It will be interesting to see how they change this version on a detail level. Presumably, jumping will be in again, but I wonder if maps will be adjusted in any way for this. Will probably be weird if you can jump, but there is 0% utility of this skill throughout the game. I also wonder about the small level sizes ... It seems like the entire "hub area" should fit on the same map on pc, but I am not sure if this type of major change is what they are aiming for here.
This game is great, it's rather meaty and really is a top end mobile game, it would feel in place on a vita or 3ds easily.

Happy to see it on pc now, as good as I am with touch control gaming this title should be a lot more enjoyable with physical controls.


Gold Member
Can anyone who has played this already shed some light on this game? How long is it, how in-depth is the gameplay and story?
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