Thread created by Dahbomb
In 5 short years, Devil May Cry has been through ups and downs that most series don't experience in an entire lifetime. The dauntless protagonist Dante was introduced to widespread acclaim in 2001, then fell from grace (in DMC2), and finally redeemed himself (in DMC3) - all within a span of only 3 games.
Now, as Capcom prepares to move its stylish gothic action franchise onto the PS3, the development team is using the revered third entry as a starting point for everything in DMC4. Taking what fans loved about the game play and enhancing it, gamers can expect to see even crazier combos, more fluid integration of the weapons, and over-the-top cutscenes.

- GameInformer, October Issue
Before you do anything, it is HIGHLY ADVISED that you observe the TGS DMC4 07 trailer as well as the DMC4 Final 07 Trailer. This will get you hyped up for the game.
Table of Contents:
1) Basic DMC4 Information
A) Platform & Release Date
B) Notable Facts
C) Collectors Edition
D) Soundtrack
2) Game Play Details
A) Nero's Game Play
Devil Bringer
Blue Rose
Red Queen & Exceed
Hell Bound & Grim Grip
Full move list to Date
Devil Trigger
B) Dante's Game Play
On-the-Fly Style Switch
Ebony and Ivory
Pandora's Box
Signature Moves Analysis
Miscellaneous Mechanics
Devil Trigger
3) Characters & Story
A) Background Story & Setting
B) Nero
C) Dante
D) Kyrie
E) Credo
F) Agnus
G) Gloria
H) Lady
I) Trish
J) Vergil
4) Bosses & Enemies
A) Berial
B) Scarecrows
C) Frosts
D) Assaults
E) Blitz
F) Echidna
G) Mephisto
H) White Knights
I) One Winged Dark Knight
J) Silver Giga
K) One Eyed Dark Knight
5) Graphics & Sound Details - Technical Aspects
A) Framerate & Resolution
B) Textures, Lighting & Polygon Analysis
C) Sound & Music Details
6) Art Design & Environment Concepts
A) Art Styles
B) Environment Concepts & Screens
7) External Links and Credits

Devil May Cry 4 Official PS3 NA Box Art

(Obligatory PR Statement)
Devil May Cry 4 includes the following features:
From the producer of the original Devil May Cry® and Resident Evil® 4
2 playable characters take control of both Nero & Dante
High-definition visuals moving at 60 frames per second
Blend of familiar and new: newcomer Nero clashes with veteran Dante plus appearances from Trish, Lady and others from the DMC series
Exceed System allows Nero to easily charge up his sword with a throttle effect, revving up to three levels with powerful and varied attack options
Deep combo system rewards stylish dispatching of enemies
Unique "Devil Bringer" arm opens up a range of never seen before combo options
Distinct set of weaponry and moves for Nero and Dante
New active style change system for Dante allows him to switch styles and weapons on the fly, producing crazy combo possibilities
Numerous new characters and environments
Signature blend of guns and swordplay
*DMC4 is planned for a SIMULTANEOUS release on both next-gen home consoles: PlayStation 3 and Xbox360.

*In addition, there is also a PC version in the works that will be released sometime after the 2 console versions. The PC version unlike with DMC3SE and RE4 is being handled internally by Capcom. However, the specs of the PC version have not been finalized yet meaning the release of the game is far out. Do not expect a PC version before late 2008.
*Release Date = February 5th 2008
United States
January 31st 2008 - Japan
February 8th 2008

*The official DMC4 demo is slated for a release January 31st on both PSN and Xbox Live. It will include a taste of Nero all the way up until the Berial boss fight including the Scarecrow and Frost segments. The Fortuna segment is in fact structured as a Secret Mission, giving you a time limit of 10 minutes to exterminate as many Scarecrows as possible. The second segment is a combination of the ice level with Frosts packed in with the Berial boss fight. The demo is a bite size experience of 2 different missions of DMC4 and represents a very small quantity of the game, content and game play wise.
Visuals: 99.9% identical in almost every aspect including framerate performance. A few sites have already done comparison videos coming to the same conclusion. The differences between the 2 versions in terms of visuals is only in terms of how each console handles contrast.
Comparison can be seen here on Gametrailers
Note: The above video contains numerous compression artifacts so is not a 100% judge.
Audio: While both versions of DMC4 support 5.1 surround sound, the PS3 version because of the extra Blu-Ray capacity also supported 5.1 LPCM. This is lossless, uncompressed audio which would probably mean slightly better audio on the PS3 provided the right audio equipment is in place.
Achievements/Online Content: Both versions of DMC4 will include online content but will center mostly around Leaderboards judged on the number of Stylish Points players rack up in particular levels or scenarios. There is NO ONLINE PLAY planned for DMC4, any such addition to DMC4 would be a surprise but it's highly unlikely.
DMC4 360 Achievements have already been released although most of them are Secret Achievements. 90% of them can easily be figured out using common sense though as they are named a certain way (IE. Skill Collector (Dante) Achievement merely means to obtain all the move set of Dante).
DMC4 PS3 version has achievements as well and its integrated into the PS3. They are dubbed as "Accomplishments".
Controls: While the issue of controls are always based on player to player bases, it is a general consensus FROM REVIEWERS that due to the nature of the way DMC4 is played with the aid of the shoulder button primed at the placement of the index finger. This suggests that the controller best suited for DMC4's combat game play is the PlayStation standard Dual Shock controller or SIXAXIS for the PS3.
The 360 controls are fairly solid, in fact DMC4 will have the option for 100% CUSTOMIZABLE controls so it's not that big of a deal but if a definitive winner of controls has to be named between the two then objectively the best controller for DMC4 between the two is the PS3 one.
It should also be NOTED that the PS3 version has the Camera controls mapped to the SIXAXIS function. Tilting the controller will allow you to move the camera around the player. This function might be mapped to the Right analog stick on the 360 but that has yet to be confirmed.
Performance: Most specifically this deals with Load times as performance wise both versions are identical.
The PS3 version of DMC4 has a HDD install feature, which at a storage requirement of 4.9 GB and a 21 minutes install time gives the player NON-EXISTENT load times. You are able to go from large open environments to ornate indoor environments in literally a blink of an eye. This feature is NOT optional, it is mandatory.
During this HDD Install, you will have a chance to view a 20 minute long narrative exposition on the story of DMC and it's merely a text/picture style rundown of the universe. This narrative exposition is not available on the 360 in any shape or form, not even in the console bundle.
The normal load times for DMC4 are never longer than 5 seconds and on the PS3 version they are literally negligible. The 360 version will load slightly faster due to having a faster disc reader but it will never have loadless times like the PS3 installed version.

*All the event cutscenes in DMC4 will be realtime using in-game character models and the game will be 60FPS throughout. It runs at 720P and CAN BE UPSCALED to 1080P on both consoles.
*The main starting characters of DMC4 will be BOTH Nero and Dante. Most of the new mechanics being added to DMC4 are placed on the new character Nero and the previously revered classics are placed on to Dante (ie. Style system). Nero will play the first half of DMC4 and Dante will play the final half. There will be some similar locales and enemies for both but due to the abilities of both characters and how they get around so you can expect a lot of variety in the game.
There are a total of 21 missions in the game with the first mission being a very brief tutorial mode, so the actual game starts at Mission#2 with the switch point being at Mission#11 (meaning both characters get 10 missions a piece).
*Devil May Cry 4 will be the first DMC game to start off with 2 difficulties rather than just a standard Normal mode. Players have the choice between "HUMAN" and "DEVIL HUNTER" mode.
Human mode is targeted at the casual gamer audience. This difficulty is for people who aren't challenge addicts and merely want to get through DMC4 for the story or just the experience. This is also the difficulty of choice for newcomers. This mode isn't "hold your hand" type easy, it's a moderate difficulty that doesn't come with the harsh punishment that the series is renowned for. You are put on this difficulty if you pick the "This is my first time playing DMC" option at the beginning
Devil Hunter mode is targeted at the core DMC audience, the fanbase. This is also the difficulty of choice for challenge addicts and for all intents and purposes, the difficulty at which DMC4 is recommended by fans for the proper DMC experience. It is NOT the Normal mode, as both Human and Devil Hunter mode are DMC4's "normal" mode. However, because of the disparity in gamers nowadays these 2 "Normal" modes are made to cater to as wide as an audience possible. You are put on this difficulty if you pick the "I have played DMC before" option at the beginning.
*DMC4 will have a total of 6 difficulty modes, including a brand new difficulty mode that is higher than the previous Dante Must Die mode.
*Devil May Cry 4 WILL HAVE Mission Select system, Demo Digest and Bloody Palace. One of the Achievements for DMC4 is in fact completing Bloody Palace mode.
*Devil May Cry 4's Currency System has been altered from previous DMC games. Along with the classical Red Orbs, players are also awarded Proud Souls at the end of missions based on proficiency. These Proud Souls are the currency the player needs to obtain new skills and abilities. The great thing about the Proud System is that you can actually REFUND moves that you don't want and get new moves, allowing for a very free-form experimenting environment.
It should be noted that there is a price hike system put in place to avoid needless refunding and trying out of moves just for the sake of exploiting the system.
*Devil May Cry 4 has Online Support through Leaderboards only. The Leaderboards are a total of the Stylish Points you earn in particular mission walkthroughs, similar in essence to the Karma system used in the Ninja Gaiden games. To better aid the player at this competitive type of play, a Stylish Point score is continuously updated on your screen if you choose to have it displayed on the HUD. This is the first DMC to support online play or any form of actual OFFICIALLY sanctioned form of competitive game play structure, even though the hardcore players always were trying to out do each other in previous DMC games.
*Achievements/Accomplishments are available on DMC4 for BOTH PS3 and 360 version.
*Devil May Cry 4 takes place after the original Devil May Cry making it the first direct "sequel" to the first game (DMC1). The OFFICIAL timeline of the series is deemed by Capcom to be following:
DMC3 --> DMC1 --> DMC4 --> DMC2
DMC2 takes place in a distant and unconfirmed time after DMC4 and thus the events in DMC2 will have little to no bearing upon the events that are to come in DMC4. The story of DMC4 will then be supported mostly by the franchise canon set by the collaborative effort of DMC1 and DMC3.
*The DMC anime and the DMC manga also are part of the story canon of DMC. The DMC manga takes place 1 year before the events of DMC3 with a very accurate depiction of the characters before the games events. The DMC anime on the other hand is an effervescent time in Dantes life right after the events of DMC1 where there is a period of relative peace with not much to do for the devil hunter. It allows Lady and Trish to meet face to face and find common ground in their hunt for demons. Other than that the DMC anime is more a detraction than an essential canonical entry into the series even though it retains every detail of the canon of the main franchise and officiated by Capcom themselves, making it 100% canon. Kobayashi himself had a major hand in the development of the DMC anime and the first volume is available in the Collector's Edition of DMC4.
*DMC4 will contain MORE CONTENT than any previous game. It will have more weapons, more enemies and more emphasis on story than any previous game, and thus will be the longest and content wise, the biggest. DMC4 will have around 2 hours of cutscenes with an ADDITIONAL 15 hours of game play. This game play does not include the time that a player takes for dying or exploration purposes, merely a first time walkthrough time. This length is the highest for a DMC game yet and possibly for a game in it's genre.
*The style accolades for DMC4 are : D-Deadly, C-Carnage, B-Brutal, A-Atomic. S - Stylish, SS - Smokin' Style, SSS - Smokin' Sick Style
*DMC4 uses Capcom's standard next-gen graphics engine appropriately called the "FRAMEWORK" engine. Used on previous multi-million hitters such as Dead Rising and Lost Planet, the developers saw it fit to used a pre-made graphics engine for DMC4 in order to concentrate more on the game play and actual content part of DMC4. This engine allows for easier coding for all 3 platforms (360/PS3/PC). This version of the Framework is modified from the Lost Planet engine as it allows for optimization on both 360 and PS3 simultaneous where as the LP engine was more optimized for the 360 version as evident by its port on the PS3.
*Recently it was revealed that Capcom has not actually finalized the specifications for the PC version of DMC4, meaning production for DMC4 thus far has only been concentrating on the consoles. The PC version has yet to start proper development and will not see a release until at least late 2008.

Capcom® Entertainment has announced the contents of the Devil May Cry® 4 Collectors Edition package, which includes volume 1 of ADV Films Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, a Steelbook case and a bonus DVD filled with extras. The $79.99 Devil May Cry 4 Collectors Edition will be available February 5, 2008, for both the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
The Devil May Cry: The Animated Series anime disc will be packed with the Steelbook case, and will include the first four episodes of the 12 episode anime series. Volume one of the four-disc DVD anime series will be available from ADV Films at the same time the game launches. Inside the case will be a second bonus DVD alongside the game that users can slip into their computers. The bonus DVD will contain a making of feature on the game, music from the Devil May Cry 4 soundtrack, a digital art book with images and sketches from the development team, wallpapers, icons and screen savers.
Devil May Cry 4 Collectors Edition contains the following extras:
Volume 1 of ADV Films Devil May Cry: The Animated Series on DVD, including four complete episodes of the anime (a retail value of $29.99)
Unique Steelbook metal case
Bonus DVD
o Making of Devil May Cry 4
o Music from the soundtrack
o Digital artbook
o PC content (screen savers, wallpapers, icons)

These DMC4 console bundles are ONLY AVAILABLE IN JAPAN.
PS3 Version

360 Version

*Please note that the PS3 version comes with a Bonus disc of extra footage/cutscenes and the 360 bundle DOES NOT. The exact content of the Bonus Disc isn't actually clear.

Can be purchased from Amazon.
Here is the track list:
1. Out of Darkness(Prologue) by AUBREY ASHBURN
3. The Hell Gate
4. Stage I
5. Sworn Through Swords by SHOOTIE HG OF HOSTILE GROOVE
7. Temptation
8. Awaken
9. The Viper
10. The idol of the Time and Space
11. Swipe of Sword
12. Stage III
13. Lock and Load(Blackened Angel mix) by SHOOTIE HG OF HOSTILE GROOVE
14. The Gate is Opened
15. Shall Never Surrender(End Roll) by JASON "SHYBOY" ARNOLD OF HYPNOGAJA
The soundtrack list also reveals the artists behind the music of DMC4. Jason Shyboy of Hypnogaja and Aubrey Ashburn are new additions to the franchise. The score is orchestrated by the same person as DMC3, Tetsuya Shibata.

Ah yes, the moment the fans have been waiting for. This section discusses the most important aspect of DMC4, the game play. Most of the new improvements and additions apply to Nero, thus his section will be the longest. Dante's game play is very similar to his DMC3 counterpart and any new changes/additions on his part will be discussed in his section.
Stylish Nero Game Play footage
Nero Demo Trailer

Nero's Weapons
Red Queen

The default sword for Nero, issued to him by the Order of the Knights. This sword is standard for all the members in the Order. Nero on the other hand has further enhanced his sword by adding a motorbike-like handle + brake handle. This addition is not just for show, for this handle motif gives Nero access to Red Queen's Exceed ability which will be discussed later. This weapon is used with the /\ button and the Exceed function used with the L2 button.
Nero wields Red Queen mostly with his left arm due to his right arm occupied by the Devil Bringer. It can perform most of the basic DMC style moves but with it's own style of course. With the Red Queen Nero is able to go beyond the abilities of a normal human being.
Blue Rose

The Blue Rose is a twin-barreled revolver that shoots bullets with a bright blue discharge. It is not an issued weapon of the Order of the Knight since they look down upon the use of firearms within their organization. Due to the twin-barreled nature of the revolver, bullets are fired one after the other without any cool down, which means that Nero's rate of fire can be on par with Dante's Ebony and Ivory fire. This weapon is used with the [] button.
An important property of Blue Rose is that because of it's slightly wider discharge, it is able to hit in a wider hit area meaning more splash damage. In addition, thanks to the power of the Devil Bringer, Nero can channel extra energy into Blue Rose for a very powerful discharge (causing full knock back). This is accomplished by holding down []as is standard of the series. The Blue Rose has multiple levels of charges, with the final charge causing Guard Breaks on higher level of enemies.[/QUOTE]