GAF PSN/XBLA list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhmZYod-EUivdFJwRHJwenJzTVVnMkU2WDVVTWQyS3c#gid=0

Release dates:
Americas: 23/4/13
Japan: 25/4/2013
Europe: 26/4/2013
Price: $39.99/€29.99
PS3 (retail/download, click here to purchase via SEN/PSN web store)
360 (retail, download coming TBA 2013)
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is an expanded re-release of last year's Dragon's Dogma, including the whole original game only now enhanced with new content including skills, armor sets, Japanese VA, hairstyles and much more, however, the most important addition is Bitterblack Isle, a whole new set of grounds to explore with new enemies, quests and characters previously not available. People with data from their adventures in Dragon's Dogma can transfer it to Dark Arisen and continue on from where they left off, or start over and experience the game from the beggining with all the new enhancements. Transferring over your data also give you a bunch of bonuses for doing so, namely 100,000 RC, unlimited Ferrystones and a bunch of costumes/armor sets.
For a full list of changes click here.
Please note that Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen will NOT be availiable as DLC for the original version.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Trailers/Gameplay playlist

Dragon's Dogma Compendium of Wisdom app for iOS/Android
Dragon's Dogma Pawns Unleashed app for iOS
Dragon's Dogma Original Soundtrack ($9.99)
Dragon's Dogma OT
Dragon's Dogma PS3 demo SEN webstore page
Dragon's Dogma PS3 "Adventure" demo SEN webstore page
Official Website