
Dust: An Elysian Tail is a game brought to you by Noogy. You may remember him from such threads as the Xbox LIVE Arcade thread, and
probably some other threads where he’s talked about games he likes. The point I’m making is that Noogy is from round NeoGAF way, he’s made
this bloody awesome game, and he’d be honoured if you'd buy it – everybody wins!
He may have learnt to program from scratch and done all the art himself, but he had some help along the way. “I’d like to thank Alex Kain, my
cowriter, Deven Mack my casting director, Alex Brandon for additional music, and a HUGE thanks to Chris and Dan from Hyperduck,” he says.
There are some very talented people among that list.
Release Date: August 15th 2012
Format: Xbox LIVE Arcade
Price: 1,200 MS Points
How many games with “Dust” in the title are there now? 72
Is this the best one? Yes
Is it coming to Steam? “Dust: AET is exclusive to XBLA. There have been no discussions regarding any other platforms, so please don’t ask.”
Is there a Facebook? Yep, here! And if it gets 10,000,000 likes by Wednesday, nothing in particular will happen.
So, like, what the hell is Dust, anyway? Glad you asked…

Think of a genre you like. That’s what Dust is! Okay, to be honest there isn’t much golf in Dust and I don’t think there are any dancing sections,
but it’s basically a bunch of genres mashed together to make something entirely awesome.
It’s a Metroidvania. There’s a world map and the game is split up into regions, but in each of them you’ll find areas you can’t access that you’ll
need to come back to later with new skills or items. A map means you’ll always know where something hasn’t been discovered.
It’s a 2D platformer. Pretty self-explanatory. One of the moves at your disposal is pressing down and jump to drop through a platform. This is my
favourite thing in 2D platformers. You have a ton more moves at your disposal too and your repertoire grows as the game goes on.
It’s a hack-and-slash type affair. X is your basic attack, and you can add Y for various combos. You can juggle enemies like this. B uses Fidget’s
skill, and if you hold Y (Dust Storm) in conjunction with that they combine to form something quite special. It’s simple on the surface but add in
blocking/parrying and it becomes incredibly deep. One of the achievements is for maintaining a 1,000 hit combo, and that should tell you all you
need to know about the potential for awesome that the battle system has. It also has Popcap style rising music as your combo grows, which will make
every part of your brain feel nice.
It has item crafting. You’ll find blueprints all over, as well as tons of craftable materials. Want some better equipment? Make it yourself. Noogy
can’t do everything!
There are also RPG elements, like levelling up and random battles. Okay, there are no random battles, but there is levelling up, and you get to
increase your skills how you see fit. Want to do massive damage? Go for it! Want 5,000HP while you chip away at enemies a few points at a time?
You can do that too. Want to be melee focussed or rely on ranged attacks? The choice is yours.
This might not make sense, but I’m going with it anyway: you might have played games like Dust before, but you’ve never played a game like
- Take control of Dust, a warrior searching for his true purpose, as he joins forces with the mystical Blade of Ahrah and its guardian, Fidget, to
save the world of Falana from an army unlike any before it! - Explore an incredible hand-painted world!
- Match wits and weapons against challenging monsters!
- Take on side-quests from a cast of colorful, fully-voiced characters!
- Craft dozens of items and discover Falana's rarest treasures!
- Compete against your friends' high scores in ranked Challenge Arenas!

Immerse yourself in a gorgeous hand-painted world on a search for your true identity. As the mysterious warrior, Dust, your action-packed
journey will take you from peaceful glades to snowy mountaintops and beyond. At your disposal is the mythical Blade of Ahrah, capable of
turning its wielder it into an unstoppable force of nature, and the blade's diminutive guardian, Fidget.
Battle dozens of enemies at once with an easy-to-learn, difficult-to-master combat system, take on a variety of quests from friendly villagers,
discover ancient secrets and powerful upgrades hidden throughout the massive, open world, and uncover the story of an ancient civilization
on the brink of extinction as you fight to uncover your own past.

These screens are precisely as ace as the game looks when you play it. Only instead, imagine the glorious animation at 60fps. It’s kind of beautiful.

Those things are terrifying.

Highest quality trailer here! (100MB~)
ign has the first 10 minutes, including an audio commentary from Noogy!

Friend of Falana 10
Complete 5 Sidequests
Hero of Falana 10
Complete 10 Sidequests
Savior of Falana 10
Complete 20 Sidequests
A Decent Start... 10
Successfully complete a 200+ hit combo
That's More Like It 10
Successfully complete a 1000+ hit combo
Bringer of Death 10
Kill 500 Enemies
Push and Turn 10
Unlock a Treasure Chest
Wait, aren't you...? 10
Unlock a Cage and Rescue a Friend
Baker's Dozen 10
Hang out with Twelve Friends in the Sanctuary
Distant Thunder 10
Use the DUST STORM on Fidget's Projectiles
Well on your Way 10
Pick Up an Ability Orb
With Great Power... 10
Level Up by Assigning Skill Gems
An Impressive Display 10
Earn a Four-Star Rating in any Challenge Arena
The Stuff of Legends 40
Earn a Four-Star Rating in EVERY Challenge Arena
Blue Bomber 10
Simultaneously Kill 6 Enemies with a Single Bomb
Cutting It Close 10
Successfully Parry with less than 10% health remaining
Tinkerer 10
Craft an item from a blueprint
Opposite of Fail 10
Complete all Fale Quests
Above and Beyond the Call 10
Complete the Game on Tough or Hardcore setting
Sad Way to Go 10
Kill an enemy with the slide attack
One Last Wish 10
Fulfill Bopo’s wish for snow
The Blacksmith of Archer's Pass 10
Meet Haley
Secret Achievement 20
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 50
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 20
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 20
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 10
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 10
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 10
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement 10
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Dust: AET comes with a bunch of avatar awards to win! Bagsy the Ahrah shirt.

I’m only going to post the “safe” reviews here. I’d urge everyone to avoid reading them willy-nilly because you will have things spoiled for you
that it’s really, really better to leave unspoiled. The reviews I've linked to are safe and spoiler free.
The Controller Online 9.0
Beautiful to look at, and fun to play, Dust is the “must have” title in this year’s Summer of Arcade. In fact, it’s just a “must have.”
IGN 8.5 (video review)
An Elysian Tail is a rare example of artisanal game craft. Conventional wisdom says that can't happen anymore, but Dust proves otherwise.
TIME 5/5
So here’s your chance to visit gaming’s future that might have been with one of the best-looking side-scrollers ever made for 1,200 Microsoft
Points (about $15). It’s a triumph of animation and platforming that’s right up there with Michael Ancel’s Rayman Origins, and thrice as
impressive given its comparably-nothing design team.
God is a Geek 9.0
Since Konami took Castlevania in a different direction, there hasn’t been a decent, original RPG-tinged platformer of this ilk since the Order of
Ecclesia game for Nintendo DS. Dust more than makes up for lost time and is supremely enjoyable, old-school experience that also happens
to be one of the best looking games available of Microsoft’s downloadable service.
Console-Arcade 5/5
We can’t find a bad word to say about Dust: An Elysian Tail. Usually, even with the best games, there’ll be things you can look at and say “that
could have been done differently.” Rarely, and in the case of Dust, you look at it and wouldn’t change a single thing.
Game Craic 4/5
Dust is not only beautiful to look at, and an astonishing achievement for Dean Dodrill, but an absolute joy to play.
VentureBeat 6.5
Happy Hearts.
Gamestyle 10/10
In a year that has Trials Evolution, Spelunky, Minecraft and Fez, this is the standalone best game on XBLA. If you only buy one game this year
buy Dust: An Elysian Tail, there simply isn't enough superlatives to describe just how good it is.
Pixelated Sausage 5 sausages out of 5
I had enormous expectations for Dust: An Elysian Tail that I never thought would be met, but somehow all my expectations were not only met
but exceeded in most cases.
Gamezone 9/10
... the gameplay offers beat-em-up variety aplenty, and the replay value is through the roof, even without any major Xbox Live compatibility.
Sometimes you just gotta take it back to the old school, and Dust does it with great aplomb.
gamesradar 4.5/5
With its supremely satisfying swordplay, enthralling exploration, and a story you’ll want to see through to the end, Dust feels like the Xbox
homage to Vanillaware’s cult classics Odin Sphere and Muramasa. Though its aesthetic may turn some biased gamers away, they’ll be missing
out on some of the best single-player action that $15 can buy.
The Verge 8.0
Any game can borrow from the stuff that made Metroid and Castlevania into legends, but few put those elements to such good use as Dust.
Just Press Start 9.5
Dust: An Elysain Tail is easily one of the best games I’ve played in 2012.
The Indie Game Magazine 90%
Destructoid 8.5
Gamerlimit 9.5
Official Xbox Magazine 9.5
1up B
VVGtv 4.9/5
The Unemployed Gamers 9/10

As in – please be careful! Don’t think about whether you consider something a spoiler, think about whether someone else might consider it a
spoiler, and use the SPOILER tags accordingly. It’s better to spoiler tag something that doesn’t need it, than plain-text something that you should
have tagged.
It’s about a thousand times more fun to discover things in Dust for yourself, and it’s unfair to deprive someone else of that joy, so respect your
fellow Gaffer!
Most of all, enjoy Dust: An Elysian Tail.