I think it was proven true, but I've been playing through it for the past week and I would never have given it a thought myself. The environment is very different and the complete lack of roads means it's even harder to see similarities. If you enjoyed FC3 and/or 4 you'll enjoy this too. The lack of guns is refreshing.
It uses FC4's world but has it in a prehistoric setting of sorts.
Grab it if you want your fix of uninspired Ubisoft open world game design.
It uses the same topography as a base, but everything on top of it is different. It doesn't feel at all the same during play. You would never know without seeing the maps side by side.
Project Cars any good?
I used to play Forza (although got repetitive) and I enjoyed Driveclub alot.
control+f 'grand theft auto'
god damn it.
Anything worth getting on Vita from this sale?
I have not played it but it looks like a fun racing type game.
control+f 'grand theft auto'
god damn it.
Sky Force Anniversary for £2.79 is sooooooooooo worth it. That's less than the price of a pint.
What sort of game is it?
Shmup, and a very good one at that.
I'm eyeing this off so badly.Killing Floor 2 is great
Go to Director Mode and turn off pedestrians, Wanted Levels and Restricted Areas. Oh and turn on invisibility. I've been playing that way with my son for a long time and as long we restrict ourselves to just pick up parked vehicle's we've more or less reduced the violence to an absolute zero.
Yup. PS3, PS4, Vita and PSP. Because why not?is Retro City Rampage DX crossbuy?
I've moved house so unable to setup my ps4 at this current stage but still have my vita around.
Yup. PS3, PS4, Vita and PSP. Because why not?
Just a heads up for those getting The Witcher 3. Both the GOTY edition and the regular edition are on sale (but you only see the GOTY edition under the sale fortunately). I almost accidentally bought the standard edition and the season pass on the side, and that's way more expensive than getting the GOTY version in the first place. GOTY with all DLC is about 40-50SEK cheaper than the non-DLC version.
my girlfriend's gonna be gone for the weekend - so i guess i'll platinum another Lego game.
Batman 3
Marvel Super Heroes
The Lego Movie
what say you?
Jurassic World was great, The hobbit sucked balls.
Marvel Super Heroes
why is there no direct display of the prices?
i hate not seeing the prices. psprices is not a tidy place to see all prices at once.
my girlfriend's gonna be gone for the weekend - so i guess i'll platinum another Lego game.
Batman 3
Marvel Super Heroes
The Lego Movie
what say you?
Jurassic World was great, The hobbit sucked balls.
seems like there are new things added to he sales like ps1 classics final fantasy games and a few ps3 final fantasy games, NBA 2k 17
I am Setsuna - £19.99
final fantasy 15 - £32.99
final fantasy 13-2 - £7.99
lightning returns - £9.99
final fantasy type 0 - £15.99
Thanks dude.
I may get a mod to edit the title and just include final fantasy as most likely it will go until the end of Feb.
It is for one week only. So expiring same time as the current sales
More reason to just add it in here and not waste a thread.
Does it say on the store page the expiry date?
Yesss, I was hoping the FF games would be discounted on the EU store as well.
Already got most of them, but gonna buy the ones I'm missing (1; 2; 4; 5). Btw, anyone know whether it's worth buying Dissidia if I already own 012? I've heard it includes all the content from Dissidia.
surprised psblog still hasn't posted about the ff sale
yeh i just noticed this.Included in the NBA 2k17 Deal of the Week blog post:
New set of sales, mostly EA. US PSN having same EA sales as well