We are Believe FC, the official Neogaf PC Fifa Online Clubs team. This is our second year, if you are new, feel free to take a moment to read about our history below and know if you are a part of Neogaf, you are already family to us. We are the most active, most successful Fifa team on Neogaf, we play often and have players from all around the world. We love success but we welcome everyone, of any skill level, all you need to do is add one of the two people below, either on Origin or Steam, and well will get you right into the action
Steam - Nukemonkey - http://steamcommunity.com/id/jesuisfrack
Origin - Nukemonkey
Steam - PrematureQuiche http://steamcommunity.com/id/PrematureQuiche
Origin - PrematureQuiche
There are only 2 conditions we have as a club, conditions which benefit us all.
1) We require you to be in our mumble client during games, mumble is a voip client, like teamspeak and ventrilo. You can download it here http://mumble.sourceforge.net/. You do not need to speak, but we find most people do after a while, but it is important we can tell you information, so we dont enter games without everyone in them.
2) Be respectful, this means towards other people, both in act and in action. Dont be nasty, if someone is playing badly dont make them feel bad. There is another corollary to this and that is that this is a team game, and while we respect each individuals right to play how they want always remember there are others in the game trying to enjoy it too.

Hello, we are Believe FC, a team that formed some 12 months ago with a purpose, a vision. We formed to become the greatest, most inspiring mariachi band that ever hit the Northern hemisphere. We stumbled, we fell, we rose but we realised after a few months that it took more than soul, more than will, it took something none of us had ever had, nor even thought to mention during our early days. We required money. Bake sales, car washes, church bachelor auctions, we tried none of them and were soon running out of ideas. One day on a walk out I stumbled across a man on the street, a man with slick hair, shining shoes and a swagger and I asked him "How sir, inspite of the worlds ills and the hardness of the weather swagger you so?". He looked at me, tipped his hat forward and said but one word
He said FIFA
It later dawned on me that he didnt infact say Fifa, but rather "Thieve her", the tip of his hat was towards an elderly lady, clutching at her purse strings trying to hold back the wind. That is in the past and we, ill advised as we were, began to play FIFA 13 online clubs mode. This is our story.

From humble beginnings we grew, players came and went but the core remained the same, comprised of players from all over the world. We played, we laughed, we had fun, we plotted in small groups to oust certain players, only to deny that fact when openly cofronted. We realised one thing nearing christmas that launched us into the new year, we realised that small players, anorexically thin, riddled with anemia and self loathing, were the shining light to greatness. But above all what came to the fore was that somewhere in the goaless draws and cup failures, somewhere in the depths of the wings, where passing is optional, in the shallows of the front where shooting is mandatory to the barons of cam where silence is judgement, we realised we had become friends. Fifa 13 was a broken game, balanced with friendship, it was a truly magic year for Believe FC, one which propels us into the new year.
Here are the men who helped us along the way.

We did everything, from win cup finals in the 90th minute, to relgation by a single goal. We won championships, cups, had bitter rivalries and teams we refused to play. We encountered hackers, abusers, played the best and the worst in the world. We scored volleys, headers, chips, glitches, crosses, slide tackles, own goals and goals which should never have counted. There are more memories than can be counted, recollected and stored, but here are a few.

And a final sendoff, our official stats for the season

We started rough but found our feet in the new year, many early losses make our ratio look about even, but we were then division 7 and ended up division 1, playing the best teams in the world. That being said to claw back to 50/50 is a proud achievement for us all. Here are our standings.