Sun Bather

Hello and welcome to our humble Fifa team on PC. After a down time of fifa playing, due to a less than ideal quality of fifa games, we believe that Believe FC is now ready to play again, with Fifa 17.

As a generally unlawful bunch of people, we do not like rules. But we have felt it necessary to have the following:
1) We require you to be in our mumble client during games, mumble is a voip client, like teamspeak and ventrilo. You can download it here You do not need to speak, but we find most people do after a while, but it is important we can tell you information, so we dont enter games without everyone in them.
2) Be respectful, this means towards other people, both in act and in action. Dont be nasty, if someone is playing badly dont make them feel bad. There is another corollary to this and that is that this is a team game, and while we respect each individuals right to play how they want always remember there are others in the game trying to enjoy it too.
3) Do not use cheats, for anything but cool red hair through cheat engine.
To join, contact either of these:
Mr. Cola
Steam - Nukemonkey -
Origin - Nukemonkey
Steam - PrematureQuiche
Origin - PrematureQuiche

It has been two years since a new calciopoli shocked the world of fifa. The rumors had been there for a long time, but there never was any confirmation until EA stepped in. Leading figures at Believe FC had been paying off their direct rivals, The Italian Job, in order to win divison 1 in 2014.
Dark days for Believe FC. Relegated to division 10, and unable to put on a team for fifa 15 and 16. The years went on and life was hard for our players in prison. Some like Bacon and iNvid resolved to drugs, while others such as Hixx and Quiche found God, in order to cope with not satisfying the supporters that they had dedicated their life to. Rumors has it iNvid joined a group of neo nazi Russians, and split from the other members of Believe FC at this time. However he denied this upon release and is now back with us. At night when Mr Cola closed his eyes, and attempted to sleep, all he could hear was the ringing sound of the supporters chanting his name, as he completed yet another match with above 90% pass accuracy. It was a living nightmare, that is however now over.
Believe FC served their time, and are ready for one of the most anticipated come backs since Westlife returned.
Here follows the mugshots of the imprisoned members, that are set to return.

Players such as Manager, BrokenOath, Bulky and probably many more that I am forgetting, have had their rulings appealed, and it is still unknown if they will return for this season. However, I think I can say with confidence, that Believe FC is back.