♦ Is this free to play?
No. But you receive 30 free days with purchase of any retail version. Here are the subscription fees: [USD] [GBP/EUR]
• All platforms and regions share the same game servers.
• You can use Steam Wallet (on Mog Station).
• PlayStation Plus is not required.
• 60-day time cards are available from select retailers.
See also the Recruit a Friend Campaign: [NA] [EU] Feel free to ask in this thread for a referral code.
You are eligible if you're new or playing the free 14-day trial, or currently on your first 30 free days with no subscription time paid yet.
• All platforms and regions share the same game servers.
• You can use Steam Wallet (on Mog Station).
• PlayStation Plus is not required.
• 60-day time cards are available from select retailers.
See also the Recruit a Friend Campaign: [NA] [EU] Feel free to ask in this thread for a referral code.
You are eligible if you're new or playing the free 14-day trial, or currently on your first 30 free days with no subscription time paid yet.
♦ Is there a free trial?
14-day trial, level 20 cap, communication restrictions, and other restrictions apply with the free trial version. [PC/PS3/PS4] [Benchmark]
♦ Do I have to buy an additional game key/code for each platform I want to play on?
Yes (that also applies to expansions).
• You receive 30 free days for each version of the base game FFXIV: A Realm Reborn when registered to the same account.
• The game is region-locked, so all of your game keys must be from the same region. However, the game servers are not locked by region.
• Your characters are saved across all platforms, but you can only login to one platform at any time.
• For pre-order or collector editions' in-game items, you only need one CE key to receive the items when redeemed on the same account.
• PS4 players: How to play without the disc in the drive on PS4.
Concerning Steam accounts:
• If your FFXIV account was created with a Steam key, it will be tied to Steam (even if you purchase and play the game on other platforms later).
• Users with a FFXIV account tied to Steam must purchase the Steam version of Heavensward if they wish to update to the expansion.
• Steam is considered as a separate platform from Windows PC.
• You receive 30 free days for each version of the base game FFXIV: A Realm Reborn when registered to the same account.
• The game is region-locked, so all of your game keys must be from the same region. However, the game servers are not locked by region.
• Your characters are saved across all platforms, but you can only login to one platform at any time.
• For pre-order or collector editions' in-game items, you only need one CE key to receive the items when redeemed on the same account.
• PS4 players: How to play without the disc in the drive on PS4.
Concerning Steam accounts:
• If your FFXIV account was created with a Steam key, it will be tied to Steam (even if you purchase and play the game on other platforms later).
• Users with a FFXIV account tied to Steam must purchase the Steam version of Heavensward if they wish to update to the expansion.
• Steam is considered as a separate platform from Windows PC.
♦ Can you play well with a controller?
Yes, it works great! You will want to grab a keyboard for chatting purposes too. This guide may help if you have trouble effectively targeting.
♦ Is there any room in the GAF free company (aka FC/guild/clan) and can I join (or re-join)?
Yes! GAF is mostly on the server/world Ultros. Players of any level and skill are welcomed. Scroll down to the Free Company section for details on how to join.
♦ Why do I keep getting a temporarily suspended message?
Use the one-time password software token or download the mobile app. It will stop the messages and secure your account.
Be absolutely sure to write down the serial number (located in the app's settings or on the back of the token) in case you need to reinstall or if the token dies!
Be absolutely sure to write down the serial number (located in the app's settings or on the back of the token) in case you need to reinstall or if the token dies!
♦ I'm new, what should I be focusing on? How do I gain more levels?
Definitely keep up with the main story quests and class quests! The main story quest icons (an exclamation point engulfed in fire) will look different from the side quest icons.
Check this link for a dictionary of all icons. || This beginner's guide is a bit old but, it's still pretty relevant.
For leveling battle classes you can do: FATEs, guildleves / levequests, hunting log, challenge log, queue for dungeons & guildhests, daily duty roulette: low level, and daily beastmen quests.
For leveling crafting & gathering classes: focus on multiple turn-ins or courier levequests, the challenge log, and the daily Ixali beastmen quests.
The consensus is to not make crafting and gathering classes a priority before you hit max level on a battle class though for reasons explained here.
Check this link for a dictionary of all icons. || This beginner's guide is a bit old but, it's still pretty relevant.
For leveling battle classes you can do: FATEs, guildleves / levequests, hunting log, challenge log, queue for dungeons & guildhests, daily duty roulette: low level, and daily beastmen quests.
For leveling crafting & gathering classes: focus on multiple turn-ins or courier levequests, the challenge log, and the daily Ixali beastmen quests.
The consensus is to not make crafting and gathering classes a priority before you hit max level on a battle class though for reasons explained here.
♦ So when can I switch classes, get my own chocobo mount, unlock more dungeons, hire retainers, etc.?
Check this list of what/when content is unlocked. Most content will become available as you complete the main story quests. You can switch classes at Lv10 and get a chocobo mount at Lv20.
♦ I've just hit max level, now what?
Read this guide: So You Just Hit Level 50 in Patch 2.55
♦ I haven't played since x.x patch, what have I missed?
You can read this summary from r/ffxiv or check out the official patch archives. The latest content is Patch 2.5 - Before The Fall.
♦ What else is there to do besides leveling and dungeons?
Group PVP, holiday events, leveling your chocobo companion, player housing, Eternal Bond (marriage), the Gold Saucer (chocobo racing, Triple Triad, GATEs, mini-games), etc.
To get to the Gold Saucer, you'll have to be at least Lv15 and have airship travel unlocked. The quest can then be started in Ul'dah by talking to the Well-heeled Youth npc.
To get to the Gold Saucer, you'll have to be at least Lv15 and have airship travel unlocked. The quest can then be started in Ul'dah by talking to the Well-heeled Youth npc.

♦ So I heard there's an expansion?
HEAVENSWARD, will release worldwide on June 23rd 2015 (with early access starting on June 19th if you've pre-ordered). Please look forward to it.
Featuring the city-state of Ishgard, new locations, a new playable race called Au Ra, three new jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist), new primals (Ravana and Bismarck), flying mounts, dungeons, raids, level cap increased to 60, a ton of dragons and more.
→ Official site for Heavensward.
→→ Early Access Details & How to Redeem Heavensward Pre-Order Codes on Mog Station.
• Heavensward Launch Trailer.
• Heavensward Opening Cinematic. Note: There are major spoilers from patch 2.5's story.
• Benchmark trailer || Benchmark download. Note: It also includes a character creation tool. Appearance data can be saved for use creating characters in the retail version.
• Main Theme of Heavensward "Dragonsong" by Nobuo Uematsu (Note: Spoilers) || New Job Actions || New Dungeons
• Letter from the Producer LIVE: Part XX Q&A Summary (4/23) || Part XXI Digest (06/15/2015)
Featuring the city-state of Ishgard, new locations, a new playable race called Au Ra, three new jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist), new primals (Ravana and Bismarck), flying mounts, dungeons, raids, level cap increased to 60, a ton of dragons and more.
→ Official site for Heavensward.
→→ Early Access Details & How to Redeem Heavensward Pre-Order Codes on Mog Station.
• Heavensward Launch Trailer.
• Heavensward Opening Cinematic. Note: There are major spoilers from patch 2.5's story.
• Benchmark trailer || Benchmark download. Note: It also includes a character creation tool. Appearance data can be saved for use creating characters in the retail version.
• Main Theme of Heavensward "Dragonsong" by Nobuo Uematsu (Note: Spoilers) || New Job Actions || New Dungeons
• Letter from the Producer LIVE: Part XX Q&A Summary (4/23) || Part XXI Digest (06/15/2015)
♦ Do I need to complete anything in-game to gain access to Ishgard and other Heavensward content?
• You must have a Lv50 character with a minimum item level of 90 (which is required to complete patch 2.55).
• You must have completed all the main scenario quests for A Realm Reborn. The final quest is "Before the Dawn" (from patch 2.55).
• You do not have to clear the raid dungeon The Binding Coil of Bahamut.
• I'm Level 50, what should I do before Heavensward?
• You must have a Lv50 character with a minimum item level of 90 (which is required to complete patch 2.55).
• You must have completed all the main scenario quests for A Realm Reborn. The final quest is "Before the Dawn" (from patch 2.55).
• You do not have to clear the raid dungeon The Binding Coil of Bahamut.
• I'm Level 50, what should I do before Heavensward?
♦ I've installed Heavensward and completed all the main quests for A Realm Reborn; where to next?
♦ Other relevant information?
• You will need the base game FFXIV: A Realm Reborn to be able to play Heavensward.
• The expansion does not come with the base game unless you buy the bundle.
• You do not get 30 days free with the expansion.
• The expansion is not shared across all platforms. You must purchase the specific version to play on the specified platform.
• If you created your FFXIV account with a Steam registration key, then you will need to purchase Heavensward on Steam. Non-Steam codes will not work on your FFXIV account.
• Mac OS version will be released the same day as the Heavensward launch.
Required Hard Drive Space (minimum): PS3 - 20GB || PS4 - 50GB || PC - 30GB
Please refer to the official expansion site for more info on pricing, pre-order bonuses, collector's bonuses, and system requirements.
• The expansion does not come with the base game unless you buy the bundle.
• You do not get 30 days free with the expansion.
• The expansion is not shared across all platforms. You must purchase the specific version to play on the specified platform.
• If you created your FFXIV account with a Steam registration key, then you will need to purchase Heavensward on Steam. Non-Steam codes will not work on your FFXIV account.
• Mac OS version will be released the same day as the Heavensward launch.
Required Hard Drive Space (minimum): PS3 - 20GB || PS4 - 50GB || PC - 30GB
Please refer to the official expansion site for more info on pricing, pre-order bonuses, collector's bonuses, and system requirements.

►► NeoGAF Free Company:
World: Ultros (NA/EU data center - Primal)
Free Company: Gather Against Fate «GAF»
Officers: Maple Cookie, Strawberry Shortcake, Safflower Amariyo, Baramoht Klynhollsyn, Drama Zeni, Elliott Kirkland, Mira Mora, Odoru Suika, Scything Moon
Guild Website: http://neogaf.guildwork.com/
Free Company: Gather Against Fate «GAF»
Officers: Maple Cookie, Strawberry Shortcake, Safflower Amariyo, Baramoht Klynhollsyn, Drama Zeni, Elliott Kirkland, Mira Mora, Odoru Suika, Scything Moon
Guild Website: http://neogaf.guildwork.com/
► Other Free Companies and/or Linkshells (by World):
World: Durandal (JP data center - Gaia)
Linkshell: Nocturne
Officers: Aki Rouscelia
Guild Website:: http://nocturne.guildwork.com/
World: Ragnarok (NA/EU data center - Chaos)
Linkshell: Warriors of Chaos
Officers: Khrno Abaddon, Ebil Elebil
World: Sargatanas (NA/EU data center - Aether)
Free Company: Red Dot «DOT»
Officers: Eithne Rain
Guild Website: http://reddot.guildwork.com/
World: Gilgamesh (NA/EU data center - Aether)
Free Company: Vector Industries «VI»
Officers: Maiden Astraea, Miharu Volsung, Daryl Sharp
Guild Website: http://vector.guildwork.com/
Linkshell: Nocturne
Officers: Aki Rouscelia
Guild Website:: http://nocturne.guildwork.com/
World: Ragnarok (NA/EU data center - Chaos)
Linkshell: Warriors of Chaos
Officers: Khrno Abaddon, Ebil Elebil
World: Sargatanas (NA/EU data center - Aether)
Free Company: Red Dot «DOT»
Officers: Eithne Rain
Guild Website: http://reddot.guildwork.com/
World: Gilgamesh (NA/EU data center - Aether)
Free Company: Vector Industries «VI»
Officers: Maiden Astraea, Miharu Volsung, Daryl Sharp
Guild Website: http://vector.guildwork.com/
*PM or post in the thread if you want your FC or LS to be added to the list or need to update any info.
♦ FFXIV-GAF Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ffxiv-gaf/

♦ Regarding Character Creation Restrictions: check here for when servers are available. Ultros is more likely to be open around late night/early morning.
⇒ STEP #1: Guildwork Application
Sign up and submit the 'Recruitment' form at http://neogaf.guildwork.com
*Make sure to also setup your character's full name on the Guildwork's Display Name field (under Settings).
*Make sure to also setup your character's full name on the Guildwork's Display Name field (under Settings).
♦ Note: If you're a returning player that left/got kicked to make room, skip this step above.
⇒ STEP #2: Submitting a Free Company Application
1. Target any member of «GAF» in-game, then select View Company Profile from the subcommand menu.

♦ Note: You may find GAF members around the capital cities, the Gold Saucer, or GAF's house in Limsa Lominsa's housing area (Mist - Ward 1, Plot 15).
2. Select Submit Application at the bottom of the Company Profile window.

3. Enter a message to be sent with your application, then press Confirm to submit.

♦ Note: If you're a returning player with a Guildwork account or changed your character's name, please mention it in the message.
4. An officer will review your application when available, and if your application has been accepted, you will be added to the free company automatically.
♦ Note: You do not need to be online to get accepted.

▼ Basic Game Utility / News
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ - The Lodestone. Official site for news and more.
sqex.to/Msp - The Mog Station. Used for all FFXIV account management.
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php - Official forums. (Note the "Dev Tracker" feed.)
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/blog/ - Developers' blog.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/help/option_service/ - Optional services (vanity items, world transfer, etc).
https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN - Official Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/user/FINALFANTASYXIV - Official Youtube channel
http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv - Official Twitch channel
http://arrstatus.com - Server/World status site.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/fankit - Wallpapers and such.
sqex.to/Msp - The Mog Station. Used for all FFXIV account management.
http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forum.php - Official forums. (Note the "Dev Tracker" feed.)
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/blog/ - Developers' blog.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/help/option_service/ - Optional services (vanity items, world transfer, etc).
https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN - Official Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/user/FINALFANTASYXIV - Official Youtube channel
http://www.twitch.tv/finalfantasyxiv - Official Twitch channel
http://arrstatus.com - Server/World status site.
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/fankit - Wallpapers and such.
▼ Resources / Wikis / Guides
http://xivdb.com - A data-minded database.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/ - A database with tools.
http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page - Successor to FFXIclopedia.
http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki - Another wiki for ARR.
http://www.ffxivinfo.com - Database, with guides.
http://www.ffxivguild.com/ - A general guides site.
http://i.imgur.com/smNx1ZX.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/PEnLMF9.jpg - A visual guide to tanking.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/2th3u3/so_you_want_to_be_a_master_crafter_or_gatherer/ - Crafting and gathering guide.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/327g64/so_you_want_to_be_a_master_crafter_macro_rotation/ - Crafting macro/rotation guide.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MTQcapture - Video guides for high level dungeons, raids, primals.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/ - A database with tools.
http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page - Successor to FFXIclopedia.
http://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki - Another wiki for ARR.
http://www.ffxivinfo.com - Database, with guides.
http://www.ffxivguild.com/ - A general guides site.
http://i.imgur.com/smNx1ZX.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/PEnLMF9.jpg - A visual guide to tanking.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/2th3u3/so_you_want_to_be_a_master_crafter_or_gatherer/ - Crafting and gathering guide.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/327g64/so_you_want_to_be_a_master_crafter_macro_rotation/ - Crafting macro/rotation guide.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MTQcapture - Video guides for high level dungeons, raids, primals.
▼ Useful Pages
http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/ - Gear calculator.
http://ffxivcrafting.com/ - Crafting resources.
http://ffxivclock.com/ - Gathering timers.
http://ffxivfisher.appspot.com/ - Fishing.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/#skywatcher/all - Weather forecast.
http://vistas.explorexiv.com/ - Sightseeing log.
http://dimensionaldeath.com/?page=huntinglogs - Hunting log.
http://www.xiv-minions.com/ - Minions and mounts.
http://ffxivchocobo.com/ - Chocobo color calculator.
http://www.ffxivgardening.com/ - Gardening.
http://ffxivtriad.com/ - Triple Triad database.
http://ntg55.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-29.html - Screenshots of housing furnishings.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/278dx2/accuracy_cap_for_everything_coil_19 - Accuracy cap for everything.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Lk7OCd6VWTcU/htmlview?sle=true#gid=1617225659 - Endgame loot list.
http://ffxivcrafting.com/ - Crafting resources.
http://ffxivclock.com/ - Gathering timers.
http://ffxivfisher.appspot.com/ - Fishing.
http://www.garlandtools.org/db/#skywatcher/all - Weather forecast.
http://vistas.explorexiv.com/ - Sightseeing log.
http://dimensionaldeath.com/?page=huntinglogs - Hunting log.
http://www.xiv-minions.com/ - Minions and mounts.
http://ffxivchocobo.com/ - Chocobo color calculator.
http://www.ffxivgardening.com/ - Gardening.
http://ffxivtriad.com/ - Triple Triad database.
http://ntg55.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-29.html - Screenshots of housing furnishings.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/278dx2/accuracy_cap_for_everything_coil_19 - Accuracy cap for everything.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Lk7OCd6VWTcU/htmlview?sle=true#gid=1617225659 - Endgame loot list.
▼ Other Communities
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv - FFXIV subreddit since 1.x.
http://www.bluegartr.com/index.php - An endgame-centric forum originally known for its FFXI community.
http://ffxiv.zam.com/ - Long established MMO site with large forum community.
http://www.bluegartr.com/index.php - An endgame-centric forum originally known for its FFXI community.
http://ffxiv.zam.com/ - Long established MMO site with large forum community.
▼ Misc
http://gamerescape.com/tag/the-lore-train/ - Lore, lore, and lore.
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/31oq1t/how_to_completely_block_rmt_without_se_having_to/ - Blocking RMT messages on PC with the Guildwork client.
http://betterds3.ciebiera.net - Enables use of a PS3 controller on PC.
http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-XInput-Wrapper-for-DS3-and-Play-com-USB-Dual-DS2-Controller - PC Dualshock 3 support, no motioninjoy required.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=66551296&postcount=7248 - Graphics modding.
http://xivmodels.com - Model viewer (Spoilers).
http://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/31oq1t/how_to_completely_block_rmt_without_se_having_to/ - Blocking RMT messages on PC with the Guildwork client.
http://betterds3.ciebiera.net - Enables use of a PS3 controller on PC.
http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-XInput-Wrapper-for-DS3-and-Play-com-USB-Dual-DS2-Controller - PC Dualshock 3 support, no motioninjoy required.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=66551296&postcount=7248 - Graphics modding.
http://xivmodels.com - Model viewer (Spoilers).
▼ Videos
https://youtu.be/1xOOFCltZuc - Extended version of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn (2.0) opening, that includes "Flames of Truth" a cinematic that is unlocked in The Final Coil of Bahamut raid.
https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I - Narrated video of "The Waning of the Sixth Sun" (1.0 storyline) from FFXIV: A Realm Reborn bonus disc.
https://youtu.be/ag2cRTU-Og8 - FFXIV 1.0 opening cinematic.
https://youtu.be/uDg44MVJLrw - 16-bit Super Titan Extreme Battle.
https://youtu.be/cuELXU0OEs4 - Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV.
https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I - Narrated video of "The Waning of the Sixth Sun" (1.0 storyline) from FFXIV: A Realm Reborn bonus disc.
https://youtu.be/ag2cRTU-Og8 - FFXIV 1.0 opening cinematic.
https://youtu.be/uDg44MVJLrw - 16-bit Super Titan Extreme Battle.
https://youtu.be/cuELXU0OEs4 - Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV.
The images and icons are from the official FFXIV site. I reused some info from Shamdeo's Gold Saucer thread. Thanks~ If anyone has suggestions or corrections, please let me know.
Wall of Shame: Here!