
I wish I did not have to make a warning section, but I will for the sake of the OT. This is not a thread to whine or complain about why you aren't getting the game. This thread is not a place to complain about the support features of the game or censorship or how embarrassing it is. If you REALLY want to discuss that, there are at least 10 unnecessary threads all centered around complaining. Open criticism is fair game but this is not a place to whine about how much you hope this game bombs. Please don't flood the thread with fantasies about your waifu. It can be annoying to people who want to actually discuss the game.
This is a topic for all 3 versions of Fire Emblem Fates and discussion on the SRPG mechanics, story, supports conversations, etc. Please actually have the game to discuss, if you don't have the game yet and are considering, feel free to ask questions and be open about it.
Other than that please be courteous. Do not resort to personal attacks on other members.

Because this game encompasses 3 versions + DLC, we will have self enforced spoiler rules for the game. Don't spoil the game. The rules are clear and easy to follow.
EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME TO CHAPTER 6 IS FAIR GAME TO DISCUSS. All versions are the same up until Chapter 6 and that is where the story branches off.
Spoiler Format will be as follows.
Route: Birthright/Conquest/Revelation Chapter #
Thank you very much for understanding.

Where to buy?
Available at other retailers too + Nintendo eShop
Preorder Bonus: Gamestop is giving out a few Japan D4 exclusive rubber straps for those who preorder both games.
Special Edition: $79.99 USD + Tax/$99.99 CAD + Tax
Retail/Digital Birthrights/Conquest: $39.99 USD + Tax/$49.99 + Tax
Second Version Digital: $19.99 USD/$24.99 CAD + Tax
Revelation 3rd Path: $19.99 USD/$24.99 CAD + Tax
DLC: See DLC Section
Blocksize for Both games: 13,000/~1.5GB? The downloadable paths take little space. DLC doesn't take much as well. You should be able to fit all 3 digital games in under 3GB.
Save Slots: 9, 3 on cart 6 on SD.
If you STILL don't understand. You basically pay 39.99 for one version, and the other path and the 3rd route are both $19.99 as a digital download. You get all 3 paths for ~$80 TOTAL. The only other extra optional expense is DLC.
Why should it not matter? The second and third routes take very little SD space and a majority of the space is from the retail cart or from the initial version you bought. It is not recommended to get 2 retail carts because they do not give you benefits. Deal with it.
IF YOU STILL DONT GET IT Nintendo of America provided a visual.

There are 3 versions of the game, which are basically 3 full fledged SRPGs in gameplay and story. You're basically getting 3 Fire Emblem games if you decide to play all 3 routes. All three routes share the first 6 chapters, but each route will have 22 mostly unique chapters.

The Conquest version of Fire Emblem Fates is more reminiscent of the classic Fire Emblem games (3-12) in terms of gameplay and difficulty. You will have limited gold and EXP and the overall difficulty of the game will be HARDER than Birthrights. You will STILL have access to casual mode as well as Normal difficulty. Even though this version is harder, do not be discouraged as you can still enjoy it as much if not more than the Birthrights version. If you HAVE to grind, you can do it through DLC you buy in the Dragons Gate. The kingdom of Nohr is one of the allied or enemy kingdoms in Fire Emblem Fates and they are characterized by glory and survival of the fittest. Nohr has a dark Western/European theme unique to its kingdom and your classes, weapons, and overall aesthetic will come to represent this. Unlike Hoshido, Nohr is desolate and infertile making it difficult to develop resources and subject to turmoil. Other than the neutral characters, the party characters in this version will be largely be only from Nohr.

The Birthright version of Fire Emblem Fates is closer the Fire Emblem Awakening in terms of gameplay and difficulty. You do not have limited resources and you will have ample opportunities to grind for EXP and Gold. The overall difficulty of this version is EASIER than Conquest, by a bit. Don't be discouraged as you will still have access to Classic mode and the Lunatic difficulty. We recommend you trying a harder difficulty before deciding that the game is too hard. The kingdom of Hoshido is the allied or enemy kingdom in Fire Emblem Fates and they represent a kingdom of peace and fertility. You fight to protect your fertile lands from the invading Nohr. Hoshido has an oriental theme and thus, the names for classes and certain weapons will be unique to Hoshido. Other than the neutral characters, the party characters in this version will be largely be only from Hoshido.

The third version and path of Fire Emblem Fates, it is a discounted digital add on and it is recommended that you play this AFTER playing through Conquest, Birthright, or both. This version will spoil plot points so we really do recommend it last. It is the path where you side with neither Nohr or Hoshido and choose a neutral path. The difficulty is in between that of Conquest and Birthrights, but you will have access to characters from both paths and plot points exclusive to Revelation.

Fire Emblem Fates is a Strategy/Tactical RPG in which you command a troupe or army in order to defeat waves of enemies, capture bases, recruit potential comrades, and more. In this game you have access to Normal, Hard, Lunatic difficulties, and modes such as Casual and Classic. Unlike previous games, you can change your difficulty or mode midway through the game, but you can only lower it not make it higher. After lowering or changing modes, it will stay at the new lower difficulty/mode. We recommend you try playing at a high difficulty such as Lunatic before lowering it down. A new mode exclusive to Normal difficulty is Phoenix Mode which gets rid of permadeath altogether and units who die, will come back to life at full health at the end of the turn. Corrin and Azura dying will still result in a game over. This is a last minute resort if the game proves too difficult and is only available to Normal difficulty.
Much like in the previous two iterations, Fire Emblem 12 and 13, the MyUnit playable avatar returns in the form of Corrin. You will be able to choose from a male or female MyUnit character and will be given the option of several special outfits exclusive to Corrin. Corrin will interact and help command different royalty units and army units depending on the version of the game you are playing. In this game you will also be able to choose their stat assets and flaws, but also their own character specific subclass. You do not have access to EVERY class like in Awakening so keep in mind which subclass is best for your play through.

In this SRPG, you will have commanding an army across a map in order to accomplish different objectives depending on the chapter. You will need to be mindful of your stats, your positioning, your supports, and more. The weapon triangle from the series is in the game while magic and bows make up your ranged attacks. In this game, weapon durability has been removed but the game balance has been adjusted for that. Healing and Support items such as Heal or Warp have limited uses and will still break after X uses.
Expanding on past Fire Emblem games, Fire Emblem: Fates have introduced a refined debuff system to its battles. Several different weapons, supports, skills, etc. have properties that may reduce or increase you and your opponents stats in battle. Be mindful of your arsenal as one wrong equip can mean death for your army.
A new feature is Dragon Vein, which allows Corrin and other members of the Nohr or Hoshido royalty to alter the map at certain points. You can create bridges, freeze water, damage enemies through acid rain, and even make recovery panels. The effects vary and are single use so keep in mind when to use it.

In this game, you will have access to only a limited amount of classes per character. Corrin and other characters usually only have a secondary subclass they can reclass into through Heart Seals. This item allows you to switch classes at any level but you cannot reclass back into a pre promoted class.
Master Seals return which allows you to promote your unit to the next available class type.
Partner and Friendship Seals give you access to new subclasses depending on the character you have a support with. You can only use these seals once and with characters you marry/befriend with at S/A+ Support Ranks.

A new feature in Fire Emblem Fates, it is basically a HUB or a base of operations for your army that you can return to after battle. You get to customize and build your own base while you're not off protecting your nation or invading others. You will get to customize your base to your liking by setting buildings and placing units around your base. Here you can buy new items, weapons, forge weapons, partake in the lottery, fight in the arena, play with Lilith, harvest resources, and more. You can even zoom in and see your castle in 3D mode. How lush or desolate your base will depend on your version of the game. My Castle also has a Streetpass function in which you get to visit other castles or you must protect your castle from invading units that you Streetpass.

Returning from Fire Emblem 11 and 12, Multiplayer returns. From My Castle you can also partake in online and local multiplayer. You can either connect with a friend next to you or battle other armies online in an SRPG battle.

Tap in compatible amiibo figures to your New Nintendo 3DS XL system and they'll appear in My Castle. You'll receive special items the first two times you tap in an amiibo character, and get to challenge the character to battle on the third time. Defeat them and they may even join your army. Below are the compatible amiibo. amiibo is region free.

As per Fire Emblem tradition, the Support System returns in Fire Emblem Fates. When you pair up or partner characters together in battle, you improve their support rating. The support system allows for stats boosts when you partner up your characters as well as give you extra story dialogue entailing their growing relationship. Extra character classes and skills are linked with your support level. Children characters also return in this game and are tied to the father characters rather than the mothers this time around. Be mindful of who you support with in this game for the best bonuses!
You can also improve your character supports through the Private Quarters feature in Fire Emblem Fates where you can change your hairstyle and spend time with your partner character through Live2D.

DLC in this game returns in the form of the extra version add-ons as well as extra DLC Maps. The extra versions have already been covered in the Release Info Section so we will be focusing on the Extra Maps. DLC takes place at the Dragon's Gate which is open for access after Chapter 6. Here you can download and play the DLC maps you have purchased.

Buy Map Pack 1 for a discounted price of US$17.99MSRP*/CA$22.49MSRP* Map Pack 1 includes all 11 maps plus bonus content.
It is basically a season pass, the maps you get will be yours but you will get to download and play them in a staggered release.
For more DLC information, head to the website.

Here you get to see some of the characters available in the game. Some character align themselves with a certain faction, others are neutral and will follow Corrin no matter what.

Corrin. The Chosen One. Your playable avatar character. You can customize him or her I guess. You were of Hoshido birth but you were kidnapped and raised by Nohr.

Fire Emblem Fates Top Idol. Loves to sing and dance.
Your "sister" and she was also kidnapped, except she was born in Nohr and taken and raised in Hoshido.
Below are your faithful servants.

King of Nohr, the grumpy not-real-father whom kidnapped you from Hoshido and locked you up under the staircase. Spoils his other kids a lot, treats you like shit.

The Eldest Nohr Son, direct successor to the throne. He is loyal to his country and he puts that loyalty first despite his love for his siblings. SIEG NOHR.
He is followed by his two retainers Laslow and Peri.

The Eldest Nohr Daughter, she rides with her partner Marzia as Nohr's Wyvern Knight. She loves her siblings more than anyone else and she loves to bathe.
She's also a closet sadist. Her retainers are Selena and Beruka.

The Youngest Nohr Son, a dark knight and a genius in many regards. Seeking attention is his number one goal.
He is followed by his two retainers Odin and Niles.

The Youngest Daughter of Nohr, the party healer. She is innocent and loves her older siblings. Spoiled and always pouting. Her vocabulary is usually limited to just big brother or big sister.
Her retainers are Effie and Arthur.

Your other Nohr servants.

Widowed Queen of Hoshido, your
Her motherly love protects you in the form of a scar on your forehead.

The Eldest Son of Hoshido, he is talented Mr. Perfect.
He is the direct successor to Hoshido and idolizes lobsters to the point he models himself after one in his samurai cosplay.
His retainers are Saizo and Kagero.

The Eldest Daughter of Hoshido. She is your
Her retainers are Setsuna and Azama.

The Youngest Son of Hoshido, he practices archery but he is a total wet towel with a huge inferiority and victim complex.
Dude hates you cause you probably killed his pet goldfish or something. Retainers are Oboro and Hinata.

The Youngest Daughter of Hoshido, she is a healer. She puts up a perpetually pissed off expression as a result of her timidness.
Her vocabulary is limited to just big brother or big sister.
Her retainers are Subaki and Hana.

Your other Hoshido servants.