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Gamers need to start boycotting Game Companies!


people actually praise companies like hello games or cd projekt that release broken games marketed with lies just because they "fixed it later", so no chance in hell they would noycott companies...gamers are suckers.


Yep I agree its called Integrity....but we have just as much of a chance of getting Gamers to Boycott game companies as we would trying to get Addicts to Boycott there Dealer.

Do you think addicts leave there dealer just cause hes cutting there product?

Gamers are in all honesty the weakest group when it comes to upholding there own claimed ethical standards and the way games are designed to emotionaly highjack our dopamines centers mixed with the fact that so many gamers clearly wrap there idenity up in there games. The likelyhood of forming an effective boycott is zero and game companies know and depend on this.
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boycotts won't have much of an impact because the general public is too stupid and they make up the majority of the sales.

1) company release broken unfinished game.
2) outrage from consumers.
3) company does the usual PR spin saying they'll fix it and promise to do better.
4) consumers eat it up thinking company actually listens to their feedback.
5) broken game is swept under the rug
6) release trailer for new game and the same idiots are praising "day one!!"
7) repeat

it's been the same loop for years now.
Us gamers dont boycott anything. Lets see. We have no problem with $70 games. We also have no problem with buying digital games and digital only consoles. We also have no problem buying online only games now rebranded as "live service games". How about paying to play a game online? We have no problem with that as well apparently.


OP, you need to enable the six month protocol.



they work when the alternative is just as cheap, "good" and convenient.

Hogwarts Legacy had no chance there is only one Harry Potter.

But if, lets say there were an alternative universe where Madden and NFL2K both existed, a boycott would easily work.


i think, it's because we gamers are not majority, majority are mostly people who are not active on internet forum and do not understand the issue with games that not good as product (a.ka. faulty games or repetitive money grab franchise). so the majority that still bought the faulty games, doesn't even care about our concern.


Disney has lost nearly $100million dollars in market value over the last few years, Bud Light is down over $20billion since the Dylan controversy, and Target is down over $10billion since they started targeting Satanic lqbtqia clothes for kids. The consumer dollar trumps all.
Leaving out my own opinion on all of this, are you trying to get banned? I have seen people banned for mentioning stuff like this here. Recently, in fact.
Spot on the money! The only way I can have my voice heard is with my wallet. I refused to hear or watch all the virtue signaling these big companies are pushing. Hell if cancel culture can work for the Left, I believe proper boycotts can steer a company. The game industy is in a very sad state. Companies like Nintendo are few and very far between. People seem to have accepted their lackluster mediocre games. The only way to change things is with your wallet. Going with the status Quo or bitching online solves nothing. Money is the only langue big companies speak. Unfortunately gaming has shifted much more towards a business.
The suits really did take over, it's all on a conveyer belt now


Im doing my part, i dont buy shitty broken games, i do play a shitty one (efootball) because i love football and theres no other valid option, but it is free to play afterall


The last game purchases I made were a few slashed priced games off GoG last summer.

What a person should do is not boycott developers but simply buy a game here and there and not buy a new one until the previous purchase is decently used.

There's a saying out there. If I'm stupid enough pay for it, they are smart enough to take my money. Addiction and emotional fulfillment is a highly profitable business.
I think the problem is that games keep getting more complicated code wise but the companies still use dev-time estimations from games made 6-7 years ago. They throw in more people thinking it should cover the difference but do not understand that bigger games also increase complexity. X amount of people doing Y amount of work doesn't scale up in the same proportion.


Gold Member
The time to boycott or hold these companies accountable was long ago (probably around 2006). The ship has not only sailed but fucking hit an iceberg and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Unless people stop being fucking idiots preordering games then nothing is going to change. I'll hold my hands up because I do have Diablo IV preordered and I preordered Tears of the Kingdom but I had a good idea that TOTK would be good and I need Diablo IV on day 1 and want the preorder bonuses. If it sucks I'm not going to cry about it. That said, you have people preordering shit like Redfall, Gollum, The Last of Us PC, Forspoken, etc and they get pissed when it turns out to be a fucking mess and act like the studios owe them. No, they don't owe you shit. It's your own stupid fault for preordering the game. You chose to hand the money over so that's on you.


It all depends on who is boycotting your product. Is it people with purchasing power or a bunch of people with none bitching on twitter? Cry bullies attempted to take down Chick-fil-a for years as the company saw exponential growth. They only succeeded in taking down a few locations by pressuring lease holders in malls and airports. Otherwise the boycott was useless. Some of these recent boycotts seem to be working only because people who actually used/consumed the product are deciding not to. Boycotting something you never were going to buy in the first place doesn't work. See Hogwarts Legacy.
Are you tired of Games that release broken or unfinished?

Are you sick of playing the same games yearly with cut and paste Jobs?

Are you sick of buying a game at launch for full price and not getting the full product 6 months to over a year later from launch?

Boycotts work! Look is what is happening in other sectors of Entertainment. People are sick of the ultra left wing companies shoving their woke agendas into Everything. There has been a backlash that has forced these companies to Listen. Bud Light, Disney, Target are Multi Billion dollar companies who are now losing Billions trying to shove their woke agendas down people's throat. Yes this same logic applies to vidoegames.

You cry every year about Madden sucking but buy it every year? EA does not give a fuck. Keep bitching but if you are buying they have won. You really want to make a difference and force EA to change? Stop buying their garbage product! When the effect of boycotts hit their stocks that is when they really listen.

I am constantly hearing gamers bitch about this company sucks, or this broken thing or that. Yet, at the end of the day people are still buying these companies shitty products and the companies win. If you really want to send a message we should be boycotting these shitty products. Do not support this behavior and make them listen. The only way to make multi billion dollar companies listen to us as the consumer is hit them right in the Wallet.

These honestly seem to be more you problems than anything else. 🤭

Don't spend time playing yearly releases with cut and paste updates and don't buy games at launch without checking on the status of the game first (never pre-order).


Theres a big difference between getting a bunch of normal blokes not to drink a beer because it's promoting trans bullshit......and asking a bunch of nerds to not buy video games,lol.


I already have, Starfield will be the first new game i will probably buy for 2 and a half years since Cyberpunk, if it works ok


Marlboro: Other M
Barking at the wrong tree, pal. I don't recall ever buying a game on launch, and the only games i play on launch these days are game pass titles.

Nobody needs to buy games at launch. Only the ones without self control would do. How are you going to tell people that can't even hold out on buying games on launch to not buy the games at all?


Gold Member
The market will do it's thing as usual, of people keep buying, unfortunately for you and me it's just that the problems that affect us do not affect others out don't as much at least


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
boycotts won't have much of an impact because the general public is too stupid and they make up the majority of the sales.

1) company release broken unfinished game.
2) outrage from consumers.
3) company does the usual PR spin saying they'll fix it and promise to do better.
4) consumers eat it up thinking company actually listens to their feedback.
5) broken game is swept under the rug
6) release trailer for new game and the same idiots are praising "day one!!"
7) repeat

it's been the same loop for years now.
So sad but so true


The time to boycott or hold these companies accountable was long ago (probably around 2006). The ship has not only sailed but fucking hit an iceberg and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Unless people stop being fucking idiots preordering games then nothing is going to change. I'll hold my hands up because I do have Diablo IV preordered and I preordered Tears of the Kingdom but I had a good idea that TOTK would be good and I need Diablo IV on day 1 and want the preorder bonuses. If it sucks I'm not going to cry about it. That said, you have people preordering shit like Redfall, Gollum, The Last of Us PC, Forspoken, etc and they get pissed when it turns out to be a fucking mess and act like the studios owe them. No, they don't owe you shit. It's your own stupid fault for preordering the game. You chose to hand the money over so that's on you.
My brain just made a connection that pre-ordering and crowdfunding are basically the same thing. This is assuming a person pays up front when doing so. I don't recall pre-ordering so I have no idea how it works. Might have pre-ordered the GameCube but that was in ancient times so I have no memory of how it went down.


Elden Member
Nah, games are entertainment, time wasters, the thing you do in life when you aren’t actually living it up. Boycotting such a thing would be the stupidest of first world problems ever. Just go do something else and stop giving a thing meant to be an entertainment product so much free rent in your head.
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boycotts won't have much of an impact because the general public is too stupid and they make up the majority of the sales.

1) company release broken unfinished game.
2) outrage from consumers.
3) company does the usual PR spin saying they'll fix it and promise to do better.
4) consumers eat it up thinking company actually listens to their feedback.
5) broken game is swept under the rug
6) release trailer for new game and the same idiots are praising "day one!!"
7) repeat

it's been the same loop for years now.


Gold Member
I got burned with my share of bad picks during the cartridge and CD rom days.

But during the 360 era, every game had a demo or trial. And in modern day, you got day one reviews and YT videos up the wazoo.

I dont think I've bought one bad game yet the past 15+ years. Maybe a bunch that turned out to be meh after a decent demo, but no outright clunkers.

Just wait for reviews. And if the company doesn't patch up the game, or it's repetitive then dont support them. At best, play it on a sub plan a year later where they get pennies on the dollar from Sony or MS vs. full price.
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Disney has lost nearly $100 billion dollars in market value over the last few years, Bud Light is down over $20billion since the Dylan controversy, and Target is down over $10billion since they started targeting Satanic lqbtqia clothes for kids. The consumer dollar trumps all.
Holy shit you people are batshit crazy. It consumes your life doesn't it, do you stay awake at night muttering about the insipid uprising of equality and social rights movements? Are the games hurting you? Are you okay?

I will agree in the context of shit releases being broken and just expecting consumers to grin and bear it. Obviously developers and publishers can not delay further due to budget costs ballooning on bigger titles, but the damage is clearly being done. Whether it's a case of bigger ideas catching up with limited returns on hardware advancement, or lack of developer bug squashing who knows.

What I do know, is the agendas that people so vehemently hate on a political scale are doing fuck all to the games industry. The games industry was already a social movement in and of itself, and I'm sorry that people who are snowflakes to allowing others to live freely feel the need to suddenly be concerned.

An individual's view on a game is very much their own personal view, and by pushing that "agenda" onto others it doesn't allow for freedom of thinking but instead a mob mentality. The same mentality that is apparently oh so bad in other certain social discussions. Ironic hey?
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