So unfortunately Gametrailers has shut down like in some awful event where Hoggar got a critical failure. There's a thread for that here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1181564

I know you may be feeling like this:

or this:

HOWEVER, hope is not lost. Brandon says in a couple of weeks when Blood is back from his honeymoon, they're gonna meet and see what can be done.
What does this mean for all the old content? Who knows, it could go at any minute. YOU CAN HELP THOUGH as the archive team are running a co-ordinated effort that would just have you running a virtual machine running a download script to help archive it. If you want to help, see here: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=GameTrailers

ALL THE GIFS YOU COULD WANT: http://gtgifs.imgur.com/
Brandon Jones - @TrailerJones GAF: GameTrailersVO
Daniel Bloodworth - @dbloodworth2 GAF: Bloodworth
Kyle Bosman - @kylebosman GAF: Bosman
Michael Huber - @MichealPHuber
Michael Damiani - @mbdamiani GAF: Mike D
Ben Moore - @benmoore035 GAF: Grayfox431
Ian Hinck - @IanHinck
Elyse Willems - @ElyseWillems
Don Casanova - @thenasacova
Bradley Ellis - @bradleyellis87
Matt Blair - @Mattius14
Andrea Rene - @andrearene