Awesome Animals

To those who want to join the club:
Please post here with your PSN name so we know who you are when you friend request/club request. Thank you!

After the club hung it's boots up just a short month ago, here we are ready for FIFA 15 Pro Clubs. After spending a lot of time playing the demo, I'm not sure what to expect from this year with regards to Pro Clubs, but I'm...optimistic? Seems ill-advised for an EA game.
Real talk though, how to join:
Post in this thread with your PSN name! Search for Gentle Lovers in Pro Clubs, and request to join. It is crazy important to post here first, because we get inundated with requests from random people. Is this your first time playing FIFA? Then don't be afraid, you are already probably better than some of our members. But I still want to emphasize: ALL GAF MEMBERS ARE WELCOME!
Search for Gentle Lovers or friend me and find it!
Posting to join is simple. Follow this form below:
NeoGAF Username, PSN Name, twitter (optional)
Menelaus, BigPapaGlueHands, @Menel4us
Awesome Animals, SavetheTurtles, @tfisher21
Cornballer, BornCaller, @CornBaller
sneaky77, trapperkreeper
TheVisualizer, TheVisualizer
ijm72, younghov72, @Dat_Handle
Hasney, Hasney, @Hasney
DagsJT, Dazimus, DagsJT
V1lla21, v1lla21, @BasedYeezy
Meier, abellwillring, @abellwillring
TheCobraTwister, TheCobraTwister
Blablurn, DimiKun
Into, IntoTheN1ght
Got the Shakes, GotTheShakes
roddjbrown, roddjbrown, roddjbrown
kctrav, KCTRAV
iFootball, NullPointer
Rikkun, RickyPio, @rikkungaf
smoothj, pichofly
misteroms, zilou
DeadlyVirus, VirusPT
zychi, zychi
Madridista, Anastacio
robertoci, robertoci
ProtoCents, Horry43
Ryhian, Ryhian, @Ryhian09
Guled, Nytekrawla, @GuledArale
Mil6es Mil6es @Mil6es
Sol.. , afridgetoofar
DanteGhost, Kanon88
darknil, juanbumo
Jezabel, Joshizzled, @MuzMUFC
Rodelero, TrenchBucket, @xaor
PsychoWARD23, Psychoward23
sestrugen, sestrugen, @sestrugen
MrLuchador, MrLuchador, @MrLuchador
makeitawkward, makeitawkward
Cigol, Cigoler
Spectrum128, XDaveyboyX, @davmcintosh
Roulette, pointystick
florin3k3, florin4k4
Typically, we will post in this thread when we are going to starting a session, and will probably spam whoever is online at the moment to let them know as well. Sometimes, twitter is used.
Highlight Reel
There is a reason we call ourselves the Gentle Lovers.
Finally, feel free to friend each other, and us as we play and get to know each other. We are very vocal and chatty over comms, and it should come as no surprise that we care more about the chatter than the game sometimes. Seriously, we don't care about quality of play. We enjoy playing with each other and that has carried over into other games.

Let’s go get wet!
EDIT: If you want to check Club stats and whatnot online, you can do that here if you're logged into your EA/FIFA account.