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Welcome to the eleventh NeoGAF thread for GIANT BOMB; the best video game website in the 21st century, soldier.
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Thread #10
Giant Bomb is a website about video games. Once described by the site's Editor-In-Chief as "insightful but funny video game coverage", GB is that and so much more, covering all angles of the video game industry and community - whether you're looking for considered, intelligent discussion about the nature of games development, or just a bunch of guys sat on a sofa making fun of a ridiculous simulator from the depths of Steam Early access, there's something for you here.
Giant Bomb is well into its seventh year of existence and counting. Since its humble beginnings in a Sausalito basement, with just 4 duders and a surprisingly resourceful "t-shirt guy", the site has blown up in a big way, now taking over the entirety of the United States (by which I mean San Francisco, New York City and Chicago). The sky's the limit when it comes to the insanity at Giant Bomb.
You may also find discussion in this thread about Giant Bomb's sister (or is that mother?) site, Gamespot; occurrences from friends of Giant Bomb, such as Iron Galaxy; and occasionally even Giant Bomb's old neighbour, Tested. Now we've been sequestered away in Community, it's a bit more loosey-goosey around here, but obviously Giant Bomb Dot Com remains the topic of the day.
EmCee's Rules For Being A Valued Thread Contributor
Don't be a jerk.
A self-explanatory rule, but an important one nonetheless. People who disagree with you are not "insane." They are not "pathetic." They are not "a dick." Even if you think they're wrong about something, there's no reason to treat them with disrespect.
If someone is posting something that terrible or offensive that you really feel the need to respond strongly? Either keep it clean or report it to a moderator and one or more mods will decide what to do. Y'all are rather good about not needing mod intervention, so I can trust that will rarely ever happen.
Remember that the Giant Bomb staff are posters and read this thread.
Please try to remember that Jeff, Brad, Patrick, and Vinny are posters here. While that doesn't mean you can't criticize or disagree with anything they say or do (more on that below), it does mean that you should treat them like any other NeoGAF user: with the same respect as outlined above. While commentary on a on-screen personality's attitude or performance in games is expected, try to remember that they're reading the things you write, and that it impacts whether and how they'll respond here.
As examples:
"Brad seemed to be wrong there. He didn't understand that you had to junction the bafmodad in order to hyperjump even when the prompt told him to." This is fine.
"Brad is so hardheaded and terrible at games lol" This isn't necessarily rulebreaking, but it doesn't really add to anything, especially if the page is already filled with similar comments.
"Jeff seemed to be in a bad mood today. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side!" Sure, fine.
"Jeff seemed to be a jaded husk of a man today. After going through his Twitter timeline and Facebook photos, and crossreferencing with the DSM-5, I'm fairly certain I can diagnose Jeff and recommend some lifestyle changes." This is really creepy and overly personal!
"I find myself disagreeing with a lot of what Patrick writes." Patrick doesn't write articles just for people to agree with him!
"Patrick is such a shit writer. I hope he stays in Chicago, the Bombcast is better if he's gone." Wow, you're a real jerk!
This is not the Giant Bomb Secret Clubhouse.
Giant Bomb is a unique site. It covers games in a way that a lot of other sites don't. That's why we love them! So it's to be expected that a passionate and dedicated community would spring up here. Hooray for Giant Bomb!
That said, it's still a thread on NeoGAF, and not everyone will have the same tastes as you, especially if something is unique. If someone comes in and doesn't "quite get" what Giant Bomb is about or why they do the things they do, please be courteous in responding to them. Don't just drive them away by being bossy or getting up in their face about it.
This also, in general, applies to anyone (new or old) who merely has a criticism or differing opinion on what Giant Bomb's doing or saying. If someone notes that a Quick Look or UPF wasn't great for whatever reason, don't accuse them of being fanboys for the game(s) in question or get overly defensive of Giant Bomb. When a person thinks a video might have been more entertaining if the staff knew more about the game, don't trot out ridiculous false dichotomies like "Oh, so you think they shouldn't have fun, they should be thrown in jail for 20 years because they don't play like soulless TAS robots, huh!?!?!?" This doesn't contribute to the conversation at all. Trying to be passive-aggressive about it by airing complaints about "some people in this thread" isn't any different, it just makes you look condescending and overdefensive.
There were a few other topics I considered bringing up, like pirating subscriber content or going off-topic for 500 pages about a Polygon editor picking his nose on Twitter, but the first never happens and the second is something that only happens on another forum's Giant Bomb thread.
To be clear, there's very rarely occasion for direct mod intervention in this thread, and I'm sure a lot of these rules are obvious to y'all. Just try and remember the first rule and I'm sure you'll all be fine. This isn't an occupation enforcing imperial law, I'm not going to be crucifying people if they start to edge close to the (fuzzy) line on these things. In practice, practically nothing should change except people being a bit nicer to each other. So let's try and work towards that, okay?

This is a sneaking mission, reader. You are required to infiltrate the terrorist cell known as "Giant Bomb" in order to acquire confidential data on their criminal activities. The men in this unit are extremely dangerous, and many of them possess strange powers. The following mission data should get you up to speed. Good luck.

One of only two survivors of a super soldier experiment from the 1980s. He supposedly retains the inferior genes of the host specimen, yet despite this he has become a master of world cultures, and excels at many extraordinary activities. His time spent in VR training has turned him into an ace pilot, though his skills have yet to be tested in the field. Remember, he's not a hero. He never was. He's just an old killer, hired to do some video editing.

Solid Scanlon's CO, accompanying the soldier on two missions to date. He's an old hand, experienced in the field yet looking to take a backseat for now. His personal strengths include deep knowledge of CQC, as well as some not-so-close-quarters manoeuvres. I don't know where Ryckert got his medals, but an open boot to the face is no way for a soldier to behave on the battlefield.

One of the earliest recruits of Giant Bomb, "Vincent Caravella" was a disillusioned US Army private stationed on Long Island, who defected in order to wreak as much havoc on the world as possible. Specialising in explosives, vehicular warfare and martial arts, there can be no reasoning with this enemy. His previous victims include the President of the United States; if you encounter this man on the battlefield, put him down with extreme prejudice.

The founding member of Giant Bomb. He has gone by many pseudonyms, including "El Jefe" and "The Hurdy Gurdy Man", but now he appears to reveal his true identity to the world. Relations between the US and Russia will only suffer further if Traksonovich is not dealt with - exploit his vulnerability to long, drawn-out firefights to wear him out and take him down.

Head of intel at Giant Bomb, and perhaps our blind spot in this operation. Located somewhere in the Mid East, away from the confirmed base of operations for Giant Bomb, White Face could know more about us than we know about him. A sobering thought indeed - truly, an enemy that no-one had asked for. Shut down his recording devices before it's too late.

Sleeping Dog's right hand man is a worn-out soul, with little left to lose in a world he is through with. Such melancholy makes for a dangerous foe, soldier, so you should expect anything from this one. Watch out for his CQC technique; he's been known to wipe out entire squads of men with only his bare hands.

Part of Doktor's old unit before he formed Giant Bomb, this man retains his old codename, and supports the rest of the unit via codec. It's unknown how, but he almost has a iron grip on the group's public image. That's why this mission is top-secret; as long as The Frail is around, this group remains extremely covert yet extremely dangerous. Make sure to stay covert yourself, or you might force him to activate their last resort measure, the Alpha Protocol.

He's... asleep?!
The Best Of Giant Bomb - Current Programming And More
Giant Bomb is mostly focused around its video features, of which there are many. Besides the standard Quick Look - an actually-not-quick-at-all look at a new release, in an unedited, raw fashion that leaves nothing on the table - there is a number of ongoing video series, many of which are available only to Giant Bomb premium members. Because, despite what some members believe, I am not here to drive viewers or subscribers up for a site I am not and will never be employed by, I'll save you the specifics of the subscription, but suffice to say, you're getting a decent amount of content there.
If you want a quick and handy guide to the best premium content, consult Myggen's post here! It's really good. Honest.
Unprofessional Fridays (Premium)
The Giant Bomb West gang get together for a couple of hours of whatever the hell they feel like playing. Retro games, multiplayer games, browser games, mobile games, literally anything goes. A lot of the best Giant Bomb moment surface in this show, it's honestly worth at least a monthly sub to view UPF. Sometimes this show is preceded by a livestream from Giant Bomb East to boot.
Bombin' The A.M. With Scoops and the Wolf
Patrick and Alex get their Skype on, both Monday and Friday, for some discussion on the week's events and their recent activities, occasionally joined by special guests. It's available as both a podcast and a video.
Metal Gear Scanlon (Premium)
Huh!? What was that noise? ...Oh, it's just a hilarious playthrough of the Metal Gear Solid series, so far up to Metal Gear Solid 2, with Solid Scanlon at the wheel and Colonel Ryckert trying not to give too much away whilst avoiding as many "SNAAAAAAAAKE"s as possible. And a box.
Giant Bomb East Playdate (Premium)
Vinny and Alex come at you live from New York City, as they play through a solid chunk of a new game. If you want to see Vinny shoot the POTUS, you came to the right place.
Spookin' With Scoops (Premium)
Patrick Klepek delves into the world of horror gaming on this late-night frightfest. It's more of a mix between supernatural themed titles and outright spine-chillers, but it's definitely worth a watch, just in case Scoops encounters another Blair Witch Project: The Game.
Giant Bomb Unplugged (Premium)
Sometimes, video games just aren't enough. Sometimes you need to move some pieces round a board, or roll some dice, or slam some cards down. For these times, Giant Bomb Unplugged is here to make fun times out of that ancient craft - the board game.
Mario Party Party (Premium)
Dan Ryckert tests the limits of his job security in this pleasant gathering of friends and colleagues for some board game fun. Did someone say "cake factory"?
Demo Derby (Premium)
Dan and Drew dust off some old demo discs for the PS1, PS2, Xbox and even the Dreamcast, and enjoy the hidden treasures within. Definitely a must-see feature, it's already produced many highlights including the infamous Pac-Man voice, its own spin-off feature in Metal Gear Scanlon
Jar Time with Jeff/Patrick Coffee Something Something(Premium)
Reader mail question and answer session with Jeff Gerstmann. Usually he gets fairly deep on a number of topics, both recent and general, and it's worth a watch if you wanna hear Jeff drop some truth bombs (assuming they're not about Majora's Mask). Patrick occasionally does some similar videos, though his are better lit and probably have better opinions on Majora's Mask.
Worth Reading
Patrick's wrap-up write-up for the week in games. It's essentially a link-dump by Scoops' own admission, but you'll usually find some entertaining reading in there.
Much like Quick Looks, but for betas, alphas, demos, pre-release builds, early access games, and generally any game that is - you guessed it - unfinished.
Encyclopedia Bombastica
Not that frequent nowadays, but just think Quick Looks for the games of yesteryear.
Codec Frequencies
Brad: @bradshoemaker, Tumblr: From the Desk of Brad Shoemaker, NeoGAF: rudds
Jeff: @jeffgerstmann, Tumblr: Jeff Gerstmann Is Still A Threat, NeoGAF: MonsterDunk
Patrick: @patrickklepek, Tumblr: Patrick Klepek Will Now Take Your Calls, NeoGAF: Patrick Klepek
Vinny: @VinnyCaravella, Tumblr: My friends call me Vinny, NeoGAF: bionicpuppy
Drew: @drewscanlon
Alex: @alex_navarro, Tumblr: SPEAK TO ME, DUDERS
Matt Rorie: @frailgesture, Tumblr: Properly Petting Puppies
Dan: @DanRyckert, NeoGAF: DanRyckert
Jason: @unastrike
Thanks for reading the thread! Have fun, stay civil, and - reader? Reader?! READEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!