Do you remember when you started following Giant Bomb?
i have no idea when i started watching. Definitely wasn't here for Arrow Pointing Down because I knew sweet fuck all about Gamespot before Giant Bomb.
It might have been around the launch of Kinect? Or Move? Because I definitely remember watching "Rider meet horse, horse, mEET rIDeR" when it came out
I saw a lot of Giant Bomb over the years thanks to AusGAF having a lot of GB fans.
Finally started listening to the podcast in late 2013 and then subbed in 2014.
It's snowballed from there and now my wife and I watch hours of GB every week.
I don't remember my first video, but my first exposure to the site was when Jeff Ryan and Brad went on either 1UP Yours or Listen Up at the end of 2008 and proclaimed Banjo the GOTY. I started listening to the Bombcast after that because I needed more gaming podcasts.
First time I heard of GB was when they introduced HD videos only for subscribers. I think the Garnett Lee podcast (was it 1UP still?) talked about that briefly. I went on the site to see what the fuzz was about.
I first got into GB from the time they talked over the console reveal conferences(2012 I think). Then really got into them after I had surgery in August and burned through the Persona 4 ER while recovering.
What was the first Giant Bomb video you saw?
For me, it was the Dragon Age: Origins Quick Look. Shortly after that I fell into the Star Trek Online streams, and being new to the site and the flavor of humor, I was 100% sure Jeff and Ryan hated each other.
E3 2013: The Longest Day is the first Giant Bomb video I remember watching.
I think my first GB videos were the kinect QLs in 2010. For the longest time though, I just watched their youtube output, started listening to the podcast at some point, and it wasn't until I watched the Sleeping Dogs preview that I went "alright, this giantbomb.com thing sounds alright" and completely dove in.
Ashes Cricket QL and then GOTY 2013.
I'm not sure you could get too much weirder with first videos? not in that timeframe right?
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure my first GB video was the quick look for Castlevania... Judgment.
I got into Giant Bomb after PT was released. I got into watching reaction videos of people blind playing PT, and I ran into Patrick Klepek doing it. I found out he had a series of 'spookin' with scoops', and I ended up buying a month membership to peruse his videos. I slowly leaked into other GB videos after that.
The first stream of GB I saw however, was one of the E3 after hours, the one where boyes brought a PS4 to them.(I didn't get into them then though)
All I remember from that is everyone where the same picnic shirt.
I came back from PAX 2008 excited for Borderlands and someone in a forum posted the GB Quicklook of it. They've been my virtual best friends ever since.
I mourned and wept for Ryan's passing more than certain family members.
The first video I ever saw from them was the video where Brad and Drew went to Korea for the GSL finals. It was posted on the Starcraft subreddit.
My friend sent this video to me around Jun 2009 and told me Ryan, Jeff and brad from gamespot had a site. I can say that this moment changed my life forever.
First exposure for me was the Office parody during game of the year. Started the podcast the next day and been a sub ever since shortly after. That video was just too good and perfectly showed the sites sense of humor in my opinion.
my first time seeing GB stuff was the Tony Hawk Ride quick look, then the Kinect stream after that, so it was pretty much 2 for 2
I stuck with it around late 2011/early 2012 after enjoying the Postal III quick look and listening to an early 2012 Bombcast (I recall Vinny buying a flightstick or something off of Craigslist in the first episode I listened to)
My first exposure was the UPF segment on YouTube about Steak-Ums.
The first time I learned of Giant Bomb was when they released the Dragon Age Origins QL. I hadn't heard of the site or what their motivation for it was, I just wanted to new info on DAO because I was so excited. I liked it. Ryan and Dave (?) did the QL. Ryan seems to have gelled with everyone looking back. It feels like he was the main glue of the site.
Anyways, I watched QL's every now and then if I wanted game footage, but I was never invested in the personalities or people because of what I said before - I didn't really value game media input. It didn't help that they kind of always pooped on my favorites - Dynasty Warriors games, Jet Set Radio - and when I watched them, they weren't played in the best way, so I'd feel like GB just reinforced my idea that the games media was incompetent.
When Ryan died I was kind of bummed even though I wasn't a GB fan because I definitely knew who he was.
Fast forward to the Shenmue ER and my opinion of GB was not high at all to say the least, but I tried to make each episode a part of my daily schedule. By the end of it, I think I had just gotten used to the fact that while I still thought they weren't playing the game in the best of ways, their take on it was entirely fair, but most of all was the realization that watching it was pretty fun, and I didn't need to take it so seriously.
After that, I ended up going to the site more regularly, to see what kind of content they offered. I figured if they can give my favorite game series an honest chance, I can give their site an honest chance and listened to their podcasts. I came out of that liking the site even more.
I know I started by listening to the Bombcast. Anyone else?
I think my first GB content was the Bombcast in early 2012.
Started listening in college around 2010, but it was like a year before I visited the sight...
My first exposure to the site was in 2008 when someone on another message board linked to a podcast from the guys I used to follow at GameSpot. Pretty sure it was this one. Seemed pretty good so I figured might as well listen to it every week for 8 years.
As for my first video, it was probably Video Thing: 2Human
My first Bombcast was one where Vinny was just getting into Demon's Souls and he kept describing the mechanics and everyone was incredulous at how onerous they seemed.
My first exposure to GB was the Bombcast. After hearing about it for so long I finally downloaded an episode and got hooked. The episode was from right after Halloween 2013 and all I remember is Jeff talking about Call of Duty: Ghosts. I think it wasn't until a couple of weeks later that I first heard of Ryan and that he had passed away just before I started listening. I immediately went back to listen to episode 07-09-2013, where everyone came together to remember him.
To this day I have never actually listened to a full episode from before Ryan's passing. I know that I'm probably missing hours upon hours of great stuff, but somehow I have never felt like going back and checking it out.
My first experience with Giant Bomb was their review of Gatorade Tiger
The Endurance Runs had to get a bunch of you in, right?
I think I started regularly visiting the site during the deadly premonition endurance run
I'm pretty sure that it was the Persona 4 Endurance Run starting, but honestly I'm not 100% sure.
You don't actually remember, do you?
No. Don't remember. But, I do remember the first time I saw Jeff (or maybe it was Ryan). I can't remember which appearance was first, but I saw them (at different times) on The Bonus Round, a show on the former GameTrailers hosted by Geoff Keighley. The first set of podcasts I listened to was during E3 2012. It was sometime around there were I got hooked. One of my earlier Bombcasts I recall, is one where Patrick talked about loading up a jukebox with the X-Files theme. I started posting here since, I think, Thread 4. It's crazy in just three years, we've gone from Thread 4 to Thread 24.
I think I listened to the podcast for months before I actually started watching their videos. It was definitely my gateway to the site as a whole.
I started following them right around launch. Not sure which video it was exactly, though.
Might have been this one?
How To Build A Bomb Ep.01
Pretty certain my first video was a Buzz quick look. I was introduced to the site because it had achievements /lol
I've been watching since...well...forever? I don't remember the first video I watched but I had been listening to the podcast and started watching all of the Quick Looks once they reliably had more than one person in every video.
I don't remember.
I followed Jeff from Gamespot to his blog where he posted videos about what he was up to, like playing lots and lots of Burnout Paradise. So whichever video was first published on Giant Bomb was my first "official" video I guess.
I learned of GB back in the Whiskey days but I didn't actually become a follower/invested until last Summer/Fall some time last year. I had watched/seen a few random QL's, GOTY sketches, etc but that was about it. I don't remember what the first video I saw was but something finally hooked me and I have watched a ton of stuff since and regularly listen to the Bomb/Beastcast. It has been pretty fun/entertaining starting to go back to older videos, there are a lot of gems.
The thing I find crazy is, because I have such a relatively strong memory and things seem much more recent to me than the actually were, I could swear I've been listening/watching Giant Bomb much longer than that.
Edit- Wait. Maybe because I have. I've watched their Quick Looks of PS Move launch games before. If I watched those when they were posted, that was 2010. I can't remember if I watched those when they were posted or well after the fact. I definitely did see their Vita launch videos, though. I can't remember if they did that in 2011 (when it launched in Japan) or in 2012 (when it launched in USA).
Anyone here from the very beginning?
For me, it was the Build a Bomb series.
I don't know that I saw Episode 01 as soon as it came out, but by Episode 7 I was definitely fully onboard.
I did listen to some of Arrow Pointing Down as it came out, I was following Jeff and Ryan from the K&L fallout.
I was first introduced via the Arrow Pointing Down podcast; at the time, I thought that the idea of a 2-person podcast was lame, despite starring some of those cool Gamespot dudes, so I dropped it.
A year later I happened upon the End of Matrix Online streams and I got PLUMB hooked and binged through much of the P4 Endurance Run.
I started listening to Arrow Pointing Down because I had just moved across the country and all of my game stuff was in storage. So I started listening to 1UP Yours and GFW Radio to fill the gap. I ran out of recent episodes of those so I went looking for something else. Saw the first episode of APD listed on iTunes and was pretty curious since Jeff's name was there and it had just been a few months since he'd been fired from Gamespot.
I regularly listened to the Bombcast, but I don't think I watched a Giant Bomb video until Star Trek Online. I remember being REALLY confused because each episode was like an hour long and I didn't understand how they were making all of this long form video content and who had the time to watch it. LOL.
Anyone hipsters in here?For me it's this.
Going through the last few pages were a joy reading the beginnings if you will, of how everyone got into GB. For me I mostly used Cheatcc and Gamespot as a way to find and use cheats, I wasn't that good in English so it was hard to get into anything else but what I needed. However, the more I became better at English because of school, video games and reading articles/reviews on GS, the more I became interested in checking out the other facets of Gamespot and that's when I got into the duders which is by the end of 2004.
if we're counting gamepsot stuff then all the way back to the ocarina of time review.
I knew it.
Welcome to the twenty-fifth NeoGAF thread for GIANT BOMB.
- Giant Bomb Homepage - If somehow you found this thread before you found Giant Bomb, you really should go here instead. Otherwise none of this will make a lick of sense.
- Premium Membership - Become a Premium member today!
- QLCrew: Giant Bomb Video Playlist - The best way to search for GB videos, with lots of options
- Myggen's Premium Content List - Myggen's frequently updated list of (some of) the best premium content to watch or listen to
- The Giant Bomb Unarchived Youtube channel - If any content involving Giant Bomb members or "friends of the site" isn't archived on the site, you'll find it here - big thanks to fellow GAF members alr1ght and Zaph for keeping this channel updated!
Giant Bomb Prime's Mailing Address:
- Giant Bomb
CBS Interactive
235 2nd Street, 1st Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Giant Bomb East's Mailing Address:
- Giant Bomb
CBS Interactive
28 East 28th St, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10016
United States
Thread Title History:
- 10/29/2016 - current - Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends
Most Likely Titles for Thread 26:
- Nothing yet.....
To everyone who posted an official thread from which this one is blatantly stolen:
- Zaph
- Myggen
- Jimmyfenix
- SteveWinwood
- Patryn
- Hot Coldman
- randomlyrossy
Gone, but never forgotten.![]()