I'm so psyched for this game to hit Wii U this Thursday in NA and EU. To celebrate, I've got 3 copies of each to give away.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk8ktOAwUgo
Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by clones. So a game where you clone yourself is right up my alley. The name itself "The Swapper" is just bizarrely alluring to me. I've always been interested in the idea of clones, and I think it's because I read a lot of the Spider-Man "Clone Saga" comic books as a kid, which were universally maligned but as a kid really blew my mind. As a teen, fiction like Jonathan Lethem's short story about a clone fascinated me further, and as an adult, I've been enamored with shows like Fringe that take the idea of clones and twins even further. When I heard the game was coming to Wii U this year, I felt like November was light years away. But here it is already! So I'm super psyched. Anyway, you wanna know how to enter, right?
How to Enter
To enter, tell me about a memorable game you've played that involved any or all of the following:
-a theme of duality
-some creative variation on the above
Screens, videos, and OST are welcome.
Please specify your region in your entry.
I'll pick winners in a few days. You can enter as many times as you like, but you can only win once.

The Swapper is an award-winning, narrative driven puzzle game set in the furthest reaches of space.
The Swapper takes place in an isolated and atmospheric sci-fi world. Players wield an experimental device which allows them to create clones of themselves, swapping their entire consciousness into new bodies to overcome the challenges of the environment.
Think: Fiendishly designed puzzles with equally clever solutions that are never more than a few steps away.
Wonder: The art in The Swapper is constructed using clay models and everyday materials, which combine to create truly unique visuals in a detailed and atmospheric environment.
Discover: A powerful and thoughtful story, told through the game's environment with narrative design from Tom Jubert, the writer behind hits including Driver: San Francisco and Faster Than Light.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk8ktOAwUgo
Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by clones. So a game where you clone yourself is right up my alley. The name itself "The Swapper" is just bizarrely alluring to me. I've always been interested in the idea of clones, and I think it's because I read a lot of the Spider-Man "Clone Saga" comic books as a kid, which were universally maligned but as a kid really blew my mind. As a teen, fiction like Jonathan Lethem's short story about a clone fascinated me further, and as an adult, I've been enamored with shows like Fringe that take the idea of clones and twins even further. When I heard the game was coming to Wii U this year, I felt like November was light years away. But here it is already! So I'm super psyched. Anyway, you wanna know how to enter, right?
How to Enter
To enter, tell me about a memorable game you've played that involved any or all of the following:
-a theme of duality
-some creative variation on the above
Screens, videos, and OST are welcome.
Please specify your region in your entry.
I'll pick winners in a few days. You can enter as many times as you like, but you can only win once.

Disclaimer: I do not work for Curve Digital or any game company. If I'm giving away an eShop or Steam game in a thread like this, the codes are usually provided by the publisher or developer, but I am not being paid or asked to do this.