Gone Home by The Fullbright Company
When and where can I buy it?
Gone Home will be available on 15 August 2013 on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can buy it directly from Fullbright's website or on Steam for 19.99$.
June 7, 1995. 1:15 AM.
You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something's not right. Where is everyone? And what's happened here?
Game info:
Gone Home is an exploratory adventure game. You play as Katie Greenbriar, who comes home to an empty house after traveling abroad for a year. Why is the house empty? Where did everyone go?
It is 1995, a time before digital communications exploded. Explore the Greenbriar residence and discover its secrets. Find out what happened in the time you were gone. Piece together the stories of what makes them a family and how each member is unique; their hopes, dreams and fears are scattered throughout the house for you to find.
Gone Home is played in first person perspective. You have almost free reign in the Greenbriar home to explore. You can interact with and inspect seemly every item, letting you zoom in or rotate it completely. Some of them might be postcards from yourself, a ticket stub, a family photo on the mantle place, or maybe it's just a poster with '90s boy bands. Or just maybe it's a audio cassette with some Bratmobile on it.

Previews and Impressions...
“I didn’t realize it until now, but I’ve been waiting for Gone Home for as long as I’ve been a gamer.”
-Marty Sliva, 1Up.com
“I was transported to a home I’d never visited, but that felt achingly familiar.”
-Kirk Hamilton, Kotaku
“Warm, funny and disarmingly tender.”
-Tom Francis, PC Gamer
“It’s a game that dares to ask if raw curiosity is enough to keep players absorbed in its seemingly mundane world, and, based on what I played, the answer is an absolute, unequivocal yes.”
-Nathan Grayson, Rock Paper Shotgun
Gone Home is a IGF 2013 Finalist for Excellence in Narrative and also received Honourable Mentions for both Excellence in Audio and the Seamus McNally Grand Prize.

Who is the Fullbright Company?
The members of Fullbright are Steve Gaynor, Johnnemann Nordhagen, Karla Zimonja and Kate Craig.
Fullbright was founded by members of 2K Games, most notably members who worked on Minerva's Den DLC for Bioshock 2, story DLC that most would argue is the one of best out of this generation.
You might know Steve Gaynor from his time on the Idle Thumbs Podcast. If not, he was also the writer and director for Minerva's Den.
Q: Are there ghosts in this game?
A: Yes.
Q: Really?
A: No.
Q: Are you sure?
A: We can never be sure.