
The virtual pop star makes her International debut! Project DIVA f/F, the fourth iteration of the Project DIVA series, was the first to make its way to a worldwide audience in August 2013 on PlayStation 3, and comes to the Vita in March 2014!

Release Date/Price (Vita):
Genre: Rhythm Action
Platform: PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3
Rating: CERO C / ESRB T / PEGI 3
Official Website: [PS3] [Vita]
Order now (PS3 retail):
- JP: August 30, 2012 - Retail: ¥7329, PSN: ¥6600
- NA: March 4, 2014 - PSN: $29.99
- EU: March 13, 2014 - PSN: €29.99 / £23.99
- JP: March 7, 2013 - Retail: ¥7329, PSN: ¥6600
- NA: August 27, 2013 - Retail/PSN: $49.99
- EU: September 4, 2013 - PSN: €44.99 / £36.99
Genre: Rhythm Action
Platform: PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3
Rating: CERO C / ESRB T / PEGI 3
Official Website: [PS3] [Vita]
Order now (PS3 retail):
- GameStop
- EB Games (Canada)
- Video Games Plus (Canada) - People outside NA who want the retail copy should purchase from here.
- Play-Asia (Hong Kong)

Project DIVA is a celebration of Internet creativity, with a track list composed nearly entirely of songs produced by people like you using the Vocaloid software. The game matches rhythm-focused gameplay with beautifully choreographed music videos, with enough range in style to appeal to everyone!
To play the game, tap the buttons that appear on the screen in time with the music.
Besides the standard button taps, you will also encounter the following:

To play the game, tap the buttons that appear on the screen in time with the music.
Besides the standard button taps, you will also encounter the following:
- Holds: Appears as an input with a long trail. Press and hold the button, then release at the end of the trail. You are graded on both the initial press and the release!
- Doubles: Appearing as an arrow, you will need to press both the direction shown on the d-pad and the corresponding face button simultaneously. For example, if you see a Right arrow, you will need to press D-Pad Right and Circle simultaneously.
- Stars: The newest input type is performed by swiping the Vita touch screen or flicking one of the analog sticks on PS3. To perform multiple Star inputs in rapid succession, swipe or flick in alternate directions. On PS3 you can also use both analog sticks at once!
Each song also has special segments to be performed:i hope i didnt get anythign wrong
- Technical Zone: finish this entire segment without breaking your combo for extra points!
- Chance Time: build your Star meter throughout this segment, then hit the big Star at the end for extra points and to see an alternate ending for the music video!

Names are in Family name, given name order.
Hatsune Miku:
Kagamine Rin & Len
Megurine Luka
Hatsune Miku:

Kagamine Rin & Len

Megurine Luka


- Cat Food (キャットフード
/ doriko (music/lyrics)
- Secret Police (秘密警察
/ Buriru (music/lyrics)
- Melancholic (メランコリック
/ Junky (music/lyrics)
- Weekender Girl / kz (lyrics/arrangement), Hachioji P (music)
- Time Machine (タイムマシン
/ 164 (lyrics), 40mP (music), 1640mP (arrangement)
- DYE / AVTechNO! (music/lyrics)
- Fire◎Flower / halyosy (music/lyrics), halyosy & is (arrangement)
- Summer Idol (サマーアイドル
/ OSTER project (music/lyrics)
- ACUTE / Kurousa (music/lyrics)
- Urbandonment (トリノコシティ
/ 40mP (music/lyrics)
- What Do You Mean!? (どういうことなの!?
/ Kuchibashi P (music/lyrics)
- Stay With Me / shu-t (music/lyrics)
- Hm? Ah, Yes. (え?あぁ、そう。
/ papiyon (music/lyrics)
- Remote Controller (リモコン
/ Jesus (music/lyrics)
- Ashes to Ashes (ハイハハイニ
/ niboshi (lyrics), Tennen (music)
- World's End Umbrella / Hachi (music/lyrics)
- Freely Tomorrow / Mitchie M/ЯIRE (lyrics), Mitchie M (music)
- Monochrome∞Blue Sky (モノクロ∞ブルースカイ
/ Noboru↑ (music/lyrics)
- Glasses (MEGANE) / Ultra-Noob (music/lyrics)
- Kagamine HachiHachi Flower Fight (鏡音八八花合戦
/ Niregiru (lyrics), Moja P (music)
- World's End Dance Hall (ワールズエンド・ダンスホール
/ wowaka (music/lyrics)
- The MMORPG Addict's Anthem (ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール
/ satuki ga tenkomori (music/lyrics)
- Nostalogic / yuukiss (music/lyrics)
- Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! / daniwell (music/lyrics)
- Unhappy Refrain (アンハッピーリフレイン
/ wowaka (music/lyrics)
- Odds & Ends / ryo (music/lyrics)
- Tengaku (天樂
/ Yuuyu (music/lyrics)
- God-Tier Tune (神曲
/ Onyuu P (music/lyrics), Pinocchio P (arrangement)
- Black★Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター
/ ryo (music/lyrics)
- Negaposi*Continues (ネガポジ*コンティニューズ
/ sasakure.UK (music/lyrics)
- Sadistic.Music∞Factory / cosMo@Bousou P (music/lyrics)
- Continuing Dream (夢の続き
/ Dixie Flatline (music/lyrics)
- Tell Your World / kz (music/lyrics)
- Tokyo Teddy Bear (東京テディベア
/ Neru (music/lyrics)
- Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku (夢喰い白黒バク
/ Nem (music/lyrics)
- Sweet Devil / q*left (lyrics), Hachioji P (music)
- Rin-chan Now! (リンちゃんなう!) / sezu (lyrics), Owata P (music)
- Senbonzakura (千本桜
/ Kurousa (music/lyrics)

Download content is cross-buy; buy it for one platform and you receive it free on the other!
- Extra Character Modules: Use the not-quite Vocaloids Akita Neru, Yowane Haku, and Kasane Teto.
NA Release: August 27, 2013 ($2.99)
EU Release: October 2, 2013 (€2.49 / £1.99)
- Snow Miku 2013 Costumes: The hooded and unhooded variants of the Snow Miku 2013 costume.
NA Release: October 8, 2013 ($2.99) Was also available as a preorder bonus from GameStop.
EU Release: September 25, 2013 (€2.49 / £1.99)
- Extra Songs pack (Vita only): The six extra songs above, plus associated costumes, accessories, and extra songs for AR mode.
NA Release: March 4, 2014 ($9.99)
EU Release: March 13, 2014 (€7.99 / £6.49)
- DIVA Enhancement Pack (Vita only): Additional accessories as well as extras for use in Edit mode. Free!
NA Release: March 4, 2014 (Free)
EU Release: March 12, 2014 (Free)

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f (Vita) Launch Trailer

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f for the PlayStation Vita

Vita Announcement Trailer

Launch Trailer

Senbonzakura Trailer

Announcement Trailer
Many gameplay videos of the Japanese version of the game are also available on my TwitchTV channel!

God, I remember when I started playing Diva for the first time like about a month and a half ago.
In the last month and a half, I became hopelessly addicted to this game. Went from having difficulty on Normal songs to finishing the entire game on Extreme, having three songs perfected on Extreme, and the ability the Great or Excellent pretty much everything else (except NegiPosi*Continue and Sadistic.Music Factory, fuck those songs).
Neat to see the game finally coming to the West, but I don't need to pick up the English version after importing both the PS3 version and Vita version from Japan. Enjoy it fellow NA folk! The game is so worth it!
I tried the demo and I suck at it, a lot. I was actually rather competent in DJ max portable, and completed Osu on very hard, so I think I should be able to be at least decent. Tell me what I am doing wrong, Miku-gaf!
Game has nice IQ btw, 4xMSAA probably.
Hi everyone,
Just want to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us make this game a reality. Everyone's support earlier in the year during the Facebook campaign really did make a huge difference.
There's a lot more to come as we approach the release in August, so we're glad to see so many people just as excited as some of us at SEGA are.![]()
I'm also seeing a lot of comments about questions regarding the calibration system, which is good feedback. May see if we can do a little guide video at some point to help easily explain it, along with some tips and tricks for improving score.
I have both the Vita and PS3 versions and can confirm that this is an excellent rhythm game as long as you like the music. Definitely check out the demo if you are curious.
Okay, my review is up on EGM.
Before any fellow Vocaloid fans get mad at me, let's be clear:
* This review was written as my best attempt at a catch-all review, so it doesn't go hardcore into all of the changes made in F. I know that.
* I still hate the Star notes, even while some here on GAF have argued that I'm wrong in why I hate them.
* Luka still = best Vocaloid. FACT.
* I did end up taking my own screenshots after all.
I'm on a plane right now, and a little girl is sitting next to me. That means I can play Project Diva f without anyone giving me weird looks.
That little girl is probably going to judge me so hard.
I'm loving this. For me this is much preferred to the PS3 release. I found the game to be really visually distracting on my big screen TV but on the Vita it just seems perfect with the exception of the Star notes. I am having trouble with the touchscreen on the Star notes but it might just be me. I certainly need more practice!
OMG I am in love with this game. What a charming little game this is.
For some reason I just didn't click with it on PS3, but the Vita version is ace.
Diva is eating heavily into my Dark Souls 2 time. I'm really surprised at how good it is.
It's crazy. I've never been a fan of Vocaloids but I should have given it a chance earlier. It's really, really addictive and there's so much stuff to do on the side besides the rhythm game as well. Really great stuff.
I played PDf during my entire 2-hour flight. I think that girl might become a future Miku fan.Her mom was judging me so hard. D:
Special Thanks to Red_taiyaki for the banners and MaverickHunterAsh for providing the track list!