
Developer: S2 Games
Platform: PC / Mac / Linux
Price: Free
Genre: rts / rpg
Release Date: May 12 2010
Where: Available online only at
About HoN:
In Heroes of Newerth, two teams of up to five players each take on the role of special Hero units. With the assistance of AI-controlled armies, each team sets out with the sole objective of destroying the other team's base. As a match progresses, players can earn experience and gold which can be used to upgrade skills or purchase items to make their character more powerful. The team-oriented design of HoN coupled with unprecedented in-game Voice-Over-IP controls and Clan Support allow for an incredibly deep, tactical team-based experience.
- Dozens of playable Hero characters, over 100 items as well as regular content updates to ensure no two games of HoN will ever be the same.
- Client/Server Architecture eliminates lag, cheats and map hacking
- Quick reconnect feature allows players to jump right back into their game should they get disconnected
- In-game VOIP for fast and easy communication with teammates
- Game archives and replay support for all games played on official servers
- Built upon the proprietary K2 engine to deliver enhanced graphics while maintaining low system specs
- Powerful map editor and mod capabilities
Official Trailers: