Developed by Nippon Ichi Software
Published by NIS America
Genre: Puzzle
Platforms: Playstation Vita
Price: $14.99 (Digital)
Install Size: 634MB

Within a dilapidated shed in the utmost depths of a dark ruin, Mion's eyes fluttered open.
She didn't know why she was here, or where "here" even was. Her body trembled with bewildered confusion.
When she finally noticed me, she must have sensed the sincerity of my intentions, and followed after me with relieved steps.
I must get her out of this place.
A savage world lies beyond the walls of this shed. The looming shadows of scrap metal will almost certainly crush Mion.
But I can stop the shadows. I can lead Mion out of here, to the world above.
After all, I have reasons to lead this child...

A young girl who awoke in the ruins suffering from amnesia.
Follows Lumen's light as she makes her way through the ruins.

A firefly who is leading Mion to the outside world.
Her motive is unclear, and her reason for helping Mion remains a mystery.

The other firefly that Mion meets as she ventures through the ruins.
This mysterious firefly travels through shadows to provide Mion with additional aid.

The gameplay involves controlling Lumen to guide Mion through the decrepit ruins that she woke up in. Mion will follow Lumen to the best of her ability, so you need to be aware of what she's doing at all times.
You can tap Mion with Lumen to make her sit on the ground, ensuring she won't wander after you, possibly getting herself killed. You can also tap objects to have Mion interact with them, such as switches, ladders, and other things.
Umbra appears a little after Lumen. Umbra allows you to interact with objects beyond Mion's grasp by traveling through the shadows. This way, you can trip distant switches, activate pistons, or detonate bombs without putting Mion in harms way. Action pauses while Umbra is being controlled.

There are three methods of control in the game:
Option A- Control Lumen with the front touch screen, and tap the back touch screen to activate and control Umbra.
Option B- Control Lumen with the front touch screen, and tap the small purple icon in the top right of the screen to control Umbra, also with the front touch. The back touch screen is not used.
Option C- Use the face buttons to control Lumen and Umbra. Neither touch screen is used.

English Trailer 1
English Trailer 2
Japanese Read-Along Movie (Eng Subbed) #1 *Spoilers*
Japanese Read-Along Movie (Eng Subbed) #2 *Spoilers*
Japanese Read-Along Movie (Eng Subbed) #3 *Spoilers*

Where can I buy this game?
Physical: NIS America sold physical copies through their online store. They're currently out of stock, but it's possible they might get more in the future.
Digital: Link (NA)
Digital: Link (EU)
Is this game like Limbo?
Not really. It does have the same sort of morbid "kid exploring the unknown and being brutally murdered" esthetic, but they play totally differently. You don't directly control Mion, you control the firefly and Mion follows. Your goal is to protect her as she explores the ruins.
Why does this game get such bad reviews?
It's very hard. You play as a helpless firefly guiding a helpless girl through dangerous environments, it doesn't hold your hand at all, and expects you keep trying until you succeed. Some people don't like that.
Is it touch only? A review I read said it is.
No, there are button controls. Go into the options and touch the arrow to the right of the BGM and SFX stuff. Option C is physical controls.