
Referred to as a "celebration" to the Zelda series by Nintendo. It's a Warriors game (as in for instance Dynasty Warriors) except it's entirely Zelda-themed (with characters from Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, as well as a few unique characters). Also, it looks like it's going to be pretty awesome.

Hyrule Warriors is Wii U-exclusive, silly. Release dates as follow:
Japan - August 14, 2014
Europe - September 19, 2014
Australia - September 20, 2014
North America - September 26, 2014

+ As of October 16th; Link can also use Epona (paid DLC; see DLC section further down).

+ As of November 27th; Zelda can also use the dominion rod (paid DLC; see DLC section further down).

As of October 16th: Cia, Wizzro and Volga are also playable (free DLC; see DLC section further down).
As of November 27th: Twili Midna (Midna's "true form" as seen at the end of Twilight Princess) is playable (paid DLC).
Note: each weapon has its entirely own moveset!
Character trailer #1: Link (Sword) / NA version
Character trailer #2: Link (Magic Rod) / NA version
Character trailer #3: Impa (Biggoron Sword) / NA version
Character trailer #4: Zelda (Rapier) / NA version
Character trailer #5: Lana (Magic Book) / NA version
Character trailer #6: Agitha (Parasol) / NA version
Character trailer #7: Midna (Shackle) / NA version
Character trailer #8: Fi (Goddess Blade) / NA version
Character trailer #9: Zelda (w. The Wind Waker) / NA version
Character trailer #10: Link (w. Power Gloves) / NA version
Character trailer #11: Ruto (with Zora Scale) / NA version
Character trailer #12: Darunia (Hammer) / NA version
Character trailer #13: Sheik (Harp and Kunai) / NA version
Character trailer #14: Impa (w. Naginata) / NA version
Character trailer #15:Lana (with Deku Stick) / NA version
Character trailer #16: Ganondorf (with Great Swords) / NA version
Character trailer #17 : Zant / NA version

Coming soon! Maybe. Now three more of them will be playable soon. And the rest are big bosses that I don't want to spoil! If you want to spoil yourself; they're right here: http://zelda.com/hyrule-warriors/.

I was going to put text and sparkly images here but then I realized that one should probably just play the game instead and not get every single detail spoiled. There's boomerangs, bombs and stuff -- what do you expect? Probably red potions too, yeah, most likely red potions.

Kotaku - Yes
Escapist 9/10
Nintendo World Report 8.5/10
Destructioid 8.5/10
gamesTM 8.3/10
CVG - 8/10
IGN Italy 8/10
Game Informer 8/10
Nintendo Insider 8/10
Gamespot 8/10
Eurogamer 8/10
Wiitalia 7.5/10
Nintendo Life 7/10
US Gamer 7/10
Game Trailers 7/10 (Video Review)
God is a Geek 7/10
IGN 7/10
Polygon- 5.5/10
Games Rader 4/10
Metro: 4/10
There are quotes and comments on the reviews in the fancy official review thread. Also features a dancing Darunia, one thing that this here OT is lacking. Please donate any spare rupees so that I can afford to purchase dancing Darunia's. Thank you for your donations!

Coming soon! For now, check out this awesome trailer. Actually you know what, that's probably the only trailer you'll need.

Here's a Youtube-playlist with all the songs!
This is the best one. Miyamoto said so*.
*Source: the source is written in Chintaw language, so unless you have a Chintaw-English book lying around we can't translate it, I'm afraid.

If you live in Japan, you can get this beauty:
Otherwise, you're going to have to settle for an overpriced scarf:

There are the costume sets, which are currently retailer-exclusive pre-orders. There are three sets: Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Each set will give you costumes for Link, Zelda and Ganondorf. This DLC will also be up on the eShop!

All of the DLC inside the quote below is available for pre-order for 15 euros, $20 or an equivalent of that. $500 in Sweden, probably.
Playable Villains FREE DLC
September 30 (JP), October 16 (EU/NA)
- Free playable three villains
- Can turn on/off cut-scenes.
Hyrule Warriors Master Quest:
September 30 (JP), October 16th (EU/NA)
- 1 new weapon (Epona for Link; screenshot below)
- New Scenario (The Black Witch Cia; five stories that occur in tandem with the original story)
- Adventure Map (Appears to be a whole, big master quest version of the map; screenshot below)
- 2 Costumes (One for Lana and one for Cia)
- A new rank of weapons as well (Looks like a lot of weapon have gotten new 8-bit versions)
- Also a whole lot of new costumes for other characters; mostly re-colors with a few new details
Twilight Princess
November 27 (Worldwide)
- 1 new character (Twili Midna; this is Midna's "true form" as seen at the end of Twilight Princess)
- 1 new weapon (Dominion Rod for Zelda)
- Adventure Map (Twilight Princess-themed)
- 2 Costumes (Postman costume for Link and Ilia costume for Zelda)
Majora's Mask
January 29 (EU/JP), February 5 (NA)
- 2 new characters (Tingle & Young Link; screenshots below)
- Adventure Map (Obviously Majora's Mask-themed)
- 3 new costumes (Speculation: Ocarina of Time Sheik costume for Sheik, Skull Kid costume for Lana or Zelda and Ocarina of Time Impa costume for Impa; screenshot below)
Ganon Pack
February (EU/JP), March (NA)
- 2 New Game Modes (One that lets you play as Ganon, one new challenge mode where you try to defeat all the bosses)
2014-09-26: The weapon for the first DLC (Master Quest) has been announced! It's Epona!
2014-09-30: A bunch of new details regarding the Master Quest DLC has been added to the list above. This is the new master quest adventure map:
2014-11-21: Twilight Princess DLC details:
The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, you’ll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link.
2014-11-27: Version 1.4.0
The maximum warrior level is now 150!
You can now carry up to 999 of a single type of material!
New mixtures have appeared in the Apothecary!
New medals are waiting to be won!
You can now receive amiibo presents! Touch an amiibo to the GamePad while on the title screen to get a random bonus. An amiibo can give you only one present a day, but you can receive up to five presents if you use five different amiibo!
2015-01-14: Majora's Mask pack details.
Young Link and Tingle are the new characters for the Majora's Mask pack! Releases Feb 5th for NA, unsure when for Europe, probably same date.
Young Link is totally cute though.
Becomes Fierce Deity Link temporarily (unsure if this only happens during special attacks/when some meter is filled or if it's part of regular combos too).
And Tingle is also totally... cute. Hmm.
Three new costumes. Speculation: Ocarina of Time Sheik costume for Sheik, Skull Kid costume for Lana or Zelda and Ocarina of Time Impa costume for Impa.
2014-02-17: Ganon Pack details
Boss Challenge Mode: Defeat the big bosses in the game for high scores. Can get costumes for Lana, Link, and Zelda as rewards.
Ganon Play Mode: Play as Ganon, earn high scores by destroying the battle field. Costumes for Ganondorf and Cia as rewards.

More gifs!

For this I have to thank me, myself and I, thank you very much I've been working 24-hours a day for the last month making this OP.
Thanks to RPGCrazied for pointing out that there are character portraits, jonno394 for linking the press pack and all of ya'all who posted gifs, comments and who are awesome just in general.
ZeroAKA and Gamerloid updated the character gallery to what it is now! They took the text I wrote, added some more text and put a nice font on it, making it much more concentrated and better-looking! Also, redid the banner a little bit too! Thanks!
As of 2014-09-18; I've fixed all the headers.
Original placeholder OP
Alternate thread title:
I thought the title was supposed to be "A Link between girls"![]()

Just kidding! Ask away in the thread and also, check out these websites for all the (biased) info you could ever need: