The banner now contains every GOTY since 2006 and the only true GOTY for all years to come.
The result of past votings can be found here:
IndieGAF recommends 50 best Indies of 2013
IndieGAF recommends 50 best Indies of 2014
Another year, another 20-50 hard choices to make. Lets to go over the rules once again, but if you return from last year, the rules stayed the same.
| Which games can we vote on? |
This is a community vote, so we'll vote on the PC games we, as a community, played last year. This means you can vote for any game in any of these threads:
- Indie Games 2015 [January]
- Indie Games 2015 [February]
- Indie Games 2015 [March]
- Indie Games 2015 [April]
- Indie Games 2015 [May]
- Indie Games 2015 [June]
- Indie Games 2015 [July]
- Indie Games 2015 [August]
- Indie Games 2015 [September]
- Indie Games 2015 [October]
- Indie Games 2015 [November]
- Indie Games 2015 [December]
| How will the voting work? |
The only thing you need to know:
You need to provide a list of 20 games, among which you will automatically share 210 points based on your ranking. You dont need to give any points, you simply rank the games. You are free to give multiple ranks to the different games, which in turn means that you skip the following places that would normally correspond to these ranks, like in this example:
5.lkjasd: Reloaded
Additionally,you are free to include a second list of up to 30 more games, which will not directly get "points", but only Honor points, which will decide any draws these games might have. Consider it rank 1-50, divided into two lists.
If you want to know more anyway:
The reasoning for this voting system is to allow people freedom over how to judge their games, if you want to rate 20 games in the first place, that is perfectly fine but they will share the total amount of points you will give to your voted games.
The first 20 games will get proper points, like in this example:
1. 20 points
2. 19 points
3. 18 points
4. 17 points
5. 16 points
If you decide to give the same rank to multiple games, these games will get the average amount these ranks would correspond to, like in this example:
1. 20 points
2. 18 points - (19 + 18 + 17) / 3
2. 18 points - (19 + 18 + 17) / 3
2. 18 points - (19 + 18 + 17) / 3
5. 16 points
| What are we going to use this thread for? |
Three main things:
1. Your voting posts. Feel free to post an incomplete list with games you keep track of and edit that post until the end of the voting period. Do not post more than one voting post, but please edit your voting post if you already created one. Play some more games. Play games you missed, play games others loved, and possibly change your lists until the 19th.
2. Posts about games you think deserve a mention. If we look at this thread, it should be preferably filled with lots of posts about what makes all these Indie Games so good and why others should play them to include them in their lists. It is fine to post an older post about a game if you consider this post still representative of your current opinion and think it properly expresses why the game is as good as you think it is.
3. Writing up blurbs for the final GOTY thread, and we will need quite a few hands to get that done. So please stick around!
Any posts about the regular december voting, general Indie talk and similar issues still go into the current Indie thread:
Indie Games [December]
| What are we going to do after the voting? |
Once the voting and vote tallying is done, I'll create a proper thread in the Gaming section, showing off the result as a "Best Indie Games last year we think you should be playing." with proper descriptions and pictures/gifs.
Please also stick around after you finished your post, there is a big chunk of work left once we are done with the voting. Writing up the Best of list is a big effort and we need every help!