Each month, the iOS GAF community hosts a thread for new game releases, rumors and discussion that define the fast-moving world of iOS gaming.
The OP will contain games that released both towards the end of the previous month and games that have released during the current month.
All the games listed will have been highlighted by the GAF community in one way or another. This way you can keep tabs on the best games and at the same time curate an excellent resource to look back on to find games you may have missed.
Also keep an eye out for the ‘GAF iOS Challenges’; events where GAF battle it out on the Game Center leaderboards of a chosen game for both fame and fortune (prizes donated by members of our community).
If you're a developer who wishes to have your game featured, please talk about your game in the thread and if the GAF community at large likes the game then your wish just might be granted. Please note that there's a difference between posting about a game you made and just advertising your game with no further interaction with the community, this thread is not for the latter and such advertising behavior is frowned upon.

Surprisingly the touch controls work! They don't look great but I've played enough to know that you can do the entire game with them. It's not ideal but it does the job. Performance is also great on my air but it dips when I hide in bushes. Other than that (and the compressed audio), this port is really impressive.

I've been playing this, and I can confirm that the port is excellent. It is such a nice experience on the iPad.
Tunesmith said:My favorite point and click adventure game of all time, now in my pocket. Can't get much better than this!

As an old school Frogger fan, really digging Crossy Road. Just one of those "gotta try one more time" games.
I never understood the Flappy Bird phenomenon but, boy...am I addicted to Crossy Road!!!
Just unlocked Gandalf...hilarious.
The game is great, and the IAP is painless. My favorite character so far is the fish, how he moves is hilarious too... saw your score [Pitta] on twitter... I have to get back on track but Kingdom Rush Origins doesnt let me... damn..
Crossy Road - Really addictive. Nice colorful voxel art style, and simple tight controls. Going to be hooked on this for a while

So far it seems to me that is the best one yet. There are a lot of little additions here and there -like enemies going into waterfalls or along rivers- that makes an even more engrossing experience. The IAP most powerful heroes are: A walking tree that seems powerful for 5$, a magic dragon that seems even more powerful for 7$ and two "coming soon" heroes. But the basic hero -an elf archer- that comes for free seems nice. Deals damage, shoots really fast. Its a good unit. The rest of the game is the same. The same polished and balanced tower defense. The best one too, followed by Sleep Attack. Need to sleep now.
I'm not a big fan of TD genre. I've played a few but none really grabbed me.
But I decided to try Kingdom Rush Origins anyway.
After playing a few levels, I really like it, I think. Like I said, I have very little experience with TD, but here's my thoughts on why Kingdom Rush is considered top dog:
- It's easy to get into, but gets HARD pretty fast. This is probably because I suck at TD's, but I think the game will kick my ass pretty hard.
- There's something very distinct about the aesthetics. I really like the look of the game. It's simple, but charming. Same with the audio. Overall I think the presentation is very attractive, cohesive and polished, unlike a lot of generic looking games in the genre. Interface is very pleasant and polished too.
- There's a lot of micromanagement. Wow. You just don't stand idle for 10 seconds. There's always something to do. Always something to take care of. This is really different from the "set up and wait" flow I had with other games.
- Maps are very different, which makes you approach each level very differently too.
- Playing the same levels again with modifiers might be a great way to extend the length. You are not forced to do it though, so it doesn't feel like artificial padding, just more juice.
Maybe there's something else I can't define it yet, but these are the feelings this TD noob is having. Am I right or way off?
Shame there's only three heroes though. I know buying the others is not necessary, but they look so cool and must be pretty fun to play around too. A question by the way, are the heroes progressively better or just different from each other?

The cool thing about Framed is that it's a puzzle game first. There's a wordless narrative and it's an engaging wonderfully artistic experience, but it's first and foremost a puzzle game. There are constants - ladders and stairway make you descend or ascend when you reach them, approach enemies from behind to avoid them or knock them out, etc. - and new elements are added periodically, like rotating panels. The puzzles seem to hinge more on trial and error and experimentation than hard logic, but the trial and error in Framed is fun, due to the seamless permutations that result from you shifting the panels.
Length wise, I'm 45-50 minutes in and just reached what seems to be the third chapter/act. I have no idea how much of the game is left, but it's definitely been enjoyable so far and tricky at times
Just completed Framed. Really liked the game. It almost gave me a Ghost Trick kinda vibe. I was surprised to discover Zoe Quinn was involved in it.

So if you guys pick up Space Age tonight ( and you should, it looks like day of the tentacle had a baby with an adventure game, as in non point and click) do put on headphones because it uses a kind of neat stereo system.
The game has so much potential. I'm not far enough into it but between the quality of the writing and the amzing 50+ songs, it can't be bad. And I know it will be pretty much ignored everywhere else so...

I've been playing on the 6+ and I really like it so far. There's a lot of text, so if you have an iPad that may be preferable, but it's perfectly playable on the 6+. Even has an option to resize the text.
Took me a little bit to get into the swing of things, there's a lot to learn, a lot of little buttons to know the functions of, but if you're an rpg veteran it should be no problem.
Looks like it's following the AD&D ruleset. Don't know if there's special rules for the Forgotten Realms universe?
Anyway, it's great so far. Took me awhile to get my party started (creating character(s), buying equipment, equipping it all) but have done some quests in and around town, combat, exploration, story, micro-management - it's all there =)
I'm playing on the 2nd to easiest setting and still getting killed at times. Multiple save slots, and a quick-save button are life savers. It's unforgiving and rewarding - I recommend it.

Ok, Muertitos is pretty great.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Mesmerizing music too.
Think Threes...but different.
And melanchonic.
And monstrous...but a cute type of monstrous.
Very polished.
So you start with an empty board, but then there's monster's heads in all the tiles surrounding the board (except the corners). You tap a head to shift it from outside in. This is the only way to move heads, so it creates an interesting dynamic as you have to be concious of how each push will affect the board. So, if I have a head in a middle tile of the board, I would have to push in one head, then another to push that head in the middle of the board. (More easily seen than explained).
A match is made when there are 3 or 4 of the same heads in a row, in much they disappear in a poof. It's important to be vigilant about where the pieces are, as the heads on the outside can not contribute to matches unless they are pushed into play (this has lead to silly mistakes in which I push a row containing two of a type of head all the way across to a third head, but then that head is actually on the outside, which creates a horizontal jam in that row.
The bar on the bottom is a sort of bonus bar. As you make matches, it starts to fill up. When it gets full, you're greeted with a card that has 12 X's on it, telling you to pick 3. You tap 3 of them, and each gives you a special power.
Each of these are used by dragging them from their corner into play. All except for the skull have a chance to appear in the outside tiles as well during regular play.
On top of that, there are two "character sets" of 12 heads each. This creates a sort of Threes dynamic in which you try to unlock all the heads, similar to how you try to unlock all of Threes' cards.
You're also given a score for each run, and the scores aren't ridiculous lists of numbers (mine have been at max 4 digits so far) which is nice for high score sharing.
So, basically what we have here is a wonderful buck game with moody, piano based music, unique art (its got a kind of Day of the Dead style, which is purposeful as the dev is mexican), and really original feeling core gameplay that is super addicting. Honestly I love this game, it just feels like a fantastic, pure experience, and it's super hard to put down.

Guys, check out NOON. It's a twitch game that's free at launch for a limited time from the devs of Quell. It's simple but really addictive, kind of like Gauge in that aspect. Stop the clock at noon. That's it. But it's not so simple when you have multiple clocks, spinning at different speeds and the noon marker is at different positions on each one

bitcoin billionare is probably the most brilliant and evil f2p game on the app store.
It's addicting as hell in its own stupid, ironic, twisted way. I love/hate it!

OT is up, for anyone interested.
Few devs in the world can express like Simogo does.
Be SURE to use the button you see in every description....it's like the companion app in Year Walk.