well seeing as though everyone is posting these black friday deals i thought i'd post this one and also pimp my favourite game at the same time
Existing Subscribers: PRBLACKFRIDAY09
for anyone unfamiliar with the game its PC racing sim and its simply the best sim out there on any platform for $15 more than your average console game, complete bargain. its not very demanding you only need a 2 or 3 year old pc and a decent wheel, say driving force pro and upwards
this isn't some game for screenshot warriors to argue about non in game 96x supersampled bullshots though, this is pure racing with laser scanned tracks within 2cm accuracy of real life, an online safety rating that prevents wreckers and which consequently provides the safest, fairest racing i've ever come across online and a really great community. it also has big grids with i think a theoretical maximum of 64 players but with regular grids of 30 or so cars
there is no aliasing on this game with stupid names like umm bee! you use your real name on your credit card/paypal account so when you see you're racing against dale earnhardt jnr, justin wilson, alex gurney etc then yeah that's actually them, the real racing drivers who frequent the game
sure its expensive, for your $75 you get 5 cars (technically 3) and 8 tracks as standard with everything else as DLC. short tracks are $11.95 and long tracks $14.95 with cars being $11.95 (you keep all the dlc of course if your subscription lapses and you resubscribe at a later date) but if you're into this sort of game this really is the pinnacle, just buy the skip barber car and if you're not having fun within 2 mins then you're not a real sim racer
heres a few vids/screens of it to hopefully show it off, although its more the accuracy not the graphics to look for as its certainly not great looking although there are updates planned for hdr lighting, motion blur and all that other next gen shite
Watkins Glen
Virginia International
Justin Wilson talks iRacing
random fun 24hrs of fun vid i found
Existing Subscribers: PRBLACKFRIDAY09
for anyone unfamiliar with the game its PC racing sim and its simply the best sim out there on any platform for $15 more than your average console game, complete bargain. its not very demanding you only need a 2 or 3 year old pc and a decent wheel, say driving force pro and upwards
this isn't some game for screenshot warriors to argue about non in game 96x supersampled bullshots though, this is pure racing with laser scanned tracks within 2cm accuracy of real life, an online safety rating that prevents wreckers and which consequently provides the safest, fairest racing i've ever come across online and a really great community. it also has big grids with i think a theoretical maximum of 64 players but with regular grids of 30 or so cars
there is no aliasing on this game with stupid names like umm bee! you use your real name on your credit card/paypal account so when you see you're racing against dale earnhardt jnr, justin wilson, alex gurney etc then yeah that's actually them, the real racing drivers who frequent the game
sure its expensive, for your $75 you get 5 cars (technically 3) and 8 tracks as standard with everything else as DLC. short tracks are $11.95 and long tracks $14.95 with cars being $11.95 (you keep all the dlc of course if your subscription lapses and you resubscribe at a later date) but if you're into this sort of game this really is the pinnacle, just buy the skip barber car and if you're not having fun within 2 mins then you're not a real sim racer
heres a few vids/screens of it to hopefully show it off, although its more the accuracy not the graphics to look for as its certainly not great looking although there are updates planned for hdr lighting, motion blur and all that other next gen shite

Watkins Glen
Virginia International
Justin Wilson talks iRacing
random fun 24hrs of fun vid i found