Except neither of them have a story that even comes close to what Halo 1-3 offered
Tbh and I say that as a big Halo fan, the story was super minimalistic in 1-3 and a lot happened outside the games in books, without becoming required reads to play the next games.
343 tries to go much deeper in the story but it feels like you miss a lot of movement in the universe if you didn't read all books.
343 should really take their time.. depending on how far away the next xbox is may even release it on there. I feel like Halo 5 hit the technical capabilities of the One in sone points. The bigger and better forge of Halo 5 is alsmost for naught because the game still dips to low fps when playing forge maps in matchmaking.
The aiming slows down when the processor is getting stressed etc.
Also announcing a game in the timeframe of psx is couragous, to stand out in the press the gane would have to be super different or have big new features. While a lot of the fanbase wants the opposite and a trend to backtothe roots. 343 is in a hard position