We're lucky enough to have writers from GiantBomb, Kotaku, RPS, IGN, Gametrailers and many others as part of the GAF community. Unfortunately the only time they seem to post is when they're defending either their own work or the games media at large. I wanted to create a place for writers, critics and journalists away from the noise of resolutions, Doritos and next gen launch hysteria to just talk.
This is a place for game writers to discuss their work; their methods, their styles, their current projects and maybe one or two of the pieces they're most proud of. Share your successes, failings and maybe some of your favourite pieces from other game writers.
Whether you're a full time writer, freelancer or just do it for your own site in your spare time then post away!

If someone wants to make me some fancy sweet ass banners and icons that would be more than appreciated!
Post your name and your site! I'll list you here
Moobabe - Max Downton - D22 Zone
More_Badass - Indie Game Enthusiast
excaliburps - Pixel Enemy
micster - Nerfed
CheesecakeRecipe - Extrahype
RMI - GaijinDensetsu
jschreier - Kotaku
GDJustin - IGN
Moz La Punk - Gamer and InsideGamer
RyougaSaotome - Japanator
JehutyRunner - "Freelance connoisseur"
RobCrossley - CVG
davewiththeid - Game Reviews
Jintor - PCPowerPlay, Hyper Magazine Australia
joshrholloway - Freelancer
MaverickHunterAsh - Examiner
Dougstyles - Save/Continue
Kensuke - FOK!games
kassatsu - PSNStores
MrSerrels - Kotaku Australia
Ryan_IGN - IGN
apricot - Chic Pixel
Mdk7 - IGN Italy
TheGoddamn - Kambyero
Patrick Klepek - Giant Bomb
nynt9 - Save/Continue
matthewwhatever - Gaming Age
Wunder - Team Liquid
JohnnyPana - Nintendo Life
cupajoe - Greet The Rifts
GDGF - Brian Anthony Thornton - http://www.gamezebo.com/writer/brian-anthony-thornton