GavinGT said:Please teach me more, oh wise one.
Ventron said:Is it too late to post some gifs in this thread?
RandomVince said:This.
It's the potential the game clearly has. LBP isnt just another game, it is a game that has every chance of being something special assuming it is marketed correctly and persistently. Sackboy is just too cute not to appeal to the same demographic buying Wii as their first console.
Ventron said:Is it too late to post some gifs in this thread?
Stumpokapow said:2008:
Disgaea 3 August 26
Buzz Quiz TV September 23
NBA 09 The Inside October 7
SOCOM Confrontation October 14
Singstar PS3 2 October 21
Motorstorm 2 October 28
LBP October 2008
Resistance 2 November 2008
sykoex said:I'm disappointed that BF:BC for PS3 didn't seem to sell close close to the 360's numbers. I'm imagining this trend will change in the near future i guess.
tfur said:From OP:
"While the attached media report does not include units bundled with hardware, if included MGS4 sold-through nearly 1 million units."
Execs everywhere seeing the numbers: "Just think what MGS4 could've done in December!"TTP said:I think the nicer thing that comes out from these MGS4 numbers is proof that you can have holiday season level numbers in non holiday season periods.
I hope publishers take notice and stop ignoring 10 months out of 12 for their biggest releases.
It did? Shit, I thought it was more along the lines of the PS2 games (250 - 300k). That's the range I'm talking about. Sorry.BruceLeeRoy said:Didn't Ratchet sell something terrible like 75k?
I think some other people have already answered on this question in this thread, but i want to answer as wellgregor7777 said:Army of Two really did 600k first month?
NPD said:3. Army of TwoXbox 360EA606.1K
10. Army of TwoPS3EA224.9K
ShockingAlberto said:I really don't see a reason LBP will do above Ratchet's numbers.
DeaconKnowledge said:This post made me wonder....Is PSN (or XBLA or WiiWare) selling systems? I mean, obviously not just on the back of the platform itself, but I wonder if any considerable* amount of gamers look at one of the 3 and say "based on the service coupled with the games library, i`m diving in".
* asterisked to stop the flood of "I did, so the answer is yes" posts.
GavinGT said:Please teach me more, oh wise one.
Haunted One said:Execs everywhere seeing the numbers: "Just think what MGS4 could've done in December!"
spwolf said:eh, it is only possible system for it now... only system where you can have user generated content in the game actually.
stewacide said:Exactly. That demographic already owns a Wii (or is thinking about one / trying to get one). If it was on Wii the cost of entry is the price of the game itself, on the PS3 it's a whole new system plus game, which is not going to fly.
Wait, what? Exactly what can you extrapolate about FF13 from anything about June sales?CcrooK said:It's too bad Sony did lose FF13 as an exclusive. This proves how big of a hardware impact it could of had in the long run. Still, I'm curious to see what kind of boost it will give Japan. Good numbers all around.
Then Halo 3 wouldn't be #1 because it had 3 different SKUs.Stumpokapow said:okay great but we don't have an actual number and those madden numbers for instance are single SKU and do not include collectors editions AFAIK, so really I guess I should say "Top single SKU software launches"?
sillymonkey321 said:Ratchet's played out and LBP is kinda fresh though.
bloody pirate said:what do you want to know or what are you curious about?
( serious questions only)
starship said:Then Halo 3 wouldn't be #1 because it had 3 different SKUs.
Gaborn said:Hey Stumpokapow, out of curiosity what'd Wii Play do in it's first month?
Haunted One said:Execs everywhere seeing the numbers: "Just think what MGS4 could've done in December!"
It did? Shit, I thought it was more along the lines of the PS2 games (250 - 300k). That's the range I'm talking about. Sorry.
sillymonkey321 said:Ratchet's played out and LBP is kinda fresh though.
A vast number of launch perioid 360s were sold on Geometry Wars alone. That is not a joke.DeaconKnowledge said:This post made me wonder....Is PSN (or XBLA or WiiWare) selling systems? I mean, obviously not just on the back of the platform itself, but I wonder if any considerable* amount of gamers look at one of the 3 and say "based on the service coupled with the games library, i`m diving in".
* asterisked to stop the flood of "I did, so the answer is yes" posts.
Hey, I'm all for a more balanced release schedule throughout the year instead of everyone throwing their best shot at the holidays and hoping theirs will stick. :/TTP said:Like MGS4 would have been the only big December release right?
sillymonkey321 said:Ratchet's played out and LBP is kinda fresh though.
starship said:Then Halo 3 wouldn't be #1 because it had 3 different SKUs.
spwolf said:only system where you can have user generated content in the game actually.
BruceLeeRoy said:Aight good I got
Haunted One down for: 300k
Me: 1 Million
The rest Gaf: 22
Awesome good to go.
stewacide said:The Wii allows for user generated content in the form of the Mii showcase: it's a small first step, but in a perfect world LBP could have been the second.
Are there any DS games with YouTube-esq user-generated content sharing/rating?
Azrael said:A Wii version of LBP would be gimped by the lack of a HDD, the low amount of RAM, and Nintendo's fear of kids and families being exposed to objectionable content. Nintendo probably wouldn't even allow content to be shared online.
Which is really, really sad since Ratchet was such an incredible game.dabig2 said:Not to mention it was still kind of a "bad" time for the PS3 around the time Ratchet launched. And Sony had zero marketing for the title.
tfur said:From OP:
"While the attached media report does not include units bundled with hardware, if included MGS4 sold-through nearly 1 million units."
dabig2 said:And Sony had zero marketing for the title.
ShockingAlberto said:I really don't see a reason LBP will do above Ratchet's numbers.
DeaconKnowledge said:I million what? LTD? first month?
dabig2 said:Not to mention it was still kind of a "bad" time for the PS3 around the time Ratchet launched. And Sony had zero marketing for the title.
People are forgetting that LBP has already been getting pimped out by Sony for the last year and a half. They are going to push this title insanely hard when it comes close to releasing.
stewacide said:The Wii allows for user generated content in the form of the Mii showcase: it's a small first step, but in a perfect world LBP could have been the second.
GavinGT said:Teach me how to be both arrogant and ignorant at the same time.
Azrael said:It's imposible to create objectionable user-generated content with Miis.
BruceLeeRoy said:First Month U.S.
Nintendo already allows people to share content . . .thats what SSBB stage sharing is.Azrael said:A Wii version of LBP would be gimped by the lack of a HDD, the low amount of RAM, and Nintendo's fear of kids and families being exposed to objectionable content. Nintendo probably wouldn't even allow content to be shared online.
Woo-Fu said:Online community + easily accessed user-created content = very long legs.
It is why companies like id/valve/epic typically provide(d) all kinds of great support and content for their PC shooters long after release. Keeping that online community alive kept the games selling at retail.
Heck, I bought half-life 3 or 4 times just because I'd play a new mod, get tired of it, give/loan the copy out only to buy it again when a new mod came out.
LBP promises to have a near endless amount of new maps to play, and a built-in ranking system to help you sort the wheat from the chaff. As long as the core gameplay itself is entertaining it should have very long legs.
One other thing, if somebody wants to see a competitor to WiiPlay(in terms of attach), just convince Sony to bundle a real game with the dualshock3 at little or no increased cost.
HomerSimpson-Man said:Look at that, people buy games in the summer!
Take notes publishers! You don't have to try to cram every release into the fall/winter, how about the summer when people tend to have a lot of time to play games!!
bloody pirate said:Halo 3 would have sold more systems last year if the system wasn't puke green and actually came with the game
Haunted One said:Hey, I'm all for a more balanced release schedule throughout the year instead of everyone throwing their best shot at the holidays and hoping theirs will stick. :/
It just won't be easy to change that line of thinking. Maybe Nintendo with their releases having insane legs instead relying on the first month alone are on the right track to do so.