
This thread is long past due since Chou Climax Heroes Released in late November of 2012, but it deserves an OT. Even though I dont have a lot of time these days due to work I wanted to get this out there and share with folks a game that I've managed to have a huge amount of fun with the past few months.Forgive the lack of graphics initially, but once you see the roster size you'll see why I gave up in my limited amount of free time on compiling a unique graphic per style per form for every Rider in this game.
Kamen Rider Chou Climax Heroes is a fighting game for fans of Kamen Rider. It is on the low end for graphics, but surprisingly is quite high in content. It has over 61 Roster slots and each slot has multiple styles and additional movesets and/or forms for that character selectable to play with.
Potentially this game may just have the LARGEST roster of any fighting game out there once you calculate all the different forms available to each Rider into the grand total.
Kamen Rider OOO's has a moveset so customizable with all the various loadouts of medal styles available too him that he equates to dozens of unique moveset combinations for unique combo potential by himself.

Light Attack=Square
Heavy Attack= X
Special = O
Jump= Triangle
Throw= Back + Heavy (X)
Block= Hold Back
Rider Charge=Select (builds meter)
Rider Art=Right Bumper
Rider Cancels= Right Bumper during moves
Mobile Art=Left Bumper
Rider Finale= Light (square) + Heavy(X)
Wii Classic Controller
Y= Light Attack
B= Heavy Attack
A= Special Attack
Throw= back + Heavy (B)
Block= Hold Back
Rider Charge= "-"
Rider Art=ZL
Mobile Art=L
Rider Cancel=ZR
Transformations/Summons/Assault Burst = Right Analog Stick
Rider Finale= X
Wiimote + Nunchuck
A = Light Attack
B = Heavy Attack
A+B = Special Attack
C = Jump
Throw = Back + Heavy Attack (B)
Block = Hold Back
Rider Charge = - (Minus) Button
Z = Rider Art
1 = Mobile Art
Wiimote Shake = Rider Cancel
Transformations/Summons/Assault Burst = D-Pad on Wiimote
C+Z = Rider Finale

Rider Art = Rider Art Button. Costs 1/2 to a 1 bar of meter. Depending on the rider this button has various effects and uses such as dashes, super jumps and even teleports. Some riders can follow up the initial start up by pressing the Rider Art a button a 2nd time to do additional moves as well.
Mobile Art = Mobile Art Button (Wii) & Rider Art Button while moving (PSP). Costs 1/2 a bar of meter. This gives riders additional movement capabilities such as Air Dashes, Projectile Guard Dashes and even shooting while moving in any direction.
Jump Cancel = Jump Button. During certain designated strings for 1 bar of meter you're free to jump after your opponent in the air to do additional attacks.
Guard Cancel Backstep = Jump Button (during Block only) 1/3 of Guard Gauge to activate. Allows you to backstep during block.
Guard Cancel Sidestep= Rider Art Button (during Block only): 1/3 of Guard Gauge to activate. Allows you sidestep during a blocked string.
Rider Cancel= Rider Art Button (PSP) Rider Cancel Button (Wii) while attacking: Allows you to cancel moves into other moves to extend combos or stay safe. Costs 1 bar.
Rider Burst = Rider Art Button (PSP/Wiimote + Nunchuck) & Mobile Art + Jump Button (Wii Classic Controller) while being attacked: Allows you to interrupt your opponents string for the cost of 2/3rd's of your gauge.
Rider Finale = Rider Finale Light + Heavy (PSP), Jump + Rider Art (Wiimote + Nunchuck) & Rider Finale Button (Classic Controller). Costs a total of 4 bars to use. Costs 2 to start and the remaining 2 if it connects meaning you only lose 2 bars if it misses instead of your full gauge.
Final Reflect Chance = If your opponent has full meter when a Rider Finale is activated during Climax Time they can opt to do a Final Reflect Chance. This costs 2 meters and whomever wins the FRC spends the other 2 meters to activate the Rider Finale as normal.

This Game has several modes
- Arcade Mode- Random combination of Riders in varying styles progressively getting harder till the end of the series with a small and cute Sumo game during the credits featuring a Chibi-Rider vs a Monster. Mash buttons to out sumo the monster.*Remember to increase the difficulty in options mode for this. Its pretty easy.*
- Local Modes- These are your standard 1 vs Computer singles match, 2 player mode, and Training Mode for combos and such
- Gallery Mode- You can either view each Rider's individual Rider Finale in this mode (vs random mooks from all the shows!) by selecting the first option or view a biography of all the Various Riders in Japanese plus view a screenshot of the Rider from their show by selecting the second option
- OPTIONS MODE- its self explanatory what this is.
Rider Finales do over half health in this game and damage output is pretty high so by doing this you can get some amazingly better fights that go on forever. Climax time is harder to get and folks have to worry about guard breaking more from abusing rider bursts.
Here is how to do this.
To change player damage
---Go into options and select the FIRST option
---next to change the player settings choose the first option on the next screen
---the first option is the damage output. Set this all the way to the left to lower how much damage you do to the minimum
---to turn off CLIMAX TIME choose the second option and select OFF
---the next to last option is to confirm this.
To change CPU damage and difficulty
---Go into options and select the SECOND option that says CPU
---next to change the CPUsettings choose the first option on the next screen
---the second option from the top BTW is for the CPU's CLIMAX TIME. Turn it to the left to turn it off.
---the first option is the damage output. Set this all the way to the left to lower how much damage the CPU does to the minimum
---two option below that is an option that says CPU. This is the CPU difficulty...hit right until you run out of options to maximize difficulty

This mode is fairly LARGE and needed its own breakdown. First and foremost YOU MUST PLAY THIS MODE TO UNLOCK ALL THE RIDERS AND THEIR FORMS.
That said here is what it is like...
Here's a vid of someone in it first of all.
When you select the mode you get three options which I believe are selecting your difficulty. Left is easy, middle is normal, and right is hard. You get a map with lots of various locations on it. Each location will have Riders to fight with a bit of story dialogue before each fight. A lot of these are re-enactments of fights from the shows so if you Read Japanese it might be worth some nostalgia to you, but its really just text next to a picture. Beat the mode with a good rank and get Rider Points and of course as you beat stages you unlock Riders and more areas of the map and more fights and so on. Its actually pretty lengthy given it tries to go through THE ENTIRE CAST OF STYLES. It doesn't manage it either given how big the roster is. It was fun though and it leveled up the Riders as it progressed. Just remember easy is EASY in this game so up that difficulty to enjoy this.

You use those Rider Points BTW to level up your Rider's stats which will make them more powerful. You can access the area to buff your Riders by pushing up and selecting the first option on the left at the top of the stage select screen. Once in there simply scroll through Riders and level up the stats for who you want. Pressing jump on the PSP brought up their special abilities to purchase which were hilariously fun. Things like HYPER METER which gave insane meter for everything you did or GIGA METER which regenerated meter automatically plus unique abilities for all the Riders existed here. I still don't know what some did, but for the most part its things like 20% meter up 10% damage down. You can access special unique skills for each Rider by fully leveling all their stats so collecting and leveling in this game nets you broken tier Street Fighter Koryu hilarity at times!

The Second option on the top of Super Heroes mode is an in game Model Viewer! You can zoom in and rotate them and if you read Japanese you also get a bio of each form that has its model shown. Given how many models are in this game and extra ones were made this is fun to play with at times and you unlock models as you play in Super Heroes mode too. I think you unlock more stuff for getting high ranks on the stages.
The last option on the top right is a passcode section. You enter passcodes by putting the correct Riders in the correct order and this opens up hidden missions to play in Super Heroes Mode.

...and I just happen to have all the codes ;D
Accel and G3-X vs Scissors
Ryuki, Kuuga, Decade, Agito, Blade, Kiva.
Agito vs Ichigo
Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Den-O.
Den-O vs Odin
Kuuga, OOO, Blade, Kabuto, Agito, Wizard.
Femme vs Ryuga
Kiva, Fourze, Den-o, Decade, Kabuto, Agito.
Hibiki vs Ryuki
Wizard, Kabuto, Den-o, Hibiki, Decade, Faiz.
Meteor vs Zanki
Ryuki, Wizard, Agito, Kiva, OOO, Den-O.
Saga vs Blade
Faiz, Den-O, W, Wizard, Decade, Kuuga.
Saga vs PunchHopper
W, OOO, Wizard, Den-o, Kiva, Fourze.
Also one other passcode exists and it is to be able to play Kamen Rider Fourze's Meteor Fusion Form.To play as Fusion State, select Fourze, then tag, and pick base form. After that hold start and pick Meteor. Once at the vs screen, you'll be Fusion States.

and thats about all you need to know here.

This game is really simple. It has an 8 way run, dashes, guard dashes, combo breakers, guard breakers and finishers. Its combos are done by simply stringing together combinations of single directional inputs with light, heavy and special. It has launchers OTG's, zoning projectiles, mixups, high lows, striker assists, two on one tags, tag outs that lead to the next guy coming in with an attack and more.
Overall, its a really fun game to dig into and develop combos for and an absolute BLAST to play with friends. Is it tourney worthy? No. Damage is off the charts and some characters would get cheesey out there. Plus if you get someone down to the last 1/4th their life CLIMAX TIME initiates giving you 4 bars of meter just so you can try for your Rider Finale (which is a cinematic that usually does 3/4ths their health to close to it.)
However, none of that really means much here. Its a toku game for fans of toku and for fighting game fans who like combos it has a LOT to offer and tons of fun to enjoy in multiplayer. It can get Koryu at times if your friend is a complete DICK and chooses to not play a fighter and just spam something cheesey put in for fanservice like Hyper Kabuto but its still super fun and you got lots of combo breakers to help with asshole players anyhow.
I really think if you are a toku fan who likes fighters you owe it to yourself to import this game.

Here are some primer vids Toku-gaf's own ReXXXSoprano did for this game and some matches with cool stuff like this in them.

Offensive Basics Primer
Defense Basics Primer
Advanced Offense Primer /Kamen Rider Wizard Flame Primer
Kamen Rider Wizard Water Primer
Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Primer
Kamen Rider Wizard Land Primer
Kamen Rider Skull Primer (also assault style character primer!)
^Nice Skull Combo from above
Kamen Rider Eternal Primer
Kamen Rider Black Primer
Kamen Rider Delta Primer
Kamen Rider Meteor Primer
Kamen Rider Meteor Storm Primer
Kamen Rider The Bee Sou Yaguruma Primer (Summon Style)
Kamen Rider The Bee Shun Kageyama Primer (Clock Up Style)
And from the above video ^LOOPS!
Kamen Rider Joker vs Kamen Rider Eternal
Kamen Rider Meteor vs Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Rider Fourze (Cosmic States) vs TAG TEAM Kamen Rider Joker/Kamen Rider Chalice
Kamen Rider Blade vs Kamen Rider Garren
Kamen Rider The Bee (Clock Up Style) vs Kamen Rider Kickhopper
Kamen Rider Fourze vs Kamen Rider Black RX
Kamen Rider OOO's vs Kamen Rider Accel