Hawks Eclipse
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Was interesting to hear Kamiya talk about the Japanese companies he liked (Konami and Namco) and his rather unflattering impression of Capcom at the time.The "Kamiya Chronicles" is a series where Hideki Kamiya, one of Japan's most prolific game creators who is behind titles such as Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta or The Wonderful 101, goes back on his career spanning over 25 years. This first episode starts at Kamiya's beginnings in the industry and how he got to join Capcom and Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami to ultimately make his directorial debut with Resident Evil 2.
Also, this old interview with Satoru Iwata corroborates and adds supplementary details regarding his directorial work on Resident Evil 2.
In this second video, Kamiya talks about the circumstances that led to him directing the seminal action game that launched a genre: Devil May Cry.
I enjoyed him talking about how going in an occult direction for the enemies allowed them to have more outlandish designs vs the biotechnological ones in Resident Evil. DMC's enemy design is fantastic and its enemy encounters have been dissected thoroughly by Matthewmatosis in his excellent video here:
Part of the interview corroborates stuff that Shinji Mikami mentions about Resident Evil 3 in this GAF thread by

In this third video, Kamiya talks about how Viewtiful Joe is the first game where he got to make something of his own volition, echoing Mikami's comments about God Hand being his passion project.
In this fourth video, Kamiya talks about Okami (I haven't watched it yet, will update this part after I've done so).
Edit: Added stuff beyond the first video and its text.
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