Gentlemen, we've got a situation on our hands. A new release is cresting the horizon, and it's deliciously not affected by the diseases plaguing gaming. It's UE5, but it's running over 100fps at 1080p High on my 7800x3D and 6750xt. I have an Orthodox Christian household, so I don't allow any temporal upscaling in the house. This game isn't making me use it, so that's just another plus. Tripwire know they have a broad audience of many PC specs. I think this might be the leanest UE5 game I've played. No need to play this one in an Air B&B.
Killing Floor is a Patrician's Choice PvE, class based multiplayer shooter. You fight waves of monsters and get to purchase upgrades between waves. There's also a certain amount of persistent leveling. By my estimation, the only competition it has for best PvE MP shooter franchise of all-time is Left 4 Dead. Since they're kinda retired, Killing Floor sits alone on that throne. The ballistics model is borrowed from Red Orchestra, which is a very sim heavy MP FPS. That's what really made KF standout: It's a crazy horde mode monster shooter with sim weapons ballistics and handling. From what I've played of 3, that seems to be toned down, hopefully I'm just using the wrong guns.
The beta is closed, but the KF twitter and Alienware are giving away keys all weekend. Shouldn't be too hard if you're properly motivated.
When you play Killing Floor online, you're in the company of Chads, Misogynists, Ultra-Nationalists and all manner of political extremists. That's one of the best things about it; it naturally filters the weak. KF3 has a crazy detailed gib system. Check it out.
Killing Floor is a Patrician's Choice PvE, class based multiplayer shooter. You fight waves of monsters and get to purchase upgrades between waves. There's also a certain amount of persistent leveling. By my estimation, the only competition it has for best PvE MP shooter franchise of all-time is Left 4 Dead. Since they're kinda retired, Killing Floor sits alone on that throne. The ballistics model is borrowed from Red Orchestra, which is a very sim heavy MP FPS. That's what really made KF standout: It's a crazy horde mode monster shooter with sim weapons ballistics and handling. From what I've played of 3, that seems to be toned down, hopefully I'm just using the wrong guns.

The beta is closed, but the KF twitter and Alienware are giving away keys all weekend. Shouldn't be too hard if you're properly motivated.
When you play Killing Floor online, you're in the company of Chads, Misogynists, Ultra-Nationalists and all manner of political extremists. That's one of the best things about it; it naturally filters the weak. KF3 has a crazy detailed gib system. Check it out.