In summary what is lacking from KF2 for someone like me who loved that game?
Takes away the sim-like gun handling and trades it for CoD or APEX Legend ultra lightweight laser gun feel. Gun sounds are pure trash.
Classes are tied to heroes and the heroes look like Concord rejects. You couldn't mock up a worse change here. It's brutal.
Maps have weird ass lighting. Outdoor metropolitan map has pitch black shadow areas. No environment on earth looks like this.
Fully animated reloads are now cheap gifs you'd find in generic OW2 knockoffs
Zed Time now highlights enemies in solid red, so you can't see any of the gore from your well timed headshots
The devs know absolutely nothing about why people like Killing Floor. I say it a lot, but it's truly over for this one. Just made me go back to KF1 and I realized I'm more than OK with that.