**THERE IS NO SHOP FOR BUYING CHARACTERS ON THIS SERVER, you can trade characters if you find someone who wants to exchange their 60 horde for a 60 ally of similar, and people may privately sell their characters to their next door neighbours who knows, but people posting here trying to suggest this server is pay to win are being dishonest**
After a bit of advice from an individual who knows what's O'Rights around these here parts, I've gone ahead and whipped up this thread to spread the word about an upcoming VANILLA WOW PRIVATE SERVER...
Kronos 4 |OT| Private Vanilla WoW Server
Blizzlike + PVP + 1x Exp Rate + boosted raid difficulty + reduced PvP rank decay
First thing's first, this is an unaffiliated post. I just got a lot of joy out of the previous 3 Kronos servers and wanted to give this one the best shot I could at having good numbers in this post-Classic age. Also might be cool if we could organise a guild or a raid group, or just a PvP crew, to rep these pages in-game.
How can I get started?
They have a main website, which will splash news. You'll also find directions to getting your hands on a client here. There're also a range of Armory and stat tracking websites where you can keep an eye on server rankings and progression, I'm not sure if they'll be back running for K4.
There's also a discord. If this link expires let me know and I'll get a fresh one when I have a moment.
*NOTE* You should look up console graphics commands, you can heavily buff the graphics of your client in myriad ways using them.
What is a Private Vanilla WoW Server?
This is a free Vanilla WoW server ran by a third party who employ moderators and developers to keep it running smoothly and tweak the content to satisfy the population. Important values can be tweaked to improve the player experience - dynamic respawns during the initial rush of a new server for one can ensure that new players are never waiting long for quest mobs or the like to spawn, raid bosses receive large hp boosts to increase the difficulty of encounters, and so on - and while Kronos offers a cosmetic online store, there is nothing 'play to win' about this server.
What is the big deal about Kronos?
Kronos isn't the most famous of the pre-Classic private servers - famous flameouts Nostalrius and Elysium come to mind - but it was a very well populated and long-lived private server project with 3 fresh server launches which eventually merged back in with the original server before Naxx was ultimately opened and cleared a short while before Classic came out. I played there for a good many years, and they worked constantly to iron out bugs and respond to community feedback. It's a well run, stable server with good mods and, usually, passionate raid guilds and PvPers.
*I should add here that it's been going continuously while Classic has been out, and a reasonable pop of raiders have kept farming Naxx the entire time... no I'll never understand that
but good on them.
Kronos are thinking of implementing a server-specific item which would allow players to 'store' and self apply raid world buffs, simplifying the raid-prep process greatly. These raid buffs will be released in step with content releases, with a delay.
Note: There is no multiboxing allowed outside of capital cities, where you can exchange items. You can have one toon outside of a city and the other bank/watercooler toon, or toons, inside, but you cannot have more than one outside.
Also, all original paintings and cleavage are intact! You can brush up against people and fart in this one!
What's the PVP like?
That depends on you guys. They have all the battlegrounds - they are even planning on implementing "Mod-supervised arenas" for this server - but all BGs require players to run. Usually PvP only happens during EU and US hours, or on BG weekends - who knows, maybe Kronos will get a good population of Oceanic PvPers? Blizzlike PvP decay for inactive players is 2500 a week, but on K4 it'll be 1000.
Why should I play this when I can play more modern MMORPGs?
Because they're all copying this one, and this one is OG, and this one doesn't have to come up with random gameplay tweaks to avoid copyright claims. It is what it is and it is timeless. And it's freeee with no watered down gameplay to force you to pay a full subscription!
Why are you trying to get us to do this?
Vanilla WoW was great fun. If you tried Classic, you might know, but Kronos 4 will be superior to Classic in many ways - they can use things like Dynamic Spawning and the like to avoid things like devilsaur camping etc, they can make the content harder, but you also get more time to try and tackle the stuff at your own pace. They cap things like respec costs (5g) and Honor decay, so big roadbumps to progression are lifted.
But these things need players. Other, less succesful private server groups have tried to start servers in the recent past but suffered from a lack of players post-Classic. I want to try and help Kronos 4 buck that trend - they have the pedigree, I wanna help them get the population!
...Why you, Tschumi? You're not a big MMO player, are you?
No, I'm not, I used to be but my life has moved on. However, I am still going to roll a toon for this server - a class I can level quickly and smoothly - just to help support it, though I can't no-life it like I used to. Am I going to defend this server's honor to the death? No. I can only say that I've had the best WoW experiences of my life with Kronos, and it didn't get shut down now did it?
Thanks to the powers that be for being given the go-ahead to write this, I don't mind if someone decides that it, after all, should be taken down.
After a bit of advice from an individual who knows what's O'Rights around these here parts, I've gone ahead and whipped up this thread to spread the word about an upcoming VANILLA WOW PRIVATE SERVER...

Kronos 4 |OT| Private Vanilla WoW Server
Blizzlike + PVP + 1x Exp Rate + boosted raid difficulty + reduced PvP rank decay
How can I get started?
They have a main website, which will splash news. You'll also find directions to getting your hands on a client here. There're also a range of Armory and stat tracking websites where you can keep an eye on server rankings and progression, I'm not sure if they'll be back running for K4.
There's also a discord. If this link expires let me know and I'll get a fresh one when I have a moment.
*NOTE* You should look up console graphics commands, you can heavily buff the graphics of your client in myriad ways using them.
Greetings Travelers, Interest yeh in a pint?
You have all been waiting patiently (well, most of you anyway), and we are proud to announce the official release date for Kronos IV, along with some information on what you can expect in this new realm.
Character creation date: October 25th, 2021
To cut down on confusion for any new players joining us, we will be disabling new character creation on the current Kronos realm for about two weeks, also starting on the 25th.
What to expect – FAQ:
In preparation for Kronos IV, please take a few minutes to review the Kronos Rules
Take note that multiboxing will not be allowed in Kronos IV, with the exceptions denoted in the above Rules link.
The Kronos Team has been hard at work trying to bring you the best possible vanilla experience available. It is our hope that you will spread the word and bring your friends to take this exciting journey with you.
We are all excited and looking forward to this fresh entry to the longstanding Kronos legacy!
Keep yer feet on the ground!
– Kronos Team
You have all been waiting patiently (well, most of you anyway), and we are proud to announce the official release date for Kronos IV, along with some information on what you can expect in this new realm.
Kronos IV Launch Date
October 29th, 2021
Character creation date: October 25th, 2021
To cut down on confusion for any new players joining us, we will be disabling new character creation on the current Kronos realm for about two weeks, also starting on the 25th.
What to expect – FAQ:
- PvP Server, 1x experience rate
- No World Buffs will be available in new release raids for four weeks after its content patch.
- Content Release Timeline
- We’re working on a “Kronoboon” item that will allow you to store your World Buffs in advance and apply them to yourself when you really need them, thus allowing you to enjoy the game without worrying about your buffs.
The item is expected to go live along with the first raid content. However, further details on when exactly and how it works will be revealed at a later date. - 8 slot debuff limit up to Zul’Gurub. With Zul’Gurub, this will be increased to 16 slots.
- GM moderated PvP events such as solo and team arena battles (details at a later date)
- Honor decay due to inactivity in PvP will be capped at 1k per week instead of 2.5k, similarly as it was on Kronos III
- Players will be able to queue for battlegrounds from anywhere in the world (with some exceptions) via an in-game command .join (ab/av/wsg).
– You will be unable to use it for 5 minutes after logging into the game.
– You will be unable to use it after engaging in PvP combat (outside of battlegrounds) until you have been out of PvP combat for 5 minutes.
– You will be unable to use it while in hostile territory.
– If you join the queue and then engage in PvP, you will not lose your queue – but you will be unable to rejoin for 5 minutes.
In preparation for Kronos IV, please take a few minutes to review the Kronos Rules
Take note that multiboxing will not be allowed in Kronos IV, with the exceptions denoted in the above Rules link.
The Kronos Team has been hard at work trying to bring you the best possible vanilla experience available. It is our hope that you will spread the word and bring your friends to take this exciting journey with you.
We are all excited and looking forward to this fresh entry to the longstanding Kronos legacy!
Keep yer feet on the ground!
– Kronos Team
What is a Private Vanilla WoW Server?
This is a free Vanilla WoW server ran by a third party who employ moderators and developers to keep it running smoothly and tweak the content to satisfy the population. Important values can be tweaked to improve the player experience - dynamic respawns during the initial rush of a new server for one can ensure that new players are never waiting long for quest mobs or the like to spawn, raid bosses receive large hp boosts to increase the difficulty of encounters, and so on - and while Kronos offers a cosmetic online store, there is nothing 'play to win' about this server.
What is the big deal about Kronos?
Kronos isn't the most famous of the pre-Classic private servers - famous flameouts Nostalrius and Elysium come to mind - but it was a very well populated and long-lived private server project with 3 fresh server launches which eventually merged back in with the original server before Naxx was ultimately opened and cleared a short while before Classic came out. I played there for a good many years, and they worked constantly to iron out bugs and respond to community feedback. It's a well run, stable server with good mods and, usually, passionate raid guilds and PvPers.
*I should add here that it's been going continuously while Classic has been out, and a reasonable pop of raiders have kept farming Naxx the entire time... no I'll never understand that
Kronos are thinking of implementing a server-specific item which would allow players to 'store' and self apply raid world buffs, simplifying the raid-prep process greatly. These raid buffs will be released in step with content releases, with a delay.
Note: There is no multiboxing allowed outside of capital cities, where you can exchange items. You can have one toon outside of a city and the other bank/watercooler toon, or toons, inside, but you cannot have more than one outside.
Also, all original paintings and cleavage are intact! You can brush up against people and fart in this one!
What's the PVP like?
That depends on you guys. They have all the battlegrounds - they are even planning on implementing "Mod-supervised arenas" for this server - but all BGs require players to run. Usually PvP only happens during EU and US hours, or on BG weekends - who knows, maybe Kronos will get a good population of Oceanic PvPers? Blizzlike PvP decay for inactive players is 2500 a week, but on K4 it'll be 1000.
Why should I play this when I can play more modern MMORPGs?
Because they're all copying this one, and this one is OG, and this one doesn't have to come up with random gameplay tweaks to avoid copyright claims. It is what it is and it is timeless. And it's freeee with no watered down gameplay to force you to pay a full subscription!
Why are you trying to get us to do this?
Vanilla WoW was great fun. If you tried Classic, you might know, but Kronos 4 will be superior to Classic in many ways - they can use things like Dynamic Spawning and the like to avoid things like devilsaur camping etc, they can make the content harder, but you also get more time to try and tackle the stuff at your own pace. They cap things like respec costs (5g) and Honor decay, so big roadbumps to progression are lifted.
But these things need players. Other, less succesful private server groups have tried to start servers in the recent past but suffered from a lack of players post-Classic. I want to try and help Kronos 4 buck that trend - they have the pedigree, I wanna help them get the population!
Talking Points
Do you wanna make a raid guild? | Do you wanna make a Casual guild? | Do you wanna make a PvP guild? |
Are you gonna go horde or ally? | What's your favourite class? | What's your past experience with private servers? |
Did you play classic? | Wanna know more? | Has a bucket? |

...Why you, Tschumi? You're not a big MMO player, are you?
No, I'm not, I used to be but my life has moved on. However, I am still going to roll a toon for this server - a class I can level quickly and smoothly - just to help support it, though I can't no-life it like I used to. Am I going to defend this server's honor to the death? No. I can only say that I've had the best WoW experiences of my life with Kronos, and it didn't get shut down now did it?
Thanks to the powers that be for being given the go-ahead to write this, I don't mind if someone decides that it, after all, should be taken down.
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