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Let's talk about how Social Media is failing society


Ultimate DQ Fan
Social media has become a pervasive part of modern society, but its impact is not always positive. In fact, social media is often criticized for being a cancer, poisoning the soul of society. While social media has undoubtedly brought people together in new ways, it has also created a host of problems that threaten the health of individuals and the social fabric as a whole.

First and foremost, social media is a breeding ground for negativity. On platforms like Twitter and Facebook, people are quick to criticize, attack, and even harass others, often without any thought for the consequences. The anonymity and distance that social media provides makes it easy for people to say things they would never say in person, leading to a toxic environment where kindness and understanding are in short supply.

Additionally, social media is often used to spread misinformation and propaganda. Fake news and conspiracy theories can spread like wildfire on social media, causing harm to individuals and society at large. This misinformation can have serious consequences, from undermining trust in democratic institutions to putting people's health and safety at risk.

Social media is also a major contributor to the rise of social isolation and loneliness. While social media may make it easier to connect with others, it also encourages people to spend more time alone, scrolling through their feeds rather than engaging in meaningful social interactions. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, which can have negative effects on mental and physical health.

TikTok is especially harmful

  1. Inappropriate Content: One of the most significant criticisms of TikTok is that it allows inappropriate content, including sexually suggestive and violent videos. The platform has faced multiple controversies regarding the spread of content that promotes drug use, self-harm, and suicide.
  2. Privacy and Security Issues: TikTok has been criticized for its data privacy and security issues. The app collects a vast amount of data on its users, including their location, browsing history, and search queries. The Chinese government's ownership of the app has raised concerns that the data collected could be shared with the Chinese government, posing a threat to national security.
  3. Addiction and Screen Time: TikTok is known for its addictive nature, with users spending hours scrolling through the app. This can lead to screen addiction, which can have negative consequences on mental health, including anxiety, depression, and reduced attention span.
  4. Harmful Challenges: TikTok is also known for its viral challenges, which can sometimes be dangerous and harmful. These challenges often encourage risky behavior, including eating disorders, self-harm, and even death.
  5. Cyberbullying: TikTok has been criticized for its cyberbullying problem. Users can leave negative comments on others' videos, leading to harassment and bullying.
I can't stand Instagram either Instagram is known for promoting unrealistic beauty standards, leading to body shaming and unhealthy practices such as excessive dieting and cosmetic surgery. The platform can also perpetuate racial and cultural stereotypes.

From spreading negativity and misinformation to contributing to social isolation and mental health problems, social media is a cancer that is poisoning the soul of society. It is essential that we acknowledge these negative effects and take steps to mitigate them, both as individuals and as a society. This might involve setting limits on our social media use, fact-checking information before sharing it, and promoting more positive and compassionate interactions online. Only then can we hope to harness the potential of social media without succumbing to its harmful effects.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
At this point the link between Social Media use and mental health are crystal clear.

The data are in - use social media, you are being played for your time, your attention, and eventually your sanity.

What’s really scary is how the effect on mental health is worse on women, particularly young women who use social media during and before puberty - increases in cutting, suicidal ideation, eating disorders and more. Truly appalling. I suggest everyone check out Jonathan Haidts work if they’re interested in details - he’s the only scientist with the balls to show just how damaging all this stuff is.
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I wonder sometimes if social media is making society more dysfunctional or is it just putting on display what was already there.
My thoughts too - it’s bringing to the forefront human nature. We gravitate to controversy, people who hold contrarian viewpoints that seem exciting/different from normal. It showcases how men are naturally most attracted to the top 10% women in the world and vice versa, so the other 90% is trying to get in the top 10%. The fomo effect of seeing the best parts of other people’s lives, leading to depression.

With all this in mind - social media has the right to exist and it’s in everyone’s own perogative to use them or not. The negative effects are well documented, it’s getting to the point everyone knows it’s bad but, whatever, we can choose how to waste time however we want. Social media is like alcohol and junk food - everyone knows they’re bad, but we’re just looking for options to waste time here on earth.

Forums (a form of social media) are just as toxic. YouTube is a form of social media as well which is also toxic. With the creation of the internet, this was inevitable. Humans have been fighting each other since the start of time, it’s in our nature to be toxic.
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I don't believe it's in our nature to be toxic. There are many methods small but powerful groups of bullies and those seeking power over others use to subvert and emasculate large groups of people for their narrow gain. As long as the masses have cheap entertainment, cheap transportation and reasonable food within near effortless grasp, then indifference and status quo strongly influence daily behavior.
Social media is destroying society
The Internet is destroying society
Video games are destroying society
Cartoons are destroying society
Rock and roll is destroying society
TV is destroying society
Comic books are destroying society
Films are destroying society
The Radio is destroying society
Reading books is destroying society

See the trend here. Over the course of human history, people have always been getting their panties in a bunch when a new type of media emerges that they do not understand.

Historically they are always wrong.


I wonder sometimes if social media is making society more dysfunctional or is it just putting on display what was already there.
I am turning 49 this year, and I clearly remember what things were like before and how they are now. Back in the day before cell phones and internet, people were just as miserable and fucked up as they are now, but what usually happened is that people would sort of grow out of their "phases"(can't think of a better term atm) because they couldn't find anyone to commiserate with them, so they would just move on with their lives and end up joining the collective, so to speak.

Nowadays, with tools such as cell phones and social media, it is easier than ever for people to connect with other people who feel precisely the same way they do. Because of this, they have no reason to escape their misery or overcome adversity. They can simply exist in it, with a full support group...and now with their "new" collective, they try to pressure the rest of society to adjust to their reality.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me, just my $0.02.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Social media is destroying society
The Internet is destroying society
Video games are destroying society
Cartoons are destroying society
Rock and roll is destroying society
TV is destroying society
Comic books are destroying society
Films are destroying society
The Radio is destroying society
Reading books is destroying society

See the trend here. Over the course of human history, people have always been getting their panties in a bunch when a new type of media emerges that they do not understand.

Historically they are always wrong.

Please tell me in what ways has our society improved since social media was introduced.


I am turning 49 this year, and I clearly remember what things were like before and how they are now. Back in the day before cell phones and internet, people were just as miserable and fucked up as they are now, but what usually happened is that people would sort of grow out of their "phases"(can't think of a better term atm) because they couldn't find anyone to commiserate with them, so they would just move on with their lives and end up joining the collective, so to speak.

Nowadays, with tools such as cell phones and social media, it is easier than ever for people to connect with other people who feel precisely the same way they do. Because of this, they have no reason to escape their misery or overcome adversity. They can simply exist in it, with a full support group...and now with their "new" collective, they try to pressure the rest of society to adjust to their reality.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me, just my $0.02.
I agree with this. Social media has allowed things that would have stayed contained to a certain segment to now spread and they want to force everybody else to conform.


Gold Member
It can be argued people were always fucked up, but the internet now gives people an opportunity to show it where the public notices it.

However, there is no doubt all this public display of stupidity just accelerates it. Whether it's outright dumb shit like eating Tide Pods or burning yourself on a stove, or the more long term depression, sob story, life is over, suicide angle to it, it all leads to a portion of the population who will follow the leader and do dumb things too.

Copy catting is a real thing. And typically the government tries it's best to not promote it because they know if everyone sees it they'll copy. So they know the real effect of copying what you see.

For example, there's always suicides outside of casinos. Yet how often do you see the police saying people jumped off bridges or in front of cars near a casino? Never. But it happens. Same goes for public transit suicides (someone jumping in front of a bus or subway). All the city tells you is there's an accident causing a delay. They never ever say a guy jumped on the tracks.

The government doesn't want other depressed people copying them. But with social media, no government can stop any heinous info influencing people's minds.


Gold Member
I have a personal theory. Humans are social creatures, but I don't think we're built to interact with more than 100 people in our lives. After that, our mechanisms for dealing with social situations breaks down.
I may add, communication is a two-way thing. When there’s so many people you deal with in your everyday life, your ability to take it all in and give feedback must fail at one point, and somehow this seems to lead to dissatisfaction first, then to anxiety, then all the way to depression. We saw this so many times with celebrities, way before social media became what it is today. People who face huge crowds on a regular basis and have to deal with innumerable messages and requests seem at greater risk of breaking down at some point if they don’t effectively delegate communication to other people. Too many one-way communication lines, too much garbage in, not enough time and attention for everything.
I have a personal theory. Humans are social creatures, but I don't think we're built to interact with more than 100 people in our lives. After that, our mechanisms for dealing with social situations breaks down.
I am 100% in agreement and this has been something I've always considered. We were able to handle mass media because it was one direction and there was significant gatekeeping. Now that we can instantly communicate with literally anyone, particularly large numbers of total strangers, us as humans cannot handle it. At least, we can't do it within the span of 20 years - we need a much longer time and a slower adoption.
Yeah it's awful. Tik Tok is for NPC's. And everyone has it so. Yikes. Me? I deleted snapchat after I graduated college. Deleted tik Tok after having it for like a month before then.

All I have now is Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is where I get my gaming news/world news but also its of course designed to get you mindlessly scrolling so I've contemplated deleting it. Instagram will probably be deleted soon. I have one post up from over a year ago of my and my girlfriends NYC vacation and the explore page will feed me geek or comedy videos that amuse me for a bit. But I do believe my life would be more productive without either of them so soon I'll likely be social media free.
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Gold Member
I have a personal theory. Humans are social creatures, but I don't think we're built to interact with more than 100 people in our lives. After that, our mechanisms for dealing with social situations breaks down.
Yeah it's awful. Tik Tok is for NPC's. And everyone has it so. Yikes. Me? I deleted snapchat after I graduated college. Deleted tik Tok after having it for like a month before then.

All I have now is Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is where I get my gaming news/world news but also its of course designed to get you mindlessly scrolling so I've contemplated deleting it. Instagram will probably be deleted soon. I have post up from over a year ago of my and my girlfriends NYC vacation and the explore page will feed me geek or comedy videos that amuse me for a bit. But I do believe my life would be more productive without either of them so soon I'll likely be social media free.
There's also the worldwide display of haves and have nots. Everyone knows there's rich and poor people, but with social media (where most people only show the good stuff in their lives), a lot of people get jealous, sore, envious or outright violent other people have more cash. Whether it's true or not that other person has a better life or not who knows, but thats all people see.

So you get a lot of people feeling depressed at other people's lives. People focus so much on what other people have.... money, job, social media follower count, likes, shares etc...

Here's an idea. Just focus on what you got and accept it. Dont worry about what Twitter Tom with 10,000 followers. Who cares. He could be a broke drug addict. Focus on your life.

It's like those Happiness Surveys you see pop up here and there. You'd think everyone who lives in the richer countries should automatically mean they are happier, but thats not true. Some people in poorer countries can be happier with their state of life. When you arent climbing the ladder of success, trying to be rich or being envious and depressed other people are blowing past them in life, everyone in the neighbourhood has equally shitty TVs, there's less reason to be upset when tons of family and friends are in the same boat living a more poor and modest life. People are just happy with what they got and enjoy people's company kind of like kids in grade school all just being friendly and happy being a level playing field. All the nuances of career, life and envy are what the parents worry about, not kids in grade 3 being buddies at recess.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Is a gaming forum social media. I.am out of touch
Probably one of the original forms of a social network but there is a difference.
A Forum is a platform for discussion & opinions centred around a theme or topic and is organized and moderated within those confined Fields.
A forum member is just that, a Forum member.
Nothing more.

Social Media is a publicly open platform for connecting and communicating with people.
It is more one to one and personal, not only do you share your thoughts and opinions on wide variety of topics, you also share your life with the world.
Outside the obvious damaging things that have come from it highlighted in this thread
The most damaging thing in my opinion is the ability to earn money from it which has affected most young females.

Dr. Claus

Social media is destroying society
The Internet is destroying society
Video games are destroying society
Cartoons are destroying society
Rock and roll is destroying society
TV is destroying society
Comic books are destroying society
Films are destroying society
The Radio is destroying society
Reading books is destroying society

See the trend here. Over the course of human history, people have always been getting their panties in a bunch when a new type of media emerges that they do not understand.

Historically they are always wrong.

None of those things aside from Social Media has been proven to actually cause major, sustained damage to society and the public welfare. Trying to say it is akin to any of those others is absolute insanity.

Yeah it's awful. Tik Tok is for NPC's. And everyone has it so. Yikes. Me? I deleted snapchat after I graduated college. Deleted tik Tok after having it for like a month before then.

All I have now is Twitter and Instagram. Twitter is where I get my gaming news/world news but also its of course designed to get you mindlessly scrolling so I've contemplated deleting it. Instagram will probably be deleted soon. I have one post up from over a year ago of my and my girlfriends NYC vacation and the explore page will feed me geek or comedy videos that amuse me for a bit. But I do believe my life would be more productive without either of them so soon I'll likely be social media free.
Delete Twitter and Instagram.

I deleted every social media account I have, aside from my Discord account, which I am in a grand total of like 4 servers, and my GAF account.

Also, my Steam/GoG/Xbox/PlayStation/Nintendo accounts if you consider those "social media accounts".

There is no point in being part of any social media site these days. If I need news, I can make an RSS feed that gets sent directly to my phone or email. No bullshit comments or idiotic trigger warnings, likes, or requotes/retweets. Just the news source.


Gold Member
None of those things aside from Social Media has been proven to actually cause major, sustained damage to society and the public welfare. Trying to say it is akin to any of those others is absolute insanity.

Delete Twitter and Instagram.

I deleted every social media account I have, aside from my Discord account, which I am in a grand total of like 4 servers, and my GAF account.

Also, my Steam/GoG/Xbox/PlayStation/Nintendo accounts if you consider those "social media accounts".

There is no point in being part of any social media site these days. If I need news, I can make an RSS feed that gets sent directly to my phone or email. No bullshit comments or idiotic trigger warnings, likes, or requotes/retweets. Just the news source.
I got FB for friends and fam (I post maybe once per month), and Linkedin for careers and contacting people for job hook ups (I've never posted one public comment or like ever for all those random articles and personal opinion hit pieces people upload. The only content I've posted publicly are a handful of recommendations because some people requested one so I did it).

All the other shit like Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest, Snapchat and any other sites or apps I missed I dont do. I dont even upload videos on YT even though I think every gmail user automatically gets a YT account under the same user ID.

Unless someone is trying to make a career out it making cash or being famous (media whores), or simply want to stay in contact with fam and job opportunities (me), I see no purpose for any of them.
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Dr. Claus

I got FB for friends and fam (I post maybe once per month), and Linkedin for careers and contacting people for job hook ups (I've never posted one public comment or like ever for all those random articles and personal opinion hit pieces people upload. The only content I've posted publicly are a handful of recommendations because some people requested one so I did it).

All the other shit like Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest, Snapchat and any other sites or apps I missed I dont do. I dont even upload videos on YT even though I think every gmail user automatically gets a YT account under the same user ID.

Unless someone is trying to make a career out it making cash or being famous (media whores), or simply want to stay in contact with fam and job opportunities (me), I see no purpose for any of them.

I forgot all about Youtube, to be honest. I do have a Youtube account, mostly so I can keep the 20 or so youtubers/channels I watch on a single easy to access page. I don't watch TV and I barely use streaming services aside from the rare want to watch a particular movie. But I do love watching reviews from MandaloreGaming and Civvie11. On PC, I have my browser edited to remove all comments, video recommendations, and ads. So it is just the video and description.

For me, if I need to stay in contact with family, I have their numbers in my phone and can text them. No need for FB. Never bothered with Linkedin, but I don't think it is very useful for my career. May change later in life, but who knows.

I agree with you though. They serve mostly no purpose and only serve as a distraction and are often black holes of anger and hate to push users to engage.
None of those things aside from Social Media has been proven to actually cause major, sustained damage to society and the public welfare. Trying to say it is akin to any of those others is absolute insanity.

Delete Twitter and Instagram.

I deleted every social media account I have, aside from my Discord account, which I am in a grand total of like 4 servers, and my GAF account.

Also, my Steam/GoG/Xbox/PlayStation/Nintendo accounts if you consider those "social media accounts".

There is no point in being part of any social media site these days. If I need news, I can make an RSS feed that gets sent directly to my phone or email. No bullshit comments or idiotic trigger warnings, likes, or requotes/retweets. Just the news source.
Yeah may have to. Cause you're right the thing I didn't mention is all the dumbass random takes from NPC's on everything. Like a tweet, "Chris Nolan is making a new movie." You'll get some clown in the replies "Ugh why he sucks I hate his films". When it could've just been me seeing that a new Chris Nolan movie is coming and going "Oh awesome. On my radar now." I'm subjected to a whole shit show debate and cacophony of weird takes in the replies.

And that is how basically every single bit of news or announcements goes down on twitter.
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Dr. Claus

Yeah may have to. Cause you're right the thing I didn't mention is all the dumbass random takes from NPC's on everything. Like a tweet, "Chris Nolan is making a new movie." You'll get some clown in the replies "Ugh why he sucks I hate his films". When it could've just been me seeing that a new Chris Nolan movie is coming and going "Oh awesome. On my radar now." I'm subjected to a whole shit show debate and cacophony of weird takes in the replies.

And that is how basically every single bit of news or announcements goes down on twitter.

Delete social media and your life improves 10 fold.

Also buy some JNCO jeans


If you're an American citizen, why are you more concerned with China having your data than the American government? We learned with the Twitter Files how much direct access alphabets have to domestic social media. Some might see TikTok as a less spooky alternative.

But all your other points are valid and tbh, social media is working as intended. Only an EMP can save us.


ChatGPT 0.1
Social media has had a positive impact things like communication is a win, tweeting is fun. Tik tok is now a contender to YouTube.

Dr. Claus

Social media has had a positive impact things like communication is a win, tweeting is fun. Tik tok is now a contender to YouTube.
Discover No Way GIF by ADWEEK


Gold Member
If you're an American citizen, why are you more concerned with China having your data than the American government? We learned with the Twitter Files how much direct access alphabets have to domestic social media. Some might see TikTok as a less spooky alternative.

But all your other points are valid and tbh, social media is working as intended. Only an EMP can save us.
I always find it amazing that people are so concerned about companies using your info for marketing. They got limited info about you and are trying to see you ads and shit. There's really no harm. Just more a hassle.

On the other hand, nobody seems to give a shit every bank, mortgage, credit card company has every bit of info about you in centralized systems showing:

- Personal details like name, driver's license etc....
- All your bank account info
- All your loan info
- Credit rating
- Work permit number
- And anything else they got

Guess what? You dont even need to be a big corporation to have access to that data. I'm a landlord and have all of that info from a tenant. My real estate management company who handles my tenants sent me all their data to see if I approve her as a tenant.

The average person should have a bigger worry a shady landlord or employee with access to their actually important details, than a company knowing their search history.
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The problem with social media is that it gives everyone a voice. It’s obvious that not everyone deserves a voice.

Some people aren't supposed to have a voice for a variety of reasons(mental issues, lack of maturity, etc). It's like you see a insane person on the street screeching crazy stuff. The real world people would look away, ignore them, pretend they don't exist. Thats doesn't happen on social media.
People could say the dumbest things, the most controvertial speech but you aways gonna see people agreeing and giving likes to them.


I always find it amazing that people are so concerned about companies using your info for marketing. They got limited info about you and are trying to see you ads and shit. There's really no harm. Just more a hassle.

On the other hand, nobody seems to give a shit every bank, mortgage, credit card company has every bit of info about you in centralized systems showing:

- Personal details like name, driver's license etc....
- All your bank account info
- All your loan info
- Credit rating
- Work permit number
- And anything else they got

Guess what? You dont even need to be a big corporation to have access to that data. I'm a landlord and have all of that info from a tenant. My real estate management company who handles my tenants sent me all their data to see if I approve her as a tenant.

The average person should have a bigger worry a shady landlord or employee with access to their actually important details, than a company knowing their search history.
The mortgage companies might be the most brazen of all. I bought a house last year and the minute I put pen to paper I got the biggest avalanche of spam I've ever had. This was 5 months ago and my email is still not back to normal. I don't understand how this is OK. For all the federal agencies we have, why can't one focus on destroying spam? I'd pitch in.


Gold Member
The problem with social media is that it gives everyone a voice. It’s obvious that not everyone deserves a voice.
Easiest way to cull a lot of low brow losers. Jack up the price.

When you got social media being free, you get the worst of the worst with zero repercussions except the possibility of a ban. Which makes no difference because you can just make another profile. Typically the scummier and crazier the person, the more broke they are.

Simple examples, just compare the people you see in dollar stores and McDonalds vs. high end stores and restaurants. One end of the spectrum gets all the crazies, fights and drunks. The other doesn't. A high price is like garlic to losers.
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Gold Member
Easiest way to cull a lot of low brow losers. Jack up the price.

When you got social media being free, you get the worst of the worst with zero repercussions except the possibility of a ban. Which makes no difference because you can just make another profile. Typically the scummier and crazier the person, the more broke they are.

Simple examples, just compare the people you see in dollar stores and McDonalds vs. high end stores and restaurants. One end of the spectrum gets all the crazies, fights and drunks. The other doesn't. A high price is like garlic to losers.
Bingo. Free social media is the Waffle House at 2am of the internet.


Social media is destroying society
The Internet is destroying society
Video games are destroying society
Cartoons are destroying society
Rock and roll is destroying society
TV is destroying society
Comic books are destroying society
Films are destroying society
The Radio is destroying society
Reading books is destroying society

See the trend here. Over the course of human history, people have always been getting their panties in a bunch when a new type of media emerges that they do not understand.

Historically they are always wrong.
Difference is tv, radio, films, etc only give a platform to a select few, compared to social media which gives everyone an equal platform. At least until algorithms start manipulating content.


Social media is destroying society
The Internet is destroying society
Video games are destroying society
Cartoons are destroying society
Rock and roll is destroying society
TV is destroying society
Comic books are destroying society
Films are destroying society
The Radio is destroying society
Reading books is destroying society

See the trend here. Over the course of human history, people have always been getting their panties in a bunch when a new type of media emerges that they do not understand.

Historically they are always wrong.
I agree and I want to elaborate:

Yes, Social Media per se is in many ways cancer. It promotes hate, violence and wrong sexual views. It’s also in its infancy. Boards like NeoGaf are also a part of Web2.0 and we saw what happens when the strange people decide to make their own, that it feels like the reset of an era.

TikTok is addictive due to people being bored and wanting to see more stuff of what they like. The algorithm is something out of this world: It just works.
YouTube Shorts, although trying to copy it, fails at this point.
But is TikTok cancer? There are examples for the good and the bad things. There are amazing channels, worth your time, giving you funny or interesting content. But it’s something else that makes TikTok dangerous. Stay with me on this.

Instagram has transformed more and more into the “nice side” of the internet (someone wrote that on Twitter lately): People complimenting each other. More or less civilized conversations. It’s nice in many ways. Cozy. But it’s something else that makes Instagram dangerous.

Then there is Twitter. Twitter is the real cancer. Everyone with an opinion is offended by what you write. You can post “I like turtles” and get hateful comments about how turtles are going to die, that you are an anti-turtle-movement denier, antisemitic and a Nazi. And one guy posts a perverted video about turtles under your tweet.
But there’s also light: Many, many intelligent people, talking and tweeting about everything. You can find some of the brightest minds on earth on Twitter.
But it’s something else that makes Twitter dangerous.

Then there’s Facebook. Or as you may call it “uncle Franks rant Maschine”, the elderly home of social media.

But what makes all of these social media sites so dangerous?
They can easily manipulated. We saw this during brexit, how Trump used it for his first campaign and we see it right now with Covid or the Ukraine crisis.
Companies invest billions of money into companies that manipulate your views. Russia, China, Europe, the US - if you’re not on social media with payed accounts, you loose the war for the public opinion. You can’t trust ANYTHING that’s on the web. Even if you read it on an official site: Those journalists are also on social media, especially Twitter, and are target of manipulations.

You can target your audience nowadays so exact, it’s not even funny. Remember when Amazon sent an underage girl ads for baby stuff? She didn’t even know that she was pregnant until her parents complained with Amazon.

Big data, algorithm manipulation, ads, big companies and governments - they all want your attention. And what drives attention, gives a lot of engagement? To disagree.

Ryan’s video channel was already posted. He made a video lately about the first guy wanting to make news. And grabbed the attention of his counterpart with fear and something to hate. That’s why I’m agreeing with the quoted comment: TV, Radio were also used for propaganda (and still are nowadays. Looking at you, CNN and fox).

Do we need regulations for that? Maybe. And maybe not. Human nature is to adapt, and it’s a quick learner. It’s possible that social media will lead us more and more into the movie Ideocracy. It could also happen the opposite: People starting to use their brain. Learn how to put the pieces of the puzzle together by using more than one source.

Social Media is a curse. And a blessing.


Gold Member
It seems like life was better when I didn't have instant access to information about everything happening everywhere. Turning off pretty much all social media has improved my life significantly.


One of the green rats
It’s people failing society, it always has been.
You know these very restrictive religions where not always around. They were created because leaving people up to themselves leads to destruction and chaos. Every so often a society tries to out grow the “ guided “ lifestyle but it has always failed so far. Usually with a massive empire crumpling.


Simps for Amouranth
The human race is far too stupid to be let loose on social media without some sort of oversight, look at the shitshow that was Brexit, smart people used shady companies to manipulate stupid people into making a decision they couldn't possibly comprehend based on brown people taking ar jabs or the frenchies are trying to steal ar electric or other such stupid nonsense and stupid people being fucking stupid lapped it up and believed the memes on Facebook cause it seemed real and was written in a language they could understand aka stupid... Social Media is a fucking curse on the human race and it's elevated the loudest most obnoxious most insidious cunts on the planet and made them famous, life was simpler when I didn't know uncle Bob was a fucking Nazi

Dr. Claus

The human race is far too stupid to be let loose on social media without some sort of oversight, look at the shitshow that was Brexit, smart people used shady companies to manipulate stupid people into making a decision they couldn't possibly comprehend based on brown people taking ar jabs or the frenchies are trying to steal ar electric or other such stupid nonsense and stupid people being fucking stupid lapped it up and believed the memes on Facebook cause it seemed real and was written in a language they could understand aka stupid... Social Media is a fucking curse on the human race and it's elevated the loudest most obnoxious most insidious cunts on the planet and made them famous, life was simpler when I didn't know uncle Bob was a fucking Nazi

You are absolutely correct. Look at all the dumbasses who think that there are as many genders and sexualities as stars in the night's sky. Look at all the people trying to claim racism is now power + prejudice and not simply denigrating someone based on the colour of their skin or their nationality? Look at all the retards jumping up and believing idiotic false statistics like how certain groups are "literally" being killed on a supposed "daily basis", ignoring the reality (of what the very few actually are being killed) jobs and locations were. All the people calling anyone they disagree with as bigot, nazi, and misogynist completely removing any meaning from those words.

Definitely gave the loudest, most brain-dead group fame and reach they never should have had.
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One of those things that I gave up and feel absolutely no regret over. It's interesting that unless there is some huge revolution in these products I will more than likely be without social-media for the rest of my life.


I post on some forums including this one but I have nothing on my Facebook account and I don't have a Twitter, Instagram or Tik Tok account.

To be honest I sort of miss Myspace. It seemed nicer than what we have today.


I have a personal theory. Humans are social creatures, but I don't think we're built to interact with more than 100 people in our lives. After that, our mechanisms for dealing with social situations breaks down.

You should read a book called Sapiens, they discuss this point. That society for thousands of years only functioned in groups of less than 100, after that human beings invented myths, ideologies and religions in order to let groups of 1000's and more form societies and live together with people they dont know.


Please tell me in what ways has our society improved since social media was introduced.

Social media has enabled people in authoritarian, backwards dictatorships to communicate and co-ordinate. It's also allowed the sharing of information among people who otherwise would never have been able to express themselves, or learn fresh stuff that changes their perspective on the world.

Not everywhere is America.

I struggle to make a positive argument for social media in settled western democracies. Just the opposite, in fact.
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I am turning 49 this year, and I clearly remember what things were like before and how they are now. Back in the day before cell phones and internet, people were just as miserable and fucked up as they are now, but what usually happened is that people would sort of grow out of their "phases"(can't think of a better term atm) because they couldn't find anyone to commiserate with them, so they would just move on with their lives and end up joining the collective, so to speak.

Nowadays, with tools such as cell phones and social media, it is easier than ever for people to connect with other people who feel precisely the same way they do. Because of this, they have no reason to escape their misery or overcome adversity. They can simply exist in it, with a full support group...and now with their "new" collective, they try to pressure the rest of society to adjust to their reality.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me, just my $0.02.

i.e ResetEra, lmao.


Social media has enabled people in authoritarian, backwards dictatorships to communicate and co-ordinate. It's also allowed the sharing of information among people who otherwise would never have been able to express themselves, or learn fresh stuff that changes their perspective on the world.

Not everywhere is America.

I struggle to make a positive argument for social media in settled western democracies. Just the opposite, in fact.

On the other hand, social media was used to influence the outcome of elections in the Philippines, and they were especially vulnerable because most people only had access to the Internet for free through Facebook, and therefore only access to Facebook. FB came in to help build the country's Internet infrastructure with subsidies, and gave access only to FB for free because they just want the users. But then all you would see are the paid campaigns on Facebook with no way to see any independent news source.

People literally died because of FB's role in the election. Once in, the President was having people gunned down in the street for selling weed.


Like any technology, there's positives and negatives.

Social media allows people to say the most supid shit with 0 real life consequences which means you see the best and worst of humanity. (although, people are starting to be held more accountable these days)


Gold Member
I am turning 49 this year, and I clearly remember what things were like before and how they are now. Back in the day before cell phones and internet, people were just as miserable and fucked up as they are now, but what usually happened is that people would sort of grow out of their "phases"(can't think of a better term atm) because they couldn't find anyone to commiserate with them, so they would just move on with their lives and end up joining the collective, so to speak.

Nowadays, with tools such as cell phones and social media, it is easier than ever for people to connect with other people who feel precisely the same way they do. Because of this, they have no reason to escape their misery or overcome adversity. They can simply exist in it, with a full support group...and now with their "new" collective, they try to pressure the rest of society to adjust to their reality.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone but me, just my $0.02.

Also, modern day parents are super giving. Not only can the idiot stay on social media or playing Fortnite forever wasting time, but there's a good chance their parents will let them stay home and live there till they're 40. So the urgency to grow up, get a job and move out is likely the lowest in history. I bet shit loads of them have little ambition and are literally waiting for their parents to die early so they can swoop in and take over their assets (free ride mentality), or begging for them to go into their retirement savings at age 60 and buy them a car or condo.

Thats probably why there's so many people are getting mental health issues. You got 38 year old manchildren battling it out with their 62 year old parents in the same house. Parents probably stress when they'll grow up and get out, but dont have the heart to kick them out. Manbaby argues back lying on his bed on his smarthphone all day after coming home from a shitty job.

Dinner time table talk must be killer discussions.
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On the other hand, social media was used to influence the outcome of elections in the Philippines, and they were especially vulnerable because most people only had access to the Internet for free through Facebook, and therefore only access to Facebook. FB came in to help build the country's Internet infrastructure with subsidies, and gave access only to FB for free because they just want the users. But then all you would see are the paid campaigns on Facebook with no way to see any independent news source.

People literally died because of FB's role in the election. Once in, the President was having people gunned down in the street for selling weed.

Well... I guess I'm duty bound to ask if you can provide verifiable evidence of this? I'm no fan of Zuckerbot's hellsite, but the claim FB directly led to the death of people needs a bit of back up.
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